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Everything posted by 0119

  1. Full grip. I hardly use my LTB's because of the tiny bulbous rear grip. Feels like I'll drop the rod every time I throw it. Im starting to have a preference for quality foam now too.
  2. Like the new Spinfisher, the Zebaas and Van Stall cant be as smooth as the uber bearing wonder reels. The seals that make them capable of skishing make resistance. For the guys who use them its a far trade. Besides, when Im fixated on the reel instead of technique I may notice a smooth reel, but when I am fighting a good fish I never really notice if a reel is shimano smooth or a little geary. But then I never can tell if my reel is 7.4 oz or 5.4 oz. like some guys can.....
  3. In saltwater around bridges at the shadow line at night. Imitates needlefish/ladyfish I think.
  4. Winches maybe isn't the right term. But they have no power problem popping for GT's or spazz jigging down there in Miami for your monster fish. More drag for sure except maybe the newer low profile casters with the humongo HEG gear boxes. But do their drags stay 22#'s? Not from what I've experienced, the Revo's especially lose their big drag ability quick, as noted by many on alantani or tackletour. Most of todays notion of a baitcaster being a powerhouse is manifested by fishermen loading them with what used to be big game sized line, putting them on broomsticks, making a cast all of 20 yards and dragging a tiny fish over a mat of grass.
  5. Stella, no in a couple of years it'll be upgraded and changed with little hope of a lifetimes worth of parts. ZeBaas or Van Stall, it depends. A reel you can hand down to your son, that was made with an engineered planned that it would not become obsolete and comes with a lifetime of factory support? Yeah I'd say it would be worth it. Not to be put on a lowly factory rod though. It deserves a custom made rod crafted by an artisan. I wish they made them in inshore/bass applicable sizes.
  6. More like its because trying to throw a weightless live shrimp into a 20+mph head wind with a casting reel is stupid, besides working out the birds nest would take away from beer drinking time for them. Most, a grand majority, of fishermen down here are not serious about angling enough to use casting. But still its not the best tool for the job when your on a wind swept coast throwing near weightless baits/lures.
  7. For me it's 'funner'because it isn't restricted by lure weight requirements, wind conditions and is significantly more comfortable to use. With a more solid grip on the rod I only see spinning as being more capable of controlling fish and find less satisfaction with or need for casting tackle.
  8. I know a old timer that guided him once on the Sagris River in Panama. He said Williams would point animals out deep in the jungle shoreline no once else could see. That same day he guided Joe Brooks, said he was the most amazing caster he'd ever seen.
  9. You think a bass will recognize a snap? Don't over think it. That said I don't use braid because of many reasons one being visibility. To each his own, I see braid only as stupid. I catch tarpon upwards of 30#'s on 8 and 10# mono often so I don't see why you feel 12 is weak. They are only bass. So, why not a leader say 4 ft. of mono. Braid to mono knots don't have to be complicated or difficult to tie.
  10. I'd check the net for a Daiwa Ballistic. They are being marked down and still available. Use the reel savings to upgrade the rod a bit. St.Croix LTB or better yet check into a local custom rod builder and have one made to your spec.
  11. Lures are way too pricey to expensive to not take extra care of. I use bread bag ties to secure trebles tight to the bodies to extend the life of the finish. I always make sure they are dry for about a day before I put them with other lures. Even then and in freshwater, hooks tend to rust. Same goes for soft plastics hooks. Quality ones are too expensive to not maintain both the edge and avoid rust. They average over a buck a piece.
  12. Jerry Reed
  13. Im not sure they are around Jax but they are around Tally. Theres a guy that goes by oldcapt or theoldcapt who has videos on youtube and posts on the gon forums about his carp fishing. He and his friends catch them at the dams of north fl. lakes along the border w/georgia.
  14. Clear - White Ice, Ark Shiner, Green Pearl, Houdini Stained - Where I fish stained means tannic not muddy. Looks like black coffee. Orange Pumpkin w gold glitter, Golden Bream
  15. Ive never bought it because Big Game and Maxima was so much cheaper for the same size 1/4lb spools. I have picked up Ande leader wheels and have not been satisfied with it as much as I was with triplefish. You have to be very careful pulling it off the wheel or it would chafe badly.
  16. Yeah just great when hvy rain and clouds kills your satellite link or your on the pot! I spend too much on rods and reels to have anything left over for tablets!
  17. Welcome to the forum MassBass I hope you stay.....
  18. Yeah I like my Revo Inshore 30 better than any shimano Ive had.
  19. Heard the skunk ape once
  20. Only you know the water you fish and what kind of rod and what action will be best. Remember you are not far away from Mosquito Lagoon and some of the best saltwater fishing in Fl. Get what will work all round. For me a MH is useless. To stiff to work the lures I choose, useless on the flats. Unforgiving to throw stuff on the lighter side with our typical florida winds. Remember the yak is added drag. A lighter softer tip will help you from pulling hooks when a good fish is fighting your reels drag and the boats drag.
  21. I dont know if i'm allowed to display it not being a sponsor but here it goes. www.tackleservice.com/Consumer/SubCategoryListing.aspx?BrandID=6&CategoryID=308 Join there facebook page and they send you stuff like that I guess. They have new 60 and 70 size Boca's on crazy price right now, I just have no use for ones that big.
  22. Funny title, I was just going to use it myself but vise versa. Spinning tackle has turned my fishing around this year. I might never go back to casting tackle.
  23. I prefer rods with short rear grips that dont get in the way when working a lure from the seated position. Too long a rod with a short butt makes for an unbalanced rig and it can be hard to find a happy medium, I prefer a rod long enough to easily let me go around the bow when the fish takes me under the yak and changes direction. I use 3000 size spinners but dont see a need for a lot of line capacity. They take you for a sleigh ride, well not bass but other fish, and they tire quicker with all the added drag.
  24. I always take the split ring off and always use a loop knot.
  25. Go to FFO. They have Xt's for $85 and MG's for $63. Yeah factory reconditioned but from what every one here says, you cant tell the difference between factory rebuilt and new and they carry the same warranty.
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