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Everything posted by 0119

  1. I only use rods under 6'6" for bass fishing. 7ft and 8ft for catfishing. Ive got 2 7'2" Cumaras I never use hate them cause of their length. Caught 13 bass today using a 5'6" pistolgrip rod and gasp! A reel with only 2 ball bearings.....
  2. I'm game. Florida cop for 25 years. Florida state statutes do provide a "sportsman" the right to carry in plain view, a firearm for self defense. But only while in the field and engaged in "sportsmanlike" activity. Thats the traditional acts of fishing, trapping, netting, hunting, camping and birdwatching. The "sportsman" must be afoot, afield and meet the definition of a sportsman. Municipalities quickly grab ahold of this and designate wooded areas in their jurisdictions as bird sanctuary as allowed by Florida State Administrative Code, thus engaging the one exception to this law so sportsman cannot carry a firearm. On the east coast most counties are border to border municipalities so you'll have to check whose jurisdiction your in.
  3. I think it all depends on where you fish. Big water or small. Shore or boat or both. For me a 7' is to long for narrow creeks and canals. Weedgrowth keeps me from fishing cranks much. Its something you gotta consider. As far as reels, 4600C3's.
  4. Ive lost too many big snook from fighting them on light tackle. And i mean, have them go belly up even after trying to revive them. Snook your lucky you get into so many good fish. My side of florida is dessimated by too much development, too many snowbirds, too much run off and too many guides. I feel like "Skink" in a Carl Hiaasen novel.
  5. I throw topwaters in pockets in dense brush alot. Braids good for yanking the occasional hang up but its coarse texture gets caught easily in wood. The smooth leader slides easily and actually get hung up less when Im coaxing a spook to flip over a limb. Contrary to 'experts' braid has lousy abrasion resistance, ask its manufacturers.
  6. Simple Green took the anodizing off my wife's rims when I used it to remove brake dust. Hate to think what it would do to a reel. I ruined the finish of a Revo SX just whipping it down with a rag that had 3 in 1 oil on it. After that even reel oil scares me!
  7. Theres an interesting post about the Toro with detailed pics on alantani. White metal parts in vital areas. Thats a site I always search before I buy any reel anymore. Helps you make an educated purchase.
  8. I could go for some freezing weather myself. 2+ weeks over 85 sucks. Tell me theres no global warming. winter doesnt even exist done here anymore.
  9. What you want to know that hasnt been said as far as experience with it? Ive been using it 4 or 5 times a week since it came available. More snook than I can count. At least 20 bass. A few reds too. Its quieter than all the other braids Ive used. It fades just as quickly. It seems to take color from a sharpie better than Suffix 832 did for me. The slick surface does go away after some use and it gets limp as all other line does. But I have never experienced a wind knot with it in 20# or 10# and I fish very windy conditions this time of year. At least in my area, it is easier to find locally than Sufix is. It cant be worse than original power pro, because along with spiderwire, the original was pitiful to begin with.
  10. What were you fishing for? It looks nice and cold up there, I can smell the crisp air just looking at those naked trees! We arnt having a winter down here. Breaking records in the high 80's. I bet that was a good fight on 6#. Very cool
  11. Like you I fish from a yak. How do you secure your rod on the yak? If you use a in the hull tube that places the reel close to the water it will get wet. It just happens. I found that the only reel that takes the partial dipping or splash isnt a low profile reel. Maybe if you enjoy taking your reels apart after every trip its o.k. Because Ive had to strip them down often the good old Abu 4600C3 was the best bet. $89 super easy to strip down, there isnt anything you cant repair yourself.
  12. Ive been using 20# timber brown for over a month, fishing 4 or 5 times a week. Its held up better than original PP. The color faded just as fast as any other braid though. The slick stiff coating wore off within 3or 4 outings. Its very quiet through the guides, more so than any other braid Ive used.
  13. Just keep our eyes open cause Shimano changed the D so fast due to public outcry, they will be redesigning the G before you know it. Its getting more internet negative comments than the D ever did.
  14. Good luck finding some 100D's. They are getting hard to find even in good condition. The D outshines the E a hundred ways but you cant say that here it'll get you banned and hated for thinking bass fishermen have such weak wrists.
  15. Is the sale still going on? The fishing section of the Dicks closest to me never sees any serious customers. Only joggers and under armour fanatics go there. Should be ripe for the pickings.
  16. Fly rod for sure. Nymph or suspending bug imitator. Ive used a fly from Umpqua called the San Pedro Crab that is made of green dubbing. It is very small and suspends when using a furled leader. I dont think much of their fight though. Big weight, slow runs, they seem to loose their energy quick and go belly up waiting to be pulled in.
  17. You think 8lb. mono took fight out of fish? Fight that they had when you use stronger braid?
  18. I dont fight any fish no matter what flavor of water it comes from, with the reel. Only bass fishermen do that. Your supposed to use the rod to fight the fish. Contrary to all the magazine/tv hype, a snook is no different than a bass. All those pics of internet kings holding monster fish are mostly crap. A typical snook weighs 3 to 10lbs and the fight lasts a minute longer than it does with a bass. Whats up with the Shimano love, I thought you were a Pinnacle man now, dont forget your sponsor.
  19. My 2500CI4 is worn out after two years of Snook fishing. It'll tune up to be as good as new but I'll reserve it for bass fishing. The 3000 FJ I replaced it with is a tank. Some people complain about the handle but after the CI4's eva, I think its fantasic. Ive never really needed a spare spool while out in the field so I'll keep that from bothering me. Besides the X ship really makes for a superior reel.
  20. Always a Zoom Super Fluke. In clear freshwater I use Arkansas Shiner and Clear. In tannic stained water, Golden Bream or Houdini. In stained, Houdini. In saltwater and when visiting the big lakes in Tenn., White Ice. Ive caught more and bigger fish this last year on the super fluke than anything else, but probably cause I throw it 99% of the time. In any water that isnt clear I slip in a tiny glass rattle tube.
  21. They're not a new company, just not well known out of Europe. Years ago I found their Black Widow co poly thru shark river. It is an excellent line and seemed made for spinning reels. Back then they had factories in Portugal and Germany. If I could find it again I'd use it.
  22. I use them on all poppers and on most of my tiny torpedos. I tie my own but I dont use feathers. I use EP hair, bucktail, flashabou and EP Sparkle. For the torpedos I use just a short skirt of translucent flahabou and 2 or 3 longer strands of red Sparkle.
  23. There are videos at tackletour and Larry Dahlbergs youtube channel. Definitely not bass gear. Just an unusual release date considering ICAST. I cant think of another reason any retailer would have nearly 100 bucks off a very popular model except a new versions release. Just like they did with the Curado, Citica, Stradic FI and Sustain.
  24. Its bigger than the 300, similar to Daiwas big computer screened trolling reels in size. Marketed towards Musky, saltwater and swimbait fishermen. There have been threads about it. Due out after the new year.
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