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Everything posted by 0119

  1. Im looking at rods for the same technique. Ive been able to handle two rods, St.Croix Premier 5'6"M and a Legend Tournament 5'6"M skipping model. For the money the Premier is fine. Thats a tough rod to find in stores around here and Im not familiar with other skipping specific rods. Alot folks will say to use a longer rod but Ive never been happy skipping with longer than 6'.
  2. The E has graphite sideplates as does your Daiwa. Ive had the E and was nothing but dissappointed by it compared to the D. I now have a Revo SX and love it. I dont think the $10 upgrades you anything. I feel it casts lighter baits better and all baits farther with less effort. But most of all I never realized how poor the shimano anti reverse is compared to Abu and Daiwas. It makes for a much more solid feeling reel. The E was downgraded from the D if you ask me, especially if your a multi-species angler.
  3. Shimano Stradic CI4 2500 on a Cumara 7'2" and 8lb mono. This and binder of Zoom Trick Worms and Im happy. Take it flats fishing with a 20# leader and a Fluke bait. Would like to have gotten the 6'8" rod though....
  4. Why? Their opinion means as little or as much as anyone here. But their forums do keep a much more civilized demeanor.....
  5. For what its worth Capt. I think you are right asuming they evaluated both rods the same. Especially since the evaluations were both entitled "The One Series" a continuing saga searching for 'the one'.
  6. If the price of a GLX includes the mental and physical man hours of development, they have recouped their $ hundreds of times over. Considering how many years that model has been out. With trinkle down technology what shimano is known for the GLX should be the price of a gl2.
  7. Good luck on an older reel like that. I cant get shimano parts for a reel 3 years old! As far as your avatar, Be proud of your harvest and eat more fish, brain food. Lord knows theres alot of idiots on this forum who need to eat more fish!
  8. Jokes on us all. They probably come from the same factory in china and just exit out of different shipping docks. What anybody likes or prefers in a rod is too subjective. Ive learned to hate everything about my cumara rods with just a little use. I fell in love with the only vendetta I have a 6'3".
  9. I had cut the hook as flush to the flesh as possible the entire hook was not there to rust out. A hook rusts quicker than you think in the flesh due to the bodies chemistry also. The metal was still there but I could see it was rusting away.
  10. Super Spook Jr. tied with a loop knot.
  11. The SX definitely casts lighter and more wind resistant baits, better than my E7's did. Flukes, 1/4 buzzbaits, Slug-go's.
  12. I do know from experience that hooks do rust out. Ive seen a bass I could ID by unique markings caught just a week after I cut off a hook in its upper troat. A small nub of metal was visable and a small wound around it. Apparently it didnt stop it from feeding again.
  13. I've had 8 Curados all sizes,3 different series. If your just bass fishing maybe it'll last you forever! Between the Curado E and the Stradic CI4, Im no longer the completely loyal shimano user I had been for 20 years. I happier with the 2010 Revo SX than Ive ever been with any Curado.
  14. Buzzbaits, slightly easier to keep them on the surface. Walkin the dog, less cranking, easier to control the slack you have to keep in your line. Great for pitching getting the lure back to you through empty water.
  15. Same answer I gave you yesterday when you first posted this question but nobody decided to answer.
  16. Im very happy with my sx and dont miss my e7's at all. I find the mag control easier to fine tune than the older style stx was. Its the only reel I can say I havent backlashed.
  17. Of course here in Florida I havent gotten much experience with insulated gear. For a relatively cheap and tough suit, BPS's Thunderlight gear has worked great. Really tough for me and Im a 3xl so the gear is pushed to its limits seam wise .
  18. I fish the Peace River in s.w. fl.. I catch bass into the high single digits regularly about 3 miles from what is considered salt. I know there are bigger there. I think your chances at getting a 10+ are better there where less pressure is being put on the fish.
  19. Ivory billed woodpeckers arent thriving but loggers are making millions. All because folks are making a living at the expense of natural resources doesnt mean any species is thriving.
  20. I want to go where you are....thriving? Aint no bass or animal other than wild hogs and mis managed whitetails thriving anywhere in this country. Golfers maybe thriving, jet skiers thriving, the fish and angling aint thriving. Tournaments and pro's have most certainly a negative impact on fish. Just like average anglers do mishandling their catch oh but lets not start that argument again.
  21. Wow what a glowing report coming from a guy who use Daiwas JDM stuff! Makes you think twice about them Revo's.
  22. Ive caught one bass on the Senko in 2 years. They were all the bass have been seeing here I suspect, everybody throws them first and foremost. I think its good that you want and do use other things. Become adept with everything.
  23. Nice very nice. Man I miss those big Jack. Havent seen them come in for the last three years. My favorite fish to catch. Whats the temp in your surf, its just hit 80 over here.
  24. Dont feel like an idiot, who'd expect a new reel to be missing a part out of the box. Have fun, baitcasting is the way to go.
  25. The 6'3" casting feels like it is part of me, Ive never been more accurate with another rod. In the hand it feels lighter than my 6"3" Legend Tournament.
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