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Everything posted by 0119

  1. Larry Dahlberg on Hunt for Big Fish was doing an episode with an underwater hydrophone testing musky lures he made. He was picking up the differences different bladed baits had in tone or tune. He was able to pick up a constant associated noise that wasnt any of his lures, but was present with each lure. He was able to determine that his braided line made its own audible noise when moving in the water. He said mono didnt make that noise and that he'd talk more about this 'alarming and interesting aspect' on another episode. Of course at that time shimano/PowerPro was his sponsor. It was never mentioned again!!!
  2. For me I think more and more about building my own. Todays rods with the stupid color coordinating to reels, bare bones uncomfortable grips and longer lengths, are not for me. Manufacturers only think of making rods that look jazzy when held by a angler wearing his fancy man fish gansta clothes and flat brimmed cap. They only work for guys who crowd themselves onto the bow of a glittery boat. They've forgotten everyone else.
  3. Little tiny green chenille wooley buggers when they are sub surface and dry flies like a Cahill when they are grouped up at dawn vacuuming the surface. Good fighters but stinky and they deal up the boat something fierce. It amazes me folks eat them.
  4. Backlash, I always run a 20 or 30lb. mono leader. Just have to for all the snook in my sweetwater. I still would, it's just a confidence thing. I find untangling heavy mono from a brush easier than braid. It just slides where braid saws in. Keeps me from having to go into the fish to rescue by bait.
  5. I hate it when they are hot for a lure that's discontinued. They've been tearing up Yo-zuri 3d poppers here and its my last one. I treat it like a beautiful virgin. The updated 3DB doesn't have near the same pop. I can't even find them on ebay anymore.
  6. I started with an 8 weight taking advise. I found slinging 8 wt. line as fatiguing as using a big round reel and chunking a swimbait. I switched to a 6 weight and am very happy. Much quieter lifting lighter line off the surface than ripping a bigger line and hairy bug across the surface. I've caught some big snook on the 6wt. and never felt under gunned. The best money spent getting a rig together is what you pay a certified instructor. 3 hours with him puts you on the fast track to success and less shoulder pain.
  7. Was that the name of it? The everglades episode for snook and reds? He said it wouldn't be out till I cast.
  8. Tilapia can spawn something like 5 times a year. When they do they become very territorial and will not tolerate bass near their bedding area. If they are grouping they may be in their initial rituals. Did it happen early around dawn? They will group up as the plankton rises or sinks from the surface and plow the surface with gapping mouths gulping up their fill. Look for new water, wherever they come, soon will be in ruin!
  9. I was there a month ago and considering the wind, the fishing was good. Not one lure produced except EZ Swimmers in new shad color.
  10. I have 15 round reels and one low profile. It waits in its box for me to figure out windows 8 and my stupid new cellphone so I can put it up for sale. I bass fish 4 or 5 times a week but they are the smallest most anemic fish I target. I require all my reels be able to pursue any fish not just bass. If I'm beating the banks I might start out tarpon fishing and end up bass fishing.
  11. Market swing for sure. But they dictate market swing. Manufacturers control what we see and drown us in 'expert' pro's and even use forums and blogs of sponsored angler's to manipulate desire, style and profit. When we see long rod sales start to fall flat, we will start reading about some new wonder techniques which require short rods all for the true purpose of sparking more sales.
  12. Try the Gambler Ace. Tougher and made by fellow Floridians
  13. I'm lucky enough to have tons of highly sought after inshore salt game fish in the freshwater I fish. I'm happy with them just as much as I am a bass. I do plenty of bucket sitting for cats and bass with shiners. I've never been annoyed by folks like you talk about. But I've been down right harassed by fellow lure or boat fishermen. Mostly by their rude boatmanship or downright hatred towards kayakers, which I am one. There is a large contingent of kayak haters here spurred on by local guides. More though, if somebody sees you practicing catch and release, they get down right hostile calling you profanities in upset that you don't give them food for their table. They genuinely get near physical when I tell them my giving them my catch violates state law. But I only get this from fellow lure fishermen, not the bucket brigade who I show up most respect towards.
  14. Been thinking of hitting Lake Manatee. I haven't been there in a couple of years. Funny it was always drown or drought, we'd get skunked or pull in so many we could'nt keep count.
  15. If the rod is a mh the split grip and threading should be red to indicate mh. Silver indicates ml and gold, med. I find the TFO's are becoming my favorite rods. Not overly crisp and they don't have overly long rear grips.
  16. That's just it, there aren't track records anymore. They change/upgrade models so often that none, not even the Stradic is really still around in the same form long enough to develop a track record. All you can really go by is the biased opinion of angler's who say they have had success. So buyer beware. Stick to a brand you feel comfortable with or accept you may be buying a near disposable reel. I think if you have even the slightest bit of mech. aptitude, finding a manufacturer who keeps spare parts in inventory for awhile even after it reinvents a model, is important.
  17. What ya mean the angler was an older guy? mumble mumble.....my age........mumble mumble
  18. what part of the handle? The rubber grips? I've had nothing but trouble with shimano' s rubber grips. Or do you mean the paint on the crank? Is it metal or carbon that's delaminating?
  19. Daiwa Lexa. I prefer it to higher priced shimano's I have. What ever you get, don't base it on somebody else's preference and remember they all feel smooth right out of the box. Its what they feel like 6 month's down the road that matters. My Revo spinner's worked into being very smooth and tight. My CI4 worked into sloppy. My buddies Pflueger's worked into being geary but have lasted over five years of ignored abuse.
  20. 5'6" pistol grips almost every day for topwaters. Also a 5'8" St. Croix LTB " Skippin' " spinning rod. You couldnt cast a 7ft'er in almost all the places I fish.
  21. Lots of florida people have problems with power pro. Go to the fs forum and read the thousands of pages about it. Lots describe the same thing as you do, sections of rough line. Theres also power pro counterfeit line from china, though since shimano makes so much in china you gotta wonder if its really counterfeit. Theres also the theory that walmart buys up manufacturers seconds and sells it. Maybe you just fish water like I do that is full of wood, rock and shopping carts. Braid has zilch abrasion resistance.
  22. Mono for me. Seem to get more fish in hand.
  23. Over 50 years of fishing salt and fresh in southern Fl. I have never come, and I mean never come across another angler using a baitcasting outfit. I cant even begin to tell you how many of them asked me why I was using a caster. They dont stock them in local shops either, Ive always had to go to BPS to get them. Aint none of my fellow Crackers using baitcasters that Ive ever seen.
  24. Ned Kedhe' s blog called midwest finesse at in-fisherman is loaded with Midwest tactics. I've put a lot of them to use here in s. fl.'s high pressured waters.
  25. And still the simple fact remains. No one right to fish was lost or infringed upon. It's like complaining about your radiator when you have a flat tire. If an officer and its an if, had searched a conveyance, it did not stop the o.p.'s act of fishing. Besides his right was voluntarily waived as was yours when you accepted the license you requested.
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