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Everything posted by 0119

  1. You think there's a difference? They come out of different back doors of the same factory, made by the same workers, made with the same components......
  2. Painful looking grips. Interesting that in a world where bigger thicker chunkier eva and septon grips are praised as comfortable, that the highest end after market chooses to go the opposite direction with cold metal extremely small diameter paddles.
  3. All this stuff is trends, thats all. They have to sell more so things are made either more expense and or with planned obsolescence. Rods made with techniques written on them and marketers telling gullible consumers that they need several to do what one or two used to do. Reels in different gears for the same reason. Grandpa with his metal 4ft. rod and wood one colored plug never really caught fish.......absolutely never big ones or world records! Nobody believes George Perry could have caught the record without a sub 5oz. 12 b.b. reel made out of unobtanium on a 7ft.3 and 3/16th.'s inch long rod in matching colors. 6 years from now when they need to make even more money they will tell their "pro's" to start using 5'6" pistol grip rods and proclaim them essential for skipping spybait worm hybrid lures with blue hooks.
  4. I say that all the time about my custom made Ambassadeurs, and the world thinks I'm nuts.
  5. Last year I got to talk to Mr. Loomis at a small local shop and handle his unique rods. Nothing about them was cookie cutter and everything about them was amazing. I'm apparently the only person who has less than stellar customer service from St.Croix. Anyway the edge was on an entirely different planet from even the very top end of St.Croix and I regret everyday that didn't buy one.
  6. Been there, walked it for years......until I needed parts and a non smart alec on the phone. Happy I'm off that road Thats too bad for us as consumers. I expect a pistol I use for defense, a shotgun I use for hunting and the knives I have in my pocket to last my life and then into my kids. They are going to cherish them just as I cherish those things that were my fathers. Too bad we can't see that and demand it in our fishing equipment.
  7. Who, the ones that know you don't have to listen to internet experts. The ones that can catch fish without this seasons uber bearing sub 2 oz. wunder reel from that one company whose reels are the only reels that catch fish. The ones who don't have a glittery boat or boxes and boxes of $50 plugs carved by an artist in his garage in So. Cali? The ones who know that before fancy bullet proof lines called Gliss or Platypus, b.b.'s with orange seals and lures with teeny tiny japanese flags painted on them...... our grand pappys were catching hawgs using their brains and flexing huge biceps born of holding a reel that...gasp..... weighed more than 5 oz.?
  8. Amen! 14# Big Game for most everything, 12# for some crankbaiting, 10# for spinning. Braid is just used for backing, its good for nothing but filler. Like Shaw Grisby describes in a video. Top shot of 50 feet of mono.
  9. Producto's web site direct. Producto's do have a unique squishy feel but at the same time are tough. Primetime, I saw the buzz shad too. Ordered some along with the worm. Thanks.
  10. Ditto. The Spinfisher has worked great for me too. Last fall I caught a 3ft. Sand shark on the 3500 and 12# mono. What a blast!
  11. I recently tried swapping out my 40 year old Ambassadeurs for several new Shimano Chronarch CI4's. I found them to have too much braking, be over complicated in design and adjustment and the huge gaping hole surrounding the brake control dial let so much water in it was a disaster. I'm now happily back to my old, everybody laughs at me reels.
  12. Maybe Bassmasters magazine was just lying........
  13. Well you posted this a month to late. Uncle Josh parent company announced last month the production of pork rind products has been concluded. Lack of consumer interest and the inability to get quality pork. Just like the food we eat, the pork skins were from animals rushed too quickly into market. This caused the quality to suffer so bad Uncle Josh could not continue to make the product to the most minimum standard.
  14. Yes they are to the right people. the bass fishing forum or fly anglers online board would better suit the o.p. for better direction on that. Better yet the reels sub forum on theflyfishingforum.
