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Everything posted by 0119

  1. St. Croix's new obnoxious colors are one thing but the new inshore in total white? Its like a Ike gang symbol or something. A true genius decided to have white handles. Is anyone finding the new style of spinning grips comfortable? The newer Fuji ones. Its like holding a tiny tube with 2 bulbous threaded nuts. I miss pre bling St. Croix.
  2. Are you always watching your unattended vehicle in hopes of taking deadly force in the protection of physical property?
  3. I'm not brand loyal per say but there are brands I hate and will never buy.
  4. I have a love hate relationship with spinning tackle. I can only cope with it if I use braid and I hate braid. I agree that knots with F/C are a pain. Using it as a leader for braid just adds more knots into the equation. I've never had a feeling that mono was taking away my ability to sense a bite so I now stick to it for leader. Maybe try a heavier lb. test since it'll have less stretch, I stick to at least 14lb. mostly using 20lb mono specifically made for leader and sensitivity is not an issue.
  5. Ask any cop, he'll tell you the stickers only tell the burglar's what they'll likely find in your vehicle. I remember getting a confession from more than one guy who used NRA decals as a clue to target vehicles for handguns.
  6. How do you guys find these new guides handle a braid to mono leader knot? Especially with a heavy # test leader like 20# which is very common where I fish...
  7. Both. There are forums and sites devoted to jig tying and its just as easy to become a passionate tyer as it is a fly tyer. Catching fish on your own stuff is the best, especially when you get one on a one off you are experimenting with. Like an articulated jig or clouser fly tied on a 3/0 EWG worm hook.
  8. Shhh..... Nobody needs to know. The homegrown variety are the best and they're a lot of fun to tie.
  9. Do the workers in Daiwa's China factory have a poorer work ethic than the Malaysians building Shimano's? Shimano's rep. constantly says their Malay manufactured reels are better than the reels made in Japan because of newer machinery. Newer machinery doesn't make the reel, the man operating the machine makes the reel. Do Abu's Korean factory workers produce a better product than their Chinese factory employees? Are any of them less motivated than St. Croix's Mexican employees? My daughter is a huge Apple fan and makes fun at my Samsung Galaxy. My thought is I'd rather have a product built in Korea by a long standing political ally than by a company who chooses to benefit a country I thought I'd always feel was our enemy. That being said I bought a Abu Inshore Spinning Reel made in China and thoroughly impressed by its quality. Just maybe, where something is made doesn't really matter. The factory worker's training and the line supervision of the parent company directing its manufacture is what matter's.
  10. Posts like these serve me well to remind me why I don't visit here anymore. Khong telling a 70 year old man whose fished his whole life, he's a beginner all because he advocates a spinning reel. Khong, you might take into account that the style of fishing that serves you well in your area doesn't mean its the masters style of angling. Carp anglers have to use spinning to lob baits, and carp have been proven to be the most intelligent species of fish, far ahead of bass. Try to use your casting reel to throw a unweighted trick worm into a heavy headwind. Look at the lunker photo's in Bassmaster and count how many 10# + bass are caught with that technique. Try that casting reel to throw a weightless fluke at a La. marsh Red into a 30degree January headwind. What good is that species specific casting reel in the rest of the world? Are you only going to fish at home so you can be that expert caster? Better yet...... why don't we concentrate all this energy into defending our right to fish against the onslaught of anti fishing peta types instead of calling a long time angler a beginner.
  11. I don't eat the fish I catch, too much run off and pollution here. I love to eat fish and try to often. But I as a personal thing wont eat farm raised fish/shrimp. Especially salmon since farming it has destroyed so much free range fish with its pollution and the sea lice epidemic. Sushi and sashimi are my favorite. Fresh caught catfish holds special memories too.
  12. No such luck, it apparently wasn't a seller at that size. I just cant believe they did away with the easy take down screws.
  13. They're all I use. 5600 size is kinda overkill but will work. I stick with the 4600 width myself. You can really jazz them up with extra bearings and such and make them into competition casters, especially the mag version. The C4 mag hasn't been made in awhile. They were made for walmart not that that makes them bad, many limited runs are made for various retailers. Just adds more versions for us collectors.
  14. I use 12# mono for just about everything including jigs. I find with jigs I need to set the hook very fast. The instant I feel the bite, I don't wait for them to get a chance to spit it out. Maybe before you change line you just need to get used to a jig bite? I want a line that can do many things well. I don't go for technique specific crap. Nice when your a pro on a rich mans boat but for Johnny Shorebound it don't fly. I don't want that many outfits with me. 12# and sometimes 14# mono has fit the bill well.
  15. Tackle Logic binder and I always slip in a Flambau Ze-Rust tab in each pocket.
  16. I prefer fighting a fish with a spinning reel, feels like I have more of a grip on the rod. But I hate working lures with a spinner.
  17. Just joking around, no offense meant
  18. You really cant judge Abu by Pure Fishing. A true Abu isn't a Korean/Chinese made Banax/Fox contracted reel. If you buy a Revo and it doesn't live up to snuff, you are in the same boat as every other clone owner. Including me. Your that largemouth gambler guy using a different name right ?
  19. 25 years as a Fl. cop, all on the road. I checked hundreds of fishing licenses. State wildlife was few and far in between especially after 9/11 when they basically became free harbor patrol for the feds. The present governor wont even allow them to use gasoline for their boats half the time. You know, republican, keep big brother to a minimum. I never had an angler become offended by my asking. Most thought it as a positive. Sure there are cops who instantly set folks off just by the way they ask for i.d. Just like there are folks that set cops off by the way they assert their "rights" in their face. Usually with a I pay your salary crap or the ever present your profiling me because of my color. Your fishing license just like your drivers license ISNT A RIGHT, its a priviledge. One you have to earn and maintain buy obeying the law and being a committed sportsman. Funny how a member of the bucket brigade wouldn't have a problem exhibiting their license but a "sportsman" with the latest Lew's/Shimano/Dobyn's gear filling their deck as they wear their bass mafia/underarmour pretty clothes, would.
  20. Changing the format to 50% bass 50% salt and multispecies.
  21. I do. I have collections of 70 and 80's In-Fishermen, old Penn deep sea reels, old fly fishing magazines, old creek chubs and a few jitterbugs from the 40's and 50.s in the original boxes. Mostly all from a local auction for dirt cheap. My wife gave me my daughters bedroom when she moved out. Best gift she ever gave me.
  22. That's just the idler gears and they are plastic in all makes. Its to insure they break before your finger does if it get caught in the levelwind according to a shimano rep. Either way for there function they don't need to be metal.
  23. Its all about having what the crowd doesn't. Besides the JDM has demanded higher technology for years.
  24. Yes the wiffle spool is similar to the Record's spool. It has a larger arbor portion to afford the drilled out ports. I use 4600 size Ambassadeurs every day, in saltwater and have not ever come close to being spooled of less line than that. The wiffle spool should provide plenty of line for bass or any other fish it was designed for.
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