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Everything posted by 0119

  1. Team Daiwa TD-X. Top of the line Daiwa when in was available and very nice....still
  2. Maybe the problem is that it is power pro. If you must use braid at least sufix and daiwa have more carriers and represent a more recent generation of technology. Better yet....buck the trend and use mono, your reel will appreciate it in the future.
  3. Did you lube or wipe it down recently? Often water reacting with oil will look white on various parts of you reel.
  4. I picked up my CI4 in November, the first one to hit town. I wasnt able to fish it till Christmas when Mama Santa let me have it. It was on a 7'2" Cumara. They are made for each other and balance like no other combo. Its an incredible soft plastic outfit.
  5. Zoom Trick Worm, plain watermelon in clear water, black in any other water. Always weightless with a 2/0 or 3/0 hook.
  6. Aluminum. And its still better than the E series.
  7. A friend of mine had the same thing happen to an Ardent C400. Looked exactly like that to both graphite plate, aluminum frame, and a portion of the spool. It was from his overly liberal use of sun screen lotion. He thought he cleaned his hands well enough just wiping them dry, but that isnt good enough. By the way, Ardent replaced the entire reel no charge.
  8. 50lb braid main line uni-knot'ed to 30lb. mono leader 16" to an Owner octopus hook. Always used live bait.
  9. I use 103 PP with my StradicCI4 2500. I have been thinking of replacing it with Sufix in 6# that I used to use with Stradic 1000 in the past. So thin using a leader is almost a mute point. Braids true # strength is way understated also.
  10. The Ft.Myers store has removed every spool of power pro line. They would give no explanation. I went there to return 2 out of 3 long sleeve T's I got for Christmas. Each of the T's were marked the same size, none were the same size! If you find something in the catalog chances are that store doesnt carry it in stock. But they have isles of nick-nacks, under armour sport clothes, and over sized bait fishing equipment not used any further south than Jax.
  11. Geez man just put some rubbing alcohol on a swab and wipe the excess oil you put on the spools shaft and the race the brakes touch as the spool rotates. Get the oil off the brakes too while your at it, it'll cast fine. If you hate it so much just go buy a Revo/BPS/Phoolger real from the mongo conglomerate.
  12. FWC in their emergency order did allow the removal of dead fish of any kind including the snook. In that order NO allowance was made for the possession to include keeping and consuming the snook, only the proper disposal to normal waste.
  13. I use the speed worm and ultra vibe version, when I can find it. Work it weightless steadily thru emergent shoreline grass and duck weed. Very successful technique.
  14. Trick Worm for sure, super fluke second.
  15. You can even do it yourself. There is a pic by pic instructional page on shimano's site on how to replace it. Might be hard to find the part though, seems like they've run out of parts on recent discontinued models pretty quickly these days. There's a list of models with no available parts on the site too.
  16. I do believe the Mojo is made in Mexico not the u.s. But it is still a great rod though many are tip heavy. Its well built.
  17. True it still has value, but why buy it new knowing availability of parts is minimal. Especially if a newly introduced model at the same $ will have parts available for more years ahead.
  18. Thanks for the info Wayne.
  19. The old Fuego, all red, was a beautiful reel. The Sol? Orande body/frame and a grey rotor? Yuck. Still why get a reel that is ordained to be cancelled after the end of this model year.
  20. The Coastal is the same as a Tierra but with a CRBB. Honestly the CI4 does cast farther than any spinning reel I've ever had. But with light braid any spinning reel casts farther than most people can throw accurately anyway.
  21. Is Color-Rite a brand name? I dont think I understand, is it a fabric dye or is it something fishing specific? Thats a great idea the way you did that, I'd like to try it.
  22. Your right its not fair......to compare brand new first year run technology with a reel not only out for a few years but on the cusp of being replaced. Both Sols won a years reprieve but are due to be replaced by the next. That being said it'll only be a year or so before parts arent available. Daiwa and Shimano are both notorious for that, my Curado D's are one series back and no parts are available.
  23. Fly fishing leader wallet. It has small ziploc sleeves, lays flat and has a velcro closure. BPS has one under their White River in house brand. I use it all the time walking the bank saltwater fishing.
  24. Hey SW Fl Kid...where you at? I'm in Englewood. Nice to know theres somebody here thats close to home.
  25. I love my 2500 CI4. I hardly pick up another reel since I got it. It is fluid smooth compared to Daiwas Tierra and Coastal series'.
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