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Everything posted by 0119

  1. Sucks, Im mourning the soon coming end of the fishing season here. Come May it'll be too hot to fish anything but the wee early morning.
  2. Fly fishermen had to have black anodized reels, they said the silver ones were detected by the fish. So white rods would be more detectable than black ones, with that logic. Id say a fish is most likely to see my "majestic" sized physique before he noticed the stick in my hand.
  3. Never drank a beer either huh...?
  4. I gotta give it to them, they make a fishery out of catching whatever they can even down to what we would consider bait. I enjoy Matt Hayes too. He also did Wild Fisherman, an entire season of shows in Mozambique. He added over 30 different species of fish to his "life list".
  5. I only watch the English shows on WFN and The Fishing Adventurer. Even Larry Dahlberg has become a product *****.
  6. Braid is on my spinning reels just for the frustration of twist and I rarely use spinners anyway. I also hate braid. I use 8lb. Big Game for crankbaits, 10lb. for hard and soft jerkbaits. 12lb. Big Game for topwaters, 14lb. for slop fishing and live bait. I see nothing but positives with mono and nothing but negative with braid but the Tuff-line Supercast may change my mind, maybe.
  7. In s.w. Fl. almost all the freshwater is man made, even the natural lakes have been scoured by machine into a bowl. Sometimes theres a box cut ledge, otherwise no contoured structure. So Im a visable cover angler. Skipping docks and under 10ft. of over hanging Brazilian Pepper. Commercial runoff from golf courses usually over fertilize's the bottom in fiberous algae so bottom bouncing is hopeless. Its 95% topwater.
  8. How about a floating original rapala minnow tied dropshot style with a no snag weight or dempsey sinker at the bottom. Make sure the sinker is on lighter line so when you snag you only loose the weight.
  9. To me none of the bigger money spinning rods are comfortable, just fashionable. Bare blanks the size of a thin twig with bulbous gobs of plastic or bare plastic thread. Just stupid.
  10. One rod, extra leader, 3 or 4 extra lures in a pocket box and a multitool. My selection of lures changes to the body of water Im fishing sometimes.
  11. Are you saying the bed of your truck cant carry your rods? My Colorado's bed is 6ft. I can lay 7ft.er's corner to opposite corner o.k. I always use reel covers but not my rod jackets. If I have my yak in the bed, the rods go inside the front hatch for the trip. My yak is 12ft and can easy carry 7ft rods without endangering the tips. Ive also made a rod carrier for carrying them off the bed of the truck, out of pvc pipe. Angled with the reel lower, the rod tips higher, they point out the bed over the top of the tailgate safely. It was vandalized at my place of employment so I cant post any pics.
  12. I get alot of line twist from topwater plugs when retrieving a lure back to the boat quickly for the next shot. Same thing with flukes. I also got alot of line twist when respooling using a home made spooling station I made. I learned that you have to have the reel and bulk spool further apart when lining up a reel. I havent found any solution in using a bb swivel when fluking. It doesnt negate the fluke from twirling when you reel fast back to the boat.
  13. Agreed on the Senko baits SGT. Yesterday after not throwing a Senko for over a year, I pitched Exude Cormida's around the pads to net a 4# and 2 near 6# in a little over an hour. Nothing else garnered a glance. Im a topwater snob but for anyone to flat out refuse to use a lure and be willingly to go home instead...thats nuts Aint nothin' wrong with bait either. Why have a fishless day just to have clean hands? Buck up be a redneck
  14. I agree with Snake Whisperer, if their commercial offends me, I wont ever buy from that company. Wont buy Strike King, absolute garbage to me. Wont buy the Rapalas with Ikes ink either. Interesting how opinion here changes so much. Senko's went from beloved savior from the skunk to hated newbie bait.
  15. They have to add more guides to the rod to keep the line off the blank, that makes the rod feel dead.
  16. I prefer to light line it. Weightless plastics and small cranks and topwaters. Most of the waters i fish its hard to though due to other species. Im interested in using Charlie Brewers Sliders, stitching and dropshooting but the conditions here aren't conducive to it. Id like the course fish like they do in Europe one day too.
  17. One of the things I enjoy about In Fisherman magazine is its sprinkling of scientific data quibs. But, for me at least, fishing is my joy, my escape from humanity. The older I get the simpler I like it. And frankly, the more success I find in it. After all it is just hunting for an adversary with a brain the size of a pea. To that end and back to the subject, braid can make your fishing simpler especially using spinning gear.
  18. I think the red idea is strickly a sales notion. They say red line blends in yet red hooks at the same depth are seen to fish as blood. Pick the line color that blends in the best with the water you fish. I fish tannin stained rivers so brown is good for me. In many lakes green seems better. Better yet dont worry about the color and use a leader. I use 20# mono because I dont have faith in Florou and 95% of the time I am using topwaters and the mono floats. I use 20# because my water has more saltwater fish than bass. If It was strictly bass I'd probably use no heavier than 15 or 12#. I like to keep it simple and avoid complicated knots, sticking with a uni to uni knot.
  19. I got one on Friday. I returned it on Monday. Leader knot drove me crazy. They added more guides, I imagine to compensate for the lines proximity to the blank, they had to. 6'6" it had 9 guides and tip. It made the rod feel dead.
  20. Hootibenji you ought to find a book a million store. They are experts in providing mags for the complete opposite side of the hemisphere. Here in s.w. Fl. they have walleye guides, musky guides, trout mags, fishing facts (centered around midwest, Ohio area fishing) and all the mags for species thousands of miles away. But darn if they'ed bother stocking a bass magazine.
  21. Were they display models. I got killer deals on a 1st Gen Premier and 2 Curado D's in the past that were display, last one left. They all gave me much trouble. I'd say line lay, the best bet is to look at the pawl. Is it traveling to both ends of the worm gear? Then is the spool centered. Check the components in the cast control knob for proper placement like the black plastic clicker and spring. Are the 2 nipples in their seating holes allowing the knob to work properly. I didnt catch your 2nd paragraph. Did you try re spooling the line. It sounds like the line was not coming into the line guide centered.
  22. That maybe, I wasnt looking at the longer rods, they're not my style. I was going by a oh I'd say 16"x16" sign they had connected to the rack that stated the price in bold. I did get the 6'6" for $99 so you guys are right Im sure.
  23. Congrats on the reel, bet you got a good deal with all the trade-in, coupons they were handing out etc. I took Roadwarriors comment that I was an old stick in the mud to heart and picked up a Revo S and matching Veritas rod. Too good a deal to pass up with $15 trade in value, 10% off, quadruple preferred customer points and $20 off the rod.
  24. I have a buddy who uses magnesium Pheluger spinning reels in brackish water every day and has no corrosion effects. On the other hand there are tons of pics of the original Chronarch MG's on the web showing devastating ill effects. Shimano has a clear proprietary coating to protect them. What if that coating gets a nick in them, I dont know. What if anything Pheluger does to prevent it, they dont say. Daiwa warns you not to use the Steez in salty water so I'd say no way. The CI4 isnt magnesium is carbon. I use mine in the surf several times a week to no ill effects. Magnesium is too risky for me to try, good luck.
  25. To me the best thing about a swept handle is the bent drag star. Easier to make slight adjustments to on the fly since my thumb has more purchase on the tine.
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