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Everything posted by 0119

  1. Lake Trafford just out of Naples has recently been cleaned up from decades of being clogged by weeds. They have reported bass upwards of 9#'s this summer. Its a lot closer than Lake O and has less boat traffic.
  2. I enjoy that pic everytime you post it! Great idea, the first gen. Revo S handle.....
  3. Maxima is the best mono Ive found and I only use mono. That said, in my part of the country it is virtually impossible to find. For me line, like shoes, are best not bought sight unseen.
  4. You must have been their only happy customer. Search it and you'll find nothing but complaints about it.
  5. That was just built into the price of already inflatedly priced chinese made rods that cost them nil to build. A strategic move to hold on to their cult like hold of zombie like brand loyalists. In a year and a half when they introduce the Curado K and you cant get parts for the you now obsolete I's, even more people will become disenchanted.
  6. Fighting a fish with a baitcaster should never get to the point that the rod/reel torque over. Proper fish fighting must be done strictly with the rod, reeling in is only a slack line, torquing should never happen. To think a spinning reel/rod is less capable is just as stupid, since that same proper fish fighting technique demands fighting the fish with the rod and reeling only to gather slack line as you go downward in the pump. This whole constant argument is just uneducated anglers trying to imitate "pros" whose water ski bass along the surface without a fight using broomsticks and rope for line. Thats not fishing, its competing for $ in a waterbourne arena. No one seems to know proper fishing technique anymore.
  7. Just imitating loomis in looks. Ten times better than those horrid bulbous grips thay are putting on their top of the line stuff.
  8. Dont expect to get what the manufacturer claims. Maybe a shop installing the line by machine at hand but when we at home do it, it wont be spooled with enough tension to get that much. I never use backing, it just holds water deep in your spool where it will eventually corrode the metal. Wrap the spool 5 times then do a uni knot and it will hold no need for tape or other nonsense. Less knots too which is always a plus.
  9. Haaaaa. Dumb smart phone. Always thinks it knows what I want to write.
  10. 5000 is too big. I don't use but a 3000 for reds, snook and tampon under 30#. It would wear you out.
  11. Thanks for the input everybody...
  12. Whats the opinion on what used to be called Para-Ordinance and on Rock Island ?
  13. Its been well over a decade since I was serious about firearms. I've started to look at them again in hopes of renewing an old hobby. Due to restrictions of my department I could never carry anything but a 9mm. Now retired, free to enjoy bigger and better things my thoughts turn to the 1911. I'm still a faithful Sig owner and after carrying one for nearly 25 years, am seriously biased towards them. I also have respect for Ruger. Researching the 1911 now, I see there are maker's I had never heard of and all of the big names have a 1911 creation. But, Springfield makes major parts in Brazil? Some other makers have parts made in the Phillipines? Many parts are "MIM" and to many sub standard. California requires breakable titanium firing pins? A lot has changed in 10+ years. Heck I see a S&W Model 10 now costs $740. It made me laugh hard. I once had a 1911 pre A1 Colt dated by the factory being made in 1921. Selling it is one of the top 5 regrets in my life. So what makers of 1911's are US made? Does it make a difference to you? And whats with every 1911 being made with a beavertail? I can't seem to find a more traditional styled service type 1911 made form a name I recognize. Thanks for any input
  14. There are people here who think like me.......
  15. My fishing buddy throws 1/4oz. jig heads w/ little DOA C.A.L. paddletails all day long with a Zillion Inshore without a problem. I've used his and found it to throw weightless super flukes easily.
  16. The Tatula has 20 on the adjuster. Does the T3 have more than that?
  17. Big Game is made in 8, I use it on spinning, Abu 1500c's and Abu 2500c's all the time. I get it at BPS
  18. Use it for everything. 12# for baitcasters, 8# on spinners. Hate braid
  19. Well like I said.......twice....... I feel. I just I. And I wrote, for "the most part." Ford is considered top end now, I wish I could afford one. Chevy doesnt look so hot just right now. Sadly I have a Chevy. Yes I prefer USA made $$$ boots. I avoid china-mart at all costs. USA made fly reels only, never orvis or now the watered down in name only Hardy, thank you again Pure Fishing. Boy and I thought my slam of the forum would've been the thorn in my post!!! Theres a lot of things changing in this country, cops drive compact cars with little 6 bangers now. I can't sit on a chair anywhere in this country without the guy who sat it in before me, having had is jeans down past his a@@. Now I have to sit where is sweaty boxers were? I can't stand hearing todays music, even what they think is called country. T.V. even fishing shows, are obnoxious. I'm a dinosaur, extinct, I just haven't rolled over and died yet.......
  20. Interesting that you mention honor. I wholeheartedly agree with you view here. Sadly in this politically correct nation, most will not agree, even if secretly they do! I wish in America, things were made with pride. I feel...feel like in my opinion..... that we here have not made anything with pride for the most part since the 60's. The very business ethic you mention China has, is modeled after America's. Sadly, with only 71 posts under your belt you probably don't know there are a few absolutes here. Never give your political view, never bad mouth shimano, never mention shopping at a none site sponsor!
  21. One with bushing in the grips! Thats a first. Another brand and they would have found it too difficult to turn the handle.
  22. INOX wipe down after I hit the line roller, handle, the shaft, sideplate screws, bail arm pivots with an INOX needle oiler.
  23. Reels, I'm loyal to certain brands. Rod, I used to be loyal to strictly St.Croix but now I judge a rod by strictly by its components and avoid all the color matching stylish stuff.
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