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Everything posted by 0119

  1. And it still remains that the real issue here is, if we cannot stick together as anglers we will one day suffer the lose of our right to our hobby. If experienced, respectable, published anglers like Fish Chris consider a bank angler with such disdain...... we have fell right into PETA's planned trap. Sorry Chris nothing personal meant, I respect everything you write and enjoy success in the tactics you expressed in Catfish Insider. A bushmaster is going to be illegal to possess soon. A simple -3" blade pocket knife is illegal to have in your pocket in many public places. One day it might just be illegal to possess a Zebco.
  2. Great info guy, thanks. The only thing I had found was 10 years old from tackle tour and they said that they had to be continuously tuned.
  3. I was looking at the fatboy and thin N as an alternative to the KVD cranks, they never seem to be the weight they are advertized as. Cant get Normans close to home to see them up close. How are their build quality and hooks? Any recommendations for colors?
  4. There already is commercial fishing for the asian carp and a grass roots effort organized for its sale not only here but abroad. Checkout NatGeo and watch Jeb Hogans show about it. Privatization of law enforcement works very well. Check out the now popular private prison systems. They are racking up a hefty list of dead bodies and federal conspiracy and RICO indictments. That you look with *** at my joke of a pension is amazing. After 25 years of being spit on, run over, feces flung in my face, shot at and more things I remember every night of my life that you would never think of facing....... I see less than a grand a month, no health insurance, my house of 27 years going into foreclosure. Enjoy your tax deductions and 401k's.
  5. Coming soon Penn's reissue of the 704 and 706 to be made from the old toolings in the old Philly Pa. factory. Ardent is a questionable American made entity. The Edge series is made here but the new series they are pushing on T.V. shows is made in China.
  6. Made in US still. Its a workhorse rod most here consider too heavy or out of date. It is my preferred rod. Because it still has full cork grips and a standard type reel seat. Caution if using shimano reels as they had in the past a tendancy to not seat correctly on the rod if it was made using Pac Bay reel. It is a tough rod and light enough to me. No fancy tech guides, just solid and best of all its not white, blue, orange, yellow tipped or any other ridiculous color.
  7. The older ones will have the 2 tiny screw in hook keeper thing. While they dont look it they are stronger than the modern single screw eye. Ive caught plenty of bass on 51,52,7 series lures and they sure would catch a striper too.
  8. I hate to see this single mindedness. Like bass fishing is the only fishing there is. Like constantly buying the latest greatest and standing in 'pro' worship at the end of a glittery boat is the only way to fish. This deviciveness is exactly what PETA has been indoctrinating schoolkids with. If you dont want your fishing rights chiseled away we need to stick together. Law breaking is wrong and always should be reported. Eating your catch in these times is more fitting than ever. 40+ years of fishing, the friendliest,most helpful and willing to share info and catch folks Ive run into have been bucket sitters. Maybe if you sat down on a bucket one night and felt the tug of a fish that eats bass, you'd realize they are more fisherman than many of us.
  9. Only use braid on spinners and I hate using spinners so its about 99% mono. I dont notice stretch except when Im fighting a fish and then it helps to keep the trebles in their mouth. Why use a line that requires a leader and extra knots. Why use a line that requires a special tool to cut it.
  10. I baitfish alot for cats. Live and fresh cut. A med. hvy. casting rod is on par and one with a softer tip like a ugly stick is fine. I dont see a need for all the extra line in a 6500 size for myself but it would help some if your gonna do long distance casting from shore. I use Abu 5500 and 4600 C3's. Remember casting with bait is more of a lob than the style you cast lures to bass. A softer tip helps do that. I like 14lb mono or 30lb braid with a leader.
  11. Good thing because I wore vests for 25 years and they might have stopped a .38 but they were butter to a knife screwdriver our ice pick. Couldn't even stop a hyperdermic needle.
  12. Thank you for the advise, Campbells is where we'll be staying. It will sure be different from flat south Florida.
  13. Ive been using the 20# and I too like that its quiet. It acts more like mono than others and thats what I like about it most. But using uni to uni to the leader Im getting the coating to seperate or pull sort of like a fly line core and its sheath coating. I doubled the braid and its helped but now is starting to seperate behind the knot after I have to pull off of a snag. Still cant get it locally or at BPS.
