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Everything posted by 0119

  1. But the stand isn't for any reason except petty selfishness. It still stands that it's a privilege you agreed to when you accepted and got a license. If you don't like the taxation........ get the heck out. Leave. Find a place that better suits your selfish needs.
  2. Yet more proof. because no one's rights were infringed on. You, no one here knows what the truth of the matter really was. And, there was no right involved. Signing the license is acknowledging you understand it's a privilege, one that can be removed and one with stipulations.
  3. Many of you guys prove my point. For you it's all Me Me what about me. My rights My privacy. It's the I'm more important mentality your father's didn't have that made them men. Something most aren't any more. No wonder the sovereign citizen movement is growing by leaps and bounds. It's all about 'me' not your obligation to society or the simple ground rules your God and maker has put down. What makes 'me' happy is all that matters.
  4. iabass8, this topic has nothing to do with fishing rights. The Officers tools to search conveyance's does not interfere with the act of a LAW OBIDING citizen in the sportsman like act of angling. Board members complaining that a few fleeting moments of their time are being taken just proves my constantly made point that today in American society, men are pansies. Every stinking one of us has the obligation given to you by God, to be a part of society. That includes being cooperative with the people whose duty it is to maintain the public good. The only anglers who fear their rights are being yanked from them are those who have a baggie ofweed under the seat.
  5. At least come up with believable stories
  6. Either a lot of you have something to hide or the violent soverign citizens movement has a strong foothold in the fishing fraternity. Hey mods...... what does this all have to do with General Fishing? Isnt this whining more applicable to the Off Topics Board?
  7. Same goes for your drivers license. Driving is not a right but a 'priviledge' that can be revoked at any time. By signing your drivers license you are submitting to taking a test of your breath/blood for its alcohol content. If you dont its immediate suspension. Not much different really. I'm glad they have those powers, wish they had more. Honest sportsmanship never has anything to fear. And if you dont have anything unlawful in your vehicle you having nothing to fear.
  8. Amen to that. Even worse when fishing salt or nearshore where rods are usually transported upright. Salty boat spray or rain goes right in and makes its was into the sideplate from there. Just another reason round style Ambassadeurs make more sense.
  9. Mlbassin, I love the header on your avatar! I say that at least once a week!
  10. Baby gator's love 'em! They'll chase them right to your feet.
  11. First knot I learned as a kid but as soon as I learned the palomar I've never used it again. I rarely use lures that dont require a loop knot really.
  12. I had the shimano two speed reel and thought highly of it. Never had trouble with it, the beastmaster or the I think it was speedmaster. Great light little reels, graphite spools never were a problem either. Caught tons of tarpon and reds with out a hitch.
  13. Iv'e caught alot of snook on the EZ. Even Reds strike at it but cant get hooked up. Zoom 4/0 frog hook seems to work the best, it really needs the nose screw to work best. Ive been trying a treble stinger swinging on the belly of the texposed hook in open water. It would be killer on those monster jacks you get.
  14. I never saw a difference between the 2 memory or toughness wise. Search the board and recently there have been complaints about the newer reformulated versions that have replaced the originals. I only buy it when I cant get the big game version. I always use a size lighter in b.g. and its never let me down. I find nothing on their site that says it was reformulated.
  15. 0119


    It wont cover the back of my neck, just rides up. I gave it to my wife and she wears it when they are doing a raid on grow houses!
  16. I prefer to work most lures with a casting reel but recently a reoccurring hand injury forced me to start using spinning exclusively. I learned I was missing something. fighting a fish on spinning gear is much more fluid and ergonomic. I was able to horse a fish with better control. The bigger drag washers make for a smoother drag. Comfort level is increased by not palming the reel and having to move my reel hand to the grip or foregrip to better fight big fish. My catch rate has sky rocketed because I have a bigger range of lures I can use with the one outfit I take on most trips. I'm not loosing as many fish because the spinning outfit for me controls fish better. I have noticed zero difference in accuracy. A spinners spool can be feathered with a finger just as a caster can thumb a spool. Enjoy what you've got, ignore posers.
  17. Thanks for going through the effort to find these threads and posting them! It made me realize that I really enjoy reading ww2farmer and in general agree with everything he writes. Its a shame we have grown so tired of shimano vs. the world and bass angler vs. bucket brigade threads that we now have to cultivate dissension amongst ourselves.
  18. Not likely. Just another poorly educated big box employee trying to look like an insider. TFO is a direct competitor with Loomis in the fly market even if they target different "money class" customers. I doubt that since he has been gone from loomis for so long and the IMX has gone through a complete change since his decade long departure. The first rendition had Fuji seats, the new ones in the sig. and tact. series have a truly cheap seat, even proudly marked Korea. But even god like shimano uses proprietary seats in the highly touted Cumara. I think its important for a potential customer to realize that TFO brings out a product that is by no means top of the line. Right out of Lefty Kreh's mouth, "too provide a low cost alternative for the angler who isnt looking to spend Loomis or Sage prices" And they trump that by providing an amazing return replacement policy. I just like them because they have a more traditional action similar to Old Loomis' IM-6. Perfect for the topwater fishing I do 98% of the time. Besides they are tough and will replace it, a great plus when you fish dense mangrove swamp and with a buddy who has a habit of stepping on your rod tips.
  19. Its not the $100K rig, its the ignorant owner/operator that stares down his nose at me as he flies full throttle square at me just about swamping me in my 12ft yak. Then goes about telling me I'm keeping him from his livelihood and that his snowbird butt is more deserving to fish the waters I've been fishing for the last 52 years. Its not the dirt poor bucket sitting hungry fisherman with the cane pole, it's his buddy sitting next to him who makes no effort to pick up his trash. Don't you see its not whats in your wallet, its whats in your heart that makes us hate you. (not necessarily directed to the o.p.)
  20. My kayak is the older generation sit on top, a OK Drifter. It made sense not trying to carry a 16ft canoe in a 6ft truck bed. But every fishing trip I regret not having a canoe. To be able to enter it dry from the bow. Wear jeans when its cold. Not get wet from paddle drip. Attach a trolling motor. But most importantly sit in a semi normal position. Knees bent, feet not going to sleep. Being able to take my wife or daughter or a friend. Newer generation yaks sort of conquer this with a much high center of gravity seat position. But they have really turned the yak into a short plastic canoe with a weight penalty over both the older yaks and standard canoes.
  21. The Lightning Shock rod is an excellent rod for the money. It has an excellent action for treble hooked baits and excels as a topwater rod. My fishing buddy has landed tarpon up to 50lbs. on a 7ft. med. spinner and countless huge snook. They are very tough, something that cant be said for a lot of rods many $ more expensive. I would not feel out gunned using it since I typically stay away from anything house branded.
  22. A Johnny Rattler? Thats a old time Fl. bait killer in saltwater
  23. It's a style thing. Like having to have your combo color matched, spending bucco bucks to make a baitcaster throw -1/4oz, or filling up your casting deck with so many rods you cant walk around!
  24. 4 in 1 hour yesterday evening on a yo-zuri 3D popper. 2 hit close to 4lbs. They're post spawn starving here right now.
  25. Who takes anything bassmasters say or print seriously anyway?
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