Nautilus because as your very own header states, its Florida grown! Mr. Mustad will treat you like a king and has been known to open his factory to a customer for a private Sunday tour and repair/maintain their reel personally. On top of that Nautilus provides Tibor performance with modern light weight, Tibors except their very latest which you cant get yet, are as heavy as a brick.
While Snook's 150lb. tarpon are something (something I'd never be interested in too much work), an awful lot of saltwater fishing can be done with trout size combos. I get my butt smacked all summer long by a guy who works a 4wt. on the surf and gets more spawning snook than the entire s.w. gulf coast. It makes sea trout, ladyfish and macks all seem like a tarpon. I find no need for anything but a 6 wt myself for anything and I mostly fish the mangroves.
Your 10 weight is exactly the same as Sage's Smallmouth rig, their Largemouth rig is like a 12wt. way overkill marketing hype to me targeted folks who dont know better or think bass fly fishing is strictly gawdy deer hair fuzz bombs.