  15. Buckets didn't work for me either but they collected spiders and frogs like crazy. Worked great for carrying a thermos though. I saw a 5 gal. bucket lid with molded in compartments that looked good to help. It just ended up too big too much stuff. The surf pouches that striper fishermen use walking the northern beaches works the best. d rings to hold grippers, slots for pliers and made of material resistant to catching hook points.
  16. Wrong. To get the degree of seals offered on the Spinfisher you have to look at a Stella SW or hope that the mag oil of the Ballistic with prove to be as tight as the seals throughout the Spinfisher.
  17. On most forums the shimano worshippers took great pains to bash the Spinfisher when it was re released. They made a point to bash the brand and claimed they were purposely cheating and lying. It all stemmed from the error of the Penn rep in his rather casual description of the seals and the reels designed purpose on a youtube video. The reel isnt water tight it is water resistant. Its not a Van Stall, ZeeBass or Penn Torque that are all designed to be "skished", thats a style of fishing some fools like to do in new York where they use the reel completely submerged while they do their best imitation of a seal in white shark invested cold waters. When the earliest reels came on the market some "reel experts" found that one seal in the spool assembly was often not installed correctly. It was a simple fix to simply loosen 3 screws push the seals edge inward and then tighten the screws. Its a great reel for its designed purpose and for the money. It isnt a $800 Van Stall and doesnt offer what the Van Stall does at a cheaper price. The real problem is a lot of people demand that it is and treat it like it is, then cry when it doesnt perform like it is. Go to alan tani's forum where the "reel experts" hang out and give each other advise. In the spinning reel sub forum you will find an entire tutorial on how to maintain and pre treat the reel to insure it will give you a decade or more of faithful service.
  18. That's exactly the worm I'm looking for. I've always liked Producto and haven't seen them in decades. I thought they were long gone. I didn't think to search for their website. Thanks for your help.
  19. China-mart isn't my first choice for anything except cheap ammo! No walmart in Fl. carries more than a handful of non saltwater tackle useful for soaking a shrimp by a snowbird. BPS had the 12" jelly worms but they look very transparent. Looking for a 10"+ worm not Culprits ribbon tails. I'll check out the Fat Maxx. Thanks everybody...
  20. I've never heard of either of these brands, I'm guessing they're available from t.w. ?
  21. 10" ribbon tails have been driving me nuts. The tails often wrap on wood and actually hold on enough to cause me to have to retrieve them. This is in a dense wood situation. Creatures and toads don't get much of a bite compared to the 10 and 12 inch worms do. Looking for maybe a paddle type tail for some thumping action. Any suggestions on brands to try?
  22. Andrew welcome to the forum. I for one would find your concept not only feasible but VERY useful. The friends I fish with also feel this is feasible and useful. Unlike so many here I feel less encumbered by a belt worn pouch than something hanging over my shoulder or back. The millions of anglers like me who are of "majestic" stature find it impossible to find properly fitting man purses to drape over us. I also see no need to carry the kitchen sink and find a few well thought out choices in tackle to be enough to target the prey I have targeted for decades on the same water. If I haven't figured them out by now I should just quit fishing.! I suggest you google "striper fishing surf bags belt pouch" or ask this question on a surf fishing/striper fishing forum. Those anglers are more pedestrian in nature than "bass angler's" and could give you hundreds of suggestions since they use belt pouches every day and can point out short comings like material that can and cannot be caught by the hooks of the lures. Good luck with your project, it deserves an A.
  23. I have the Spinfisher V. A heavyweight tank even in its smallest size. Strictly use it for pier fishing with bait. I have 2 Clash's. Excellent lightweight, at least for saltwater use. Serious drag. Smooth internals. Ten times better than the new Stradic for the fact the user can open it up and not void the warranty.
  24. Daiwa SS Tournament series. Old style anti reverse that likely will never break but you can rebuild, lasts decades, smoothest drag in a spinner, casts better than most if not all "modern" spinners. $119 at Bass Pro. Want a longer warranty splurge and pay for their 2 year free replacement plan at the register. The SS is the reel more salty guides use in the keys than any other brand because its known for being bullet proof.
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