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Everything posted by 0119

  1. Ok so let me get this right.... all you shimano worshippers have a entitled right to proclaim your shimano love 25 hours a day. Defensively any thought other than your own is ignorance? Right, thats why I served, to defend your rights to entitled arrogance and my ignorance. Nothing on this forum has ever proven my claims that there are so many "internet experts". I'm ignorant because I don't like what you all likeand don't use what you all use. You are as a whole the largest group of defensive and arrogant man boys the angling world has ever seen. Don't worry Francho, you don't need to add another warning point to my doesnt play well with others tag.
  2. Whats that old saying..."Thats why the old lady kissed the cow" Whatever floats your boat. I think todays reels are all garbage. Rods, even worse.....
  3. Both of Mine are shorter. I don't mind shorter, I prefer Abu's counter balanced handles best for their 'snubbiness' I just want replaceable big beefy knobs like the Revo's. IT's always seem to be his trade mark blue!
  4. Castaway makes a inshore wading rod that is 'whippy'. Bass pro has them. They throw a 1/4 oz. a mile.
  5. I get better hooksets with 12# I found 10# had too much stretch.
  6. I dislike the modern look of carbon especially when compared to the chrome brass with the dimpled face. The Eva serves a useful purpose. I'm going to try the scalp the post out of the handle set Mike's Reel Repair makes.
  7. Why would that make you change brands. They just now finally are doing what shimano has always done, but no one notices. A citica is a curado is a chronarch. Just a bearing count difference. Why abandon one brand for doing what all do.
  8. I have 2 original made by Shimano Lew's and they have incredibly short handles. Yeah you can't use the original posts from the old style handles. You have to do like UT Reels does and remount a screwed in post.
  9. I always thought they were the worst shaped most uncomfortable grips! To thin and the handle so short..... I still want to find a way to fit Revo eva style knobs on to the classic dimpled chromed brass handles, just cant find a source for posts.
  10. Another reason I only use old Ambassadeurs....... I gotta k.i.s.s., I have earned my nickname Charlie Brown!
  11. Not according to the makers and worshippers of superlines. The materials Dyneema and Spectra are not porous nor absorbant.
  12. Gee maybe I should stop fishing my 1500/2500's. They may be worth some serious trading fodder soon!
  13. Thats the shim alright, you didnt get extras in the box? My Lexa never needed extra shims but it had 2 or 3 in a tiny ziploc with the instructions. That shim would have no effect on your drag.
  14. 3x10x4 bb's are available and you can go crazy giving it higher quality abec 5 or 7 or even ceramic ones. Carbontex or Smoothie drag washers BB's for the levelwind', idler cog, the drive shaft in replacement of the spacer bushing. Replace the handle with Revo style or any type of aftermarket handle even ornate ones can be found on ebay. You can run amuck with them really, even with the oils/grease you use to make it a tournament grade caster. I think oldschoolbasser has put something like 10 or 11 bb's in some of his reels. I usually put in 7 myself. Its a blast and you can do it all yourself. The board sponsor can do it or you can get the parts from a couple places that are "ambassadeur specialists". Or go straight to Smooth Drag and Boca Bearing.
  15. BB's are probably 3 x 10 x 4. You can upgrade them just like anybody does their newer techno plastic reels, skies the limit. Carbontex or Smoothie drag washer drag upgrades are easily found too along with ceramic pawls and bb's for idler cogs, level winds etc...
  16. I tie braid directly to my spool when in the very rare occasion I use braid. There are a lot of good reasons to not use backing or tape especially if you fish salt/brackish water. Mono backing absorbs water and holds it against your spool where one day it'll not dry well enough depending how you store your stuff. Corrosion will begin and the price of a new spool is usually a lot. Using tape does the same thing and corrosion will eventually start. Unless you devise a system where you remove your reels from the rods and allow a few days of sitting out say on a desk top somewhere to let the mono deep under that braid, time to dry. Mono backing is not very popular with serious saltwater anglers or at least ones who think about their equipment. All you need to do is wrap the braid 5 or 6 times around the spool then use a uni knot as shown on Jose Weibe's you tube video. Using more braid is cheaper than having to pay for a new spool.
  17. He said as a back up reel. I wouldn't break the bank on it especially since you're primary might never crap the bed. I'd look on the auction site for a used Ambassadeur 5501 or an old Daiwa Millionaire.
  18. I just bought 2 at 50% off at a local shop. It was a spur of the moment decision. Afterwards I found some negative posts on various forums stating the riveted foot will loosen. Maybe, I don't know. My old Ambassadeur's have a tack welded foot and have lasted decades fighting huge saltwater fish without a problem. Is a tack weld stronger than 2 machined rivets? I think a lot of it is simply brand loyalists who enjoy causing trouble. I got to say my arthritic wrist appreciates going to a reel that weighs 6oz. Compared to one that's 13 oz. If it lasts as long as the Quantum spinning reels I've had they will have paid for themselves in enjoyment.
  19. I've had 6 Revo's Gen 1 and Gen 2. Each ones drag suffered quickly. I disagree with Abu's dry drag theory. My Gen 1 Premier's drag was useless right out of the box. Each Revo's Belleville washers, the ones that look like this, () wore out quickly and had to be replaced to increase drag range. Abu's tech agreed with me that the factories habit of shipping reels out with the drags somewhat tightened, meant the washers had been compressed for who knows how long. I don't think it's the best quality metal either. I'd also run the drag slightly wet with Cal's grease.
  20. Impressively light. I just played with them at the Quantum table of a local shops tent sale. 20% off and I know I'll regret not getting one in 30 size. But they had 50% off on the baitcasters so I picked up 2 Exo's. I must say the Quantum staff was the most pleasant to talk to from all the factory folks there except Gary Loomis who has to be the nicest man in the fishing industry. Edge rods now have his long lost beloved Wiebe reelseats.
  21. I never stop throwing the super spook jr. I use it on every trip I take and its my go to lure having caught fish on it every month of the year.
  22. Only one and a handful of lures in my pocket. Might have another in the truck, might but usually have a problem just leaving a $500 outfit unattended. Can't even comprehend carrying more, as I'm walking I'm casting.
  23. Local shops can't beat Wal-Mart prices around here. Fed. Alum. Case .45acp for 14 bucks. Limited to 3 boxes at a time per customer here locally though.
  24. Is there a braid that has not had a color dye added? Just the natural color of the fiber?
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