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Everything posted by 0119

  1. Yeah but the fish has a brain the size of a dried up pea! They can be a cunning adversary.....
  2. Its basically a Pfueluger. Tackle direct had a huge sale on Penn's this last week. I dont know if its still going on but if it is its a way to get a Conflict at Battle prices. The Conflict is a very good reel as is the Clash. My fishin' partner use Battles and Pfuelugers and catches reds and snook bycatch while bass fishing. They have held up very well to tough fishing and rough handling.
  3. What a great idea. The last fish camp in my county faded away a decade ago to make room for Johnny Yankee's latest gated community. I miss the ones of my youth and you are doing a great thing showing your kids a piece of our dying past.
  4. I don't like that fg knot, too complicated for my redneck brain. Try an old fly fisherman's trick. Go to a old time hardware store, the depot won't have it. Get a bottle of Plio Bond Glue. Put a dollop on the knot and roll it around covering the knot well enough to cover the tag ends. Knead it to a football shape and let it dry. It will glide thru any rods guides.
  5. Don't knock that shaken' hand. My buddy's palsy puts a unique twitching in his zara spook. He can draw a hawg up from the deep in the high noon sun to slam that sucker when ain't nobody catching fish.
  6. I understand due to recent changes in Japans laws, Made in Japan doesn't have to mean it was produced on island anymore. Only partially assembled there.
  7. Super Spook Jr. color dependent on what type water I'm fishing. Lately though the Pompadour out produces everything.
  8. I think I found what I wanted from Ghostbaits.com. The 9" PT Killer Magnum. I'm finding more and more that to find what I want I have to search for small time cottage industry guys. I'm just an odd ball angler who fishes odd ball stuff!
  9. There stuff looks an aweful lot like low end Quantum from about 3 years ago line up. Its easy to put lots of b.b's into a reel when each paddle knob gets 2 or 4 each.
  10. Now we are faced with super fish who know chartruese from watermelon green. Require red line the goes invisible quickly. Underwater microphones that play taped baitfish noises to spur into biting. .........
  11. All my reels are 4.7:1. I don't lose fish because of the reel! Where in the world did you ever get the idea that a bass is a fast fish? He's an ambush predator and prefers to lay in wait and exert zilch in energy in order to eat. Don't believe everything the media, paid by the manufacturers tell you is true. Don't think what pros, who are paid by the manufacturers, do or say is true FOR SURE.
  12. You might wanna track it's point of origin on goggle earth. I think Naples claim to fame is all canals lead to the gulf. It's a pretty ritzy city and here in Fl. freshwater is considered low income!
  13. Do you know for sure the canals in Naples are indeed fresh? Most if not all will be salt in Naples the city. Immokalee or Golden Gate fresh. I think taking a hvy. action rod is seriously limiting yourself. If that's your choice I'd stick to Gambler cane toads, ez swimmers and skinny dippers in tilapia colors. Super Spook Jr.'s in Florida Bass and Golden Shined are a must. That's if the water you are going to is indeed fresh.
  14. Yes I swear by it because it's cheap. I fish stuff that eats braid and fish whose gill plates cut braid like butter. I need abrasion resistance. I also replace my mono fairly frequently. It also works well. At least in manly sized round reels. It's tamable, manageable, forgiving and tough enough to not need a bite leader. I don't use it strictly because it's cheap but its a part of it. More expensive lines don't make sense for my kind of fishing. First and foremost it performs. That I can get it in economic bulk is certainly a plus.
  15. Can't stand the 3700 size boxes. Too much temptation to take everything. I do better if I concentrate on working a few standards properly and not try too many lures too quickly. Plano has a new series out called a or e series. A more classic look with rugged zippers and material. They offer a backpack in that series too. Most folks seem to be gravitating to those lately. The only real advise I can give is don't settle on cheap or in house brands. I've got a drawer full of BPS tackle bags, cheap thin hook catching junk. Stick to Plano or Flambeau.
  16. Didn't mean to call ya that! My heart belongs in Fanin County and I don't want to begrudge a N. Ga. man.
  17. Why dont they work simply flipped over? I do it with the cheap BPS covers which are basically the same
  18. Absolute garbage that should never have the name Ambassadeur pasted on it. Its absolutely a disposable reel. If you need or want a round reel at a budget price look at a factory reconditioned C series at Purefishings web store or a reconditioned 4600C at hookless. As a Ambassadeur collector and user it makes my heart and soul cringe every time I see that chinese sheet metal have the Ambassadeur name on it. Pure Fishings dumbest mistake out of hundreds that they make. The S and SX are rebadged Kalex reels. They had such bad rep and press that Pure Fishing had to bling them up and rename them in order to make them sell to other poor ignorant souls.
  19. Do the rod gloves fit round reels?
  20. I've got the same problem. A few years back Daiwa offered one that had a window for the eye of the line guide and velcro'ed under the levelwind. I've been searching hopelessly for it.
  21. I've caught huge saltwater fish on 12# mono, never had any snap like a twig and every cutoff I can trace back to my foolish carelessness forgetting to retie. While fishing I can sense a huge difference between them in the way they handle, especially with topwaters that the original poster is talking about. 14 is great for some topwater lures, the added stiffness helps avoid hanging up the hook and I think in my experience helps a popper pop better. 12 most definitely casts better.
  22. Same here. Something was wrong with your reel if it couldn't cast 12# mono. Even the cheapest Shakesphere bulk line should cast on a quality reel when the line is new. So, was your line new and undamaged? Don't judge mono on just that experience. I use cheap, Big Game from bulk, and change often. No problems casting extreme distances in the surf with 40+ year old Ambassadeurs. I think any mono will do your chore, don't overthink it, buy standard and respool every six months or so.....
  23. Definitely more gaudy bits with todays asian made Abu's, for sure. But I cannot believe that the factory has differing series of the same parts, each of differing quality. Logistically, profit mindedness...... naw. There are plenty of reel men out there that don't even know the brands come from the same table, so what they say I take with a grain of salt.
  24. Not a fan of Hi Seas but Black Widow is very supple and manages well on spinning. Harder to find but it seems all the better mono's meant for spinning are. Fishin' Fool, what do you have on the reels already? You could use it as backing and topshot with a better line saving yourself some $ making the supply last longer.
  25. I had nothing but trouble with all the Revo's I tried, I don't deny that. But I think your fooling yourself if you think there is a quality difference. Like I said. Same company made them, same people built them, same components went into them. They have different options to seperate them but its so minor and none of them have anything to do with improving durability, only takedown or hook hanging do dads. Redbird, mechanics like shimano because shimano gives them special treatment in pricing and availability of parts. I fought for over a year to get parts they refused to support me with, but the shop down the road could get them immediately.
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