You bet, bass are predators and take any opportunity. That said they're also lazy and will prefer eddies or somewhere with lesser current. But I have caught nice bass in current I didnt expect they would be hanging in. Hunger + opportunity= they'll be there somewhere.
A page of high priced shimanos is one thing(I own or owned most) but if your looking for something priced in the same range as the Exceler, you could horse a Abu 4600C3 for ever and never look back.
I read the ingredients on the back of a can at the paint store today. It mentioned nothing about using citrus products. The active ingredient was M.E.K. It is not recommended that you leave M.E.K. in contact with aluminum and many alloy's for any length of time. I'd think there are less risky products to use.
I dont hold alot of faith in natural alternatives. Cigar! Funny we used to smoke em when we were around a body to keep the funk out of our noses! Never noticed it working on the skeeters though. Anyone ever try the Therma-Cell device?
Recently Ive seen OFF commercials about a clip on device that has a fan inside. "Puts an invisible shield around you". Has anybody tried it yet? Has it worked? I religiously avoid using bug repellant when fishing but this year local govt. cancelled all mosquito control due to budgetary restraints.
Do those management companies have a record of producing well balanced fisheries? Down here the pond management companies strictly irradicate weedgrowth both out and under the water. They have no interest in maintaining or developing forage and foliage for game fish. Sadly niether do the lake owners.
The Spit-n-Image is still on the shelf of the Bass Pro here in s.w.florida. Its also listed on bass pro's web site but only in 2 colors. Look under saltwater baits. Its sad to hear about Charlies Worms. They held a great scent and were prestty cheap too. lad I have a stock of black 10"ers.
I havent found a snagless sally in any store in southwest florida. Its my understanding its discountinued. I havent found it on yakimas site either. Thinking about making them from parts available from janns or barlows.
Maybe its more of a personal perception thing. I have the same model rods in different lengths and 'think' I can tell a difference. Im for shorter rods myself. I 'think' I feel more sensitivity and Im confident that I have more control. As far as casting distance goes, with todays hi tech reels I can get just as much distance out of a 6'6" or 6'3" rod as a 7'. At least at the distances needed for bass fishing.
I have a buddy who tripped walking on boulders used to shoulder a bridge. He fell over the seawall the water about 10ft. down. Tide was out water was only about 5ft deep. He busted a couple ribs and got some stitches over his eye. Worst part he's 80 years old. He busted his Shimano V rod and his Ardent baitcaster. Ive got to give it to Ardent, they replaced the reel no cost when he sent it in for repair not expecting a replacement.
200D weighed 8.9 I believe. My 300D comes in a just under 10oz. The 200D had many features that were dropped when it was alledgedly improved to a E. Chromed brass sideplate screws turned to black painted metal. The thickness of the main gear was cut in half. The worm gear shroud went from metal to plastic. Now you have to access the left sideplate to remove the right.
Yes line twist does occur just the same as it does with mono or floro. But since braid has no perceived memory it is not noticable or very much so. Spoons, inline spinners soft plastics still twist on the line, b ut its no big deal.
Yes Id say 90% soft plastics. When I use hard baits its nearly always a topwater or a waking crankbait. Here its impossible to fish anything that is a bottom bouncer, too much exotic weed growth.
I have over a dozen mojos and premiers and have never had that problem. But surfcasters sometimes due because of the torque they make with those crazy casting techniques. They put a few wraps of clear packing tape on the reels feet. It builds up to make a better fit with the inside of the hood. Not St. Croixs fault but you'd think Fuji, the premier rod part maker would have better quality control.
Ive never had a loop knot break but re-tying is supposed to be done often anyway. This includes saltwater fly fishing where almost all my flies are tied with a loop knot. Lots of hard hitting fish a long runs.
I fish a spook jr. more than anything! I had always used a palomar and tied tight to the line eye. I read this was better in a In-Fisherman article on topwaters. Recently Ive been using the Rapala loop knot and I get more of a swaying action from it. You can nearly keep it in one spot this way.
Ive used an 8wt but prefer a 6wt even when targeting bigger bass. Fly fishing is an extremely complex or at least usually is. I'd suggest you get the kind of guidance you can only get from a fly fishing for bass specific website. I think the best is The guys there will help you and the have a common sense approach that wont tell you that you have to spend thousands to catch a bass.
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