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Everything posted by 0119

  1. The blank looks slimmer than the Veritas its laying next to. FYI the Veritas were priced at a jumped up $119 at BPS tonight at the opening day of the classic sale.
  2. Shimurgery................ haaaaaaaaa
  3. Back in the 80's In-Fisherman was thicker than a BPS spring catalog and the articles were so detailed they ran a dozen pages of real text. Nothing new comes close. I'd say your better off getting into the articles section of this site, you'll definitely get more than any magazine. Also look for ***s articles on the web.
  4. Theres a site where the guys use alot of 40's to 80's fly tackle called thebasspond I'd bet someone there would be able to venture a guess but I dont think it'll be much except to a Garcia fan looking for the softer action for throwing bugs.
  5. The newer version I think its called x-rap shad, has caught me alot of fish the last six months. Saltwater fish too. I mostly use it as a jerk bait in very shallow water.
  6. There might be more casual fisherman who will never be involved enough to support the rights of fishermen, but FishChris is right. And we as avid serious fishermen, myself included really dont do enough to pursue our right either. If it be waters with fly only requirements, circle hook only laws on saltwaters to federal and state marine advisory commissions like here in Fl. that are stacked with commercial fishing lobbyists that are personally/financially involved in decreasing recreational fishing and increasing commercial limits. We are seeing the beginning of the 'end' of the shooting sports. One day even your grandpa's antique pocket knife will be a target of control.
  7. 0119


    Buff brand gloves are fine and seem to be durable. Wish they offered more manly colors though. My neck Buff I gave up on, I only wanted it to protect the back of my neck. Im a big guy and it doesnt stay put, always creeping up and exposing me between the t-shirt hem and the buff. With the gloves you have to give them a little while to get used to them before you give up on them. With casting reels, I felt like I was always going to lose grip as I palmed the reel at time of hookset.
  8. Nope. Look at hookless.com Might not be your cup of tea but needing for nothing. The fish dont know or care what is sitting on your rod.
  9. Why get rid of it for the fact it is dated? A fly reel of all things hasnt changed from its most simplistic design it originally was. To get the large arbor you sacrifice weight and the reel becomes ridiculously wide. The latest techno carbon drag of my Nautilus is no better than My buddies plain old cork Abel.
  10. Heck my youngest reel was made in 94 and my most used 2 reels are from the 70's. Old dont mean poorly engineered and uncapable. Abu still has parts for the XLT.
  11. Yeah no shimanos on my coast either. Mostly paintless Quantum Boca's and squeaky Penns dusted with a liberal dose of walmarts cheapest Shakesphere combos with steel leaders!
  12. Maybe search ebay for one on sale, it might have the specs posted. You'd probably have to wait till the holiday weekend is over to call Pure Fishing for their help. Might try going to Mikesreelrepair *'s forum and ask Ken D. he or the old Ambassadeur gurus there would be able to tell you quick. The XLT was a quality reel.
  13. The reel had been out 2 years when I needed the part. Its amazing how much effort and emotion we, me included, throw about in defense or attack of a company on a distant shore. Wouldnt it be grand to have a homegrown reel manufacturer we could get so worked up about.
  14. I didnt mean to be offensive or demeaning to the authority of the moderators. I apologize. My apology's to the O.P. too for hi jacking the thread.
  15. The CI4 4000 I gave away before the part became available. The CI4 2500 is yet awaiting the bail arm assembly that oddly is available to my local shop but not to me. Its that shimano treats it wholesale customer differently than its retail customer difference. So thats near 2 years now. The eartquake still I guess. Amazing, double naught mod, how much interest you took into me to research years of my posts. Im flattered for the attention. While we live in a freecountry, this site is certainly only a free place to its owner(s), as it should be. Otherwise why would it be such a sounding board for shimano and so unlawful to ever criticize it.
  16. Yup, I will forever blow the anti shimano horn
  17. Was that Roadwarrior or Largemouth Gambler? I cant tell them apart. I gotta wonder if Bantam gives you guys commissions. Constant improvements, constant model change in other words. Then a year or two later when the wonder reel does need a part, they dont have them anymore and you have to buy their "improvement".
  18. Im all for lightness that $ buys. I agree with Snook and find certain brands over rated. The peeve I have with todays reels are they are built to self destruct eventually. None of them have a finish that resists much and I keep mine bagged in shimano neoprene bags when they're not in my hands!! I dont think a $100 buys you much reel these days. The Revo is newly designed, not proven. Stradic is true precision quality but sensitive to multi species use. The Lexa has alot of techno bling that is impressive and at a great price for what you get. As far as size, its really about the spool diameter. 1000 = small spool, more coils in your line and more wind knots for a casual user. 2500 = somewhat better line management. 3000 = just a deeper higher capacity spool.
  19. If your gonna use it at the Ft. Pierce jetty too, I'd stay away from either the STX or the Lew's. The mag dial on the palming plate has alway been a point of saltwater intrusion for me. Maybe the S or Lews new BB-1 since it has the new idea of a centrifugal brake and no exterior dial. Ive gone through all the low profiles I care to ever buy again and came back to my old Ambassadeurs.
  20. Good snook tackle there. Did you catch the one on your avatar near Big O? By the locks?
  21. Interesting, are you going to clear coat it? Paracord or seine net rope? Back to the snake rod, why go through all that work and not put better guides on it!
  22. Funny here in south Fl. the grass carp dont really fight at all, even the huge ones. Just like pulling in a 5 gallon bucket. They always seem to bleed alot too. The huge Blue Tilapia and landlocket stripped mullet fight well though.
  23. Last month a pal and I had planned to hit some new water we had never been to before. A solid cold front hit the day before and the day we fished we had the coldest day all winter. We expected nothing but had planned the trip for so long we didnt want to cancel it. My buddy decided to throw a spook hoping to provoke a reaction. We were amazed to have one of the best days in over a year, all on topwater. I missed out on alot of fishing time in saltwater because I'd only fish with the tide. Now I fish whenever I can.
  24. Snook needs the capacity for good line with the miami beasts he catches. You NEVER need to put tape or backing on a reel for the issue of slippage. Just wrap the braid 4 or 5 times around the arbor before making a uni knot. It will never slip. Watch Jose Wiebe's video on how. Backing makes alot of sense but it also makes some sense to tie with no mono backing. The nylon absorbs water during fishing. The braid prevents the backing from properly drying and can cause your spool to corrode if its not in perfect condition. Certainly an issue in saltwater if not most members bass waters
  25. I have it on my spinning reels in the timber brown. The color fades just as fast as all the other braids. The waxy slickness is great for handling but wears off just like the other braids. It has more strands in its weave so its alot like 832. I find it as poorly abrasion resistant as all the other braids. I bought 3 spools. The first one was a nice dark brown, the next 2 were only about half as dark and lost their color quicker.
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