  14. Okoboji, maybe but I think more likely its the multiweave construction of braid that makes it only as strong a one of the fibers its made of. Hey, I hate braid its true. Just like I hate spinning reels for the most part and Shimano and many other things. But I'm glad we have so many options. I think one day technology will improve both mono and braid till they are so similar it doesnt matter which you choose. So far Im kind of liking the Tuff Cast sample but I see its coating starting to seperate and that worries me.
  15. Actually braid isnt very "impact" resistant either. Thats why serious swimbaiters never use it. There are at least 2 different researched in a lab type studies proving it isnt "abrasion" resistant either. You can find them at Sport Fishing's web site the last I looked. I can prove it for myself in just catching one snook without a leader! 20lb. mono leader is tougher than 20lb. braid of any manufacturer when it comes to a fishes gill plate.
  16. The first week in June Im going to escort my wife on business to Chelan. Staying right on the water and I can't think of passing up the fishing while she works. Ive researched it but everything seems kinda vague. This is as far away from my local Fl. fishing I think I've ever gotten to attempt. Can you guys give me some local advise? I just have 3 days so I'm hoping to just fish from shore at parks close by. Hoping for Smallmouth more than trout species. Thanks guys .......
  17. Abu 4500C custom built by Jerry Foran
  18. No sense of humor huh? I sense you spend to much time in the federal lab counting seeds. Honestly many have made jokes on this board. So you dont like what i said in fun in my attempt to understand his statment. Thank you for being a moderator in proxy. I think all these shimano vs the world conversations could use with a little humor.
  19. Huh? Thats was directed to Hooligan who said he has cut into the frames of so many reels at his workplace, inspecting voids....... Sounds like a fascinating job, I'm curious who would employ someone to do that. Like a govt inspector measuring inches of fat on steak or a govt scientist determining the average number of seeds on the outside of a strawberry it seems like an obscure career. Is Underwriters Laboratories concerned with a safety issue concerning the integrity of fishing reel frames? All meant humorously please take note.
  20. The last place I would look for a gauge of anything is a "pros" boat. The old greenies were/are an exceptional reel period. See any being used? No I dont but I live in a 3 county area where Im probably one of 3 casting reel users. Yet how long will they be used? SHimano doesnt have parts available so...... what is its future. According to folks much more in the know than me, at AT's site, no bearings used by manufacturers are made in Japan. Even the 'amazing' Boca Bearing is made in China. I was not talking about JDM reels Maico, but reel manufacturers in general. Im not toting the Revo, not at all, Im blaming all manufacturers for what I see as a market full of junk. Cheapened like Capt Bob says, but I claim every reel out there made in recent years is just that, junk, no matter its maker.
  21. What job or career do you have where you cut dozens of frames apart for inspection. Sounds like a govt job like fda meat inspector. Shimano nor Daiwa make there bearings inhouse. Probably sourced from the same Chinese factory Abu Okuma and all the other makers get their bb's. Just as screws c clips and o rings are sourced out.
  22. How can you say a shimano reel lasts forever when they do not support long term parts availability? You do not see the number of shimano beastmasters, bantam 100's etc in boats or anglers hands like you do old Ambassadeurs. There is no evidence that shimanos plan of purposeful obsolescence through model change has made a durable product.
  23. Ive been looking for the same type of rod for a year. I wont use a bass pro rod but have been thinking about Cabelas in house rods. The closest I can find is either a St Croix Premier in the fast action you dont want or a 6'6" St Croix Tidemaster in med moderate but I think they just discontinued it. Manufacturers have ignored us folks who want a what was once standard length rod. Only anglers standing on decks of huge boats matter now, they dont think a bank fisherman or canoeist spends money.
  24. Zona is a sign of the times. Sort of an indicator of what society is like with the generation or demographic that sponsors target. If your 50 or older shimano, loomis and strike king really dont care if your watching Zona and being exposed to their product. If they did, the show would be different. He was interestingly funny in a charming way when he was on that news type bass show ESPN had him on some ten years ago. I think his straight guy was the founder of *** or something whatever that is. Now he's just like a rap song in the ears of a 70 year old. Painful, stupid and best with the mute button on.
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