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Everything posted by 0119

  1. 0119


  2. Only to you perhaps or be it your opinion. Opinion, something everyone is entitled to. Its been much less than a decade in fact just this spring when I bought 2 Chronarch CI4's in effort to give shimano another try. The huge gap surrounding the plastic brake dial was instrumental in allowing plenty of water into the reel. Unimpressed. Are you going to follow every post I make while policing me in my points purgatory? Always having a snide comment..... Please just ban me and lets get this over with......
  3. Perhaps its not the ability of the asian worker that has made this widespread opinion but the tier of product the mega conglomerates choose to produce in those countries. The new "Ambassadeur" SX family of reels compared to the Swedish made C4 and Record comes to mind. For me it was a combination of manufacturers and products that set my opinion of asia in stone. Every Revo I've bought has been a disappointment in quality. Seeing as a lew's is made in the same building, it tells me to never buy one. Shimano's replacement of the D series Curado with its plastic levelwind guide, black enameled sideplate screws, plastic levelwind eye housing, plastic drag star thus set my opinion of shimano and its cost cutting efforts.
  4. Mike I honestly didn't mean anything by that but honestly meant that it is just funny, odd or interesting how we both fish the same places for the same fish in such completely different if not opposite ways. I spoke of salty fish but only see them when I catch them in sweetwater. I know from our talks that you fish the brine as well as your tournament interests. I know you were speaking about your sweetwater knowledge, were just giving the o.p. the value of your experience and as the "police" so quickly pointed out, that this is a bass forum.
  5. Funny how we can live in the same county and fish such completely different water and situations! If I threw 30 or 65 braid at the reds and snook they'd spook for Ft. Myers Beach. If I caught one the braid would fray off instantly. Just saying......
  6. Yes. Across the board in all their products.
  7. I rarely fish any kind of matted stuff because there isn't any within 5 counties of me. I see no logic in throwing braid on any reel let alone one for a situation that doesn't exist. I always enjoy laughing out loud when I see a "tackle shop expert" tell somebody they need braid, just so they can get cut off on all the zebra mussels, freshwater oysters or better yet play garbage man and yank the hundreds of shopping carts out of the drink.
  8. I don't own any at the moment but I have had Falcon Coastal rods. Falcon is more in line with the rest of the world when it comes to action ratings than St.Croix's heavy handed mentality. Are they as light in weight or feel as many think a finesse rod should be? No I don't think so. But they are a great rod. The Cara is much light in weight in hand and feel.
  9. I keep saying that....then like today I find Whopper Plopper's at BPS and whoops I did it again......
  10. C4's are listed, 2 in stock $88 C3's are listed, 5 in stock $80
  11. Well you got me on that one. I'm a Ambassadeur collector and cannot recall Pure Fishing ever putting out an round Ambassadeur with 7 b.b.'s. Try like I did and google it on google images. Lots of examples with boxes showing specs come up that you can peruse.
  12. If I recall correctly and from the boxes shown on google images, it was a standard C3 in 5.3:1. 2 b.b. in reddish anodizing instead of bare aluminum clear. I only remember them in 4600 size but images shows 5600 too.
  13. Well I can't find what I saw on google earth. It had a parking lot next to it that could have held 3 Fucillo car lots! It was more west than mm 51 as I remember but I only go through there when I'm heading to and from the Port of Miami so its been a couple of years. The ramp was on the west side of the canal contrary to what google earth shows of the canal you folks are talking about.
  14. Don't forget black spinnerbaits too, with a big black colorado blade.
  15. Until the tilapia polluted our local waters, it was all tannic. Our river, the Myakka, is indian for black water. Gold has always been the top producing color.
  16. Go to ffo tackle's site and check out the factory reconditioned Ambassadeur 4600C4. Full warranty and at $88 its almost 50% off. You won't be able to tell it from new. Use the savings to get a better rod like a E6 Loomis or St. Croix Avid. The Ambassadeur is super easy to maintain yourself, tough as a tank and will last long enough that your kids will end up with it. 4 b.b.'s and smooth too.
  17. Now that is somebody who knows how to take care of their stuff!
  18. I've had skin cancer on my hands 3 times. To say it is rare is flat out wrong. To say that the major risk factors are what you posted.....for skin cancer........ is bordering on a personal bias against people who don't fit your "preferred" image.
  19. I have spent crazy money on high dollar hardbaits. I appreciated the looks of JDM lures. But I did not find them to catch more or bigger fish than Rogues or Heddon's. I also didn't find them to hold up to toothy fish at all, be it finish wise or body integrity. I gave up on the higher dollar lures until I caught the bug for baits made by small regional cottage industry guys. I will pay more for baits by Sam Griffin, Ghost Baits or Daniels Old Florida Deceiver's. But they have given me confidence by catching bigger fish and especially with the exceptional customer service that you get going right to the maker.
  20. I use a Engel 13qt. Dry box. I fish a lot in the rain. It has 4 rod holders, carries my electronics protected and more plano's and soft plastic binders than I need. Costs the same as many tackle bags and never has a zipper that gives up the ghost.
  21. Wow, back when BPS catalogs actually said something other than "see our website for details"
  22. It doesn't take bouncing down a dirt road for todays fancy nancy sharp hooks to scratch plastic.
  23. Well like always....I disagree with everyone! Hard baits, heck, all lures are way too expensive for what they are period. I throw them against bridge pilings and concrete seawalls all day. I got to live with the consequences of that but I don't have to live with the consequences of how I treat my hard earned money while it sits bouncing around in a box of plastic. Spooks crack just looking at them. Pompadours come in the package with enough scratches already before you open them and they are from the almighty Jackall company!!!!! My beloved yo-zuri's are 10 bucks a pop. I went to Michaels Crafts Store, in the cake decorating section I bought in bulk a few packs of bread bag ties. Each lure gets its hooks pressed against its belly and twist tied together. It has worked with all my hardbaits except Pompadours and I get no more storage damage. Hook Bonnets are usually red or chart. and after awhile the color bleeds into the clear coat of the lures. They added bulk and took away from how many baits I could pack in. Rubber bands break in Fl. heat. I get years out of my lures even catching toothy inshore fish. They always get repainted with nail polish, glitter, sharpies and model paint. I don't cry when I lose one but I'll be darned if I don't squeeze every penny out of them. Funny, my most expensive hard baits are wood and made by local or regional makers and finish never seems to be an issue with them like it is with the big companies.
  24. I prefer a moderate action for buzzbaits to help me from reacting too fast at the strike. My St.Croix labeled as a spinnerbait specific rod has a less than fast action. I don't think you will be too handicapped by a moderate power/medium heavy action rod.
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