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Tim Kelly

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Everything posted by Tim Kelly

  1. I don't have a problem with people making a living out of fishing and you tube, I have a problem with the total lack of sophistication the sponsors seem to have! Take Gene for example. He used to use those white rods and when explaining what his lesson of the day was and would mention the rod, the reel and retrieve ratio and the line he was using, just so you'd know what gear he used for the technique. Great and informative. Then he got a boat to use and that's obvious the whole time he's fishing, so he doesn't need to say too much about that. Starting doing videos just about some rods or whatever he's been sent however is dull with a capital D and in my mind reduces his credibility, which is a real shame. A good sponsor would allow the viewers to work out what he was using without the big presentation and if that influences their choice then so be it. Making a you tube channel as crass as all the others by making it all about the sponsors totally wastes the very thing the sponsors were attracted by in the first place and the very reason a person's channel has become popular.
  2. It's not actually, I've never come across his channel. Certainly one of the guilty parties used to post one here though.
  3. You're screwed. I used to subscribe to their "Extended cast" which was streamed from their website, but since they sold their broadcasting rights to whoever broadcasts it now the streaming has vanished, along with about 6 months of my subscription. Not impressed.
  4. Seriously? I would think KVD would be interested in that gig! I can't believe that sponsors sign up for something just to ruin it. The whole point is that they see someone with a following and credibility and want their brand associated with them. If they had any sense they wouldn't ask, or expect anything more than the person to use their product and make an occasional mention of it. Full on Scott Martin style endorsement looks awful and convinces nobody, not to mention repelling people like me.
  5. Why is it that once good interesting you tube channels become crass parodies of themselves after they "make it"? Some of my favourite bass fishing you tube channels have gone from being good genuine guys without agendas to the usual crass back patting, sponsor whoring, wastes of space that many of the TV programs are. These guys now spend time unboxing, meeting up with fellow you tube "stars" and generally losing any credibility they'd accumulated over the years by banging on about this sponsor's product or that sponsor's gear. It's a shame is all. The good interesting content has been replaced by bland nothingness.
  6. I assumed she was his wife.
  7. FG knot will solve your snapping issues, it's incredibly strong, but it takes a bit of practise. If you learn to tie it by weaving the leader over and under the braid you can easily tie it on the water, but it will take 2-3 mins. Worth the extra effort though.
  8. (K)Not easy. A half blood knot is sort of right, but not the best knot. Putting a bobber stop on the line before you tie the knot helps deflect the snot a bit.
  9. I think it would be funny to have a day in the boat with Biffle.
  10. An observation on a difference between Tracker and Ranger aluminium boats that might be worth considering is that the Tracker revolution hull almost certainly runs a bit smoother on choppy water, but at idle speeds it's bow sits very high and it is not as easy to control, especially in a cross wind. The ranger hull sits flatter in the water and is easy to control at low speeds and it probably more stable as a fishing platform. I would choose a ranger if the price difference were affordable.
  11. Hi Josan I'm from England and have fished Cijara a few times now. Great lake and now it's beginning to get a few zander in it as well, just to add variety. I stay with Lee in Helechosa when I'm there. I expect you recognise this spot!
  12. I was going to post the exact same thing. LOL
  13. It doesn't. Total myth for crankbaits. The same diameter mono would fish the same depth, or so close the difference is irrelevant.
  14. I like the VMC aberdeen jig hook or the Eagle claw sickle shaped hooks in a size 2 for most ned baits.
  15. I've done that Glen, and it works well. The issue is that when you've scrolled past the first 25 in the new content and press the "show more" or whatever it says to get the next batch of new posts up. If you then click on one of those posts and read it, then press the back button, you go to the end of the first 25 new posts, not to where you were when you read the post, if that makes sense? Basically every time you go back you have to scroll down through all the posts you've gone past and press the show more button as many times as it takes to get you back to where you were.
  16. I have the same issue. I couldn't find a view new content button, so set something up in the activity tab that allows you to have a new content option. The not going back to where you were thing (once you've scrolled past the first 25) is a pain in the backside and I definitely look at less content than I did before the site changed.
  17. Do you think it will be stable enough as the deck is very high?
  18. I would bet that either the cartridge replacements broke a little O ring seal or getting them off caused a little air leak at the fuel pipe fitting. I would check both the filter and the filter housing very carefully, take them apart and put them back together again carefully.
  19. It takes time to find bass deep. That's the drawback of the MLF format. The percentage most of the time is to fish shallow visible cover.
  20. A friend of mine tows an RT188 with an Escape perfectly well. He does have trailer brakes, which he says are a nice upgrade over his previous Triton boat which didn't have brakes, but he's pulled them both for years a long way with no problems. The previous escape, and the Mazda Tribute before that lasted for over 200K before retirement.
  21. For casting distance, probably the braid. I use 6lb CXX and really like it for the job. Not as good in cold weather though as the line stiffens and casting is a bit reduced, but in warmer weather it suits me perfectly.
  22. Good choice. A friend of mine, who also lives in Danville PA, has one and we spent a great week fishing off it last summer up at his cottage in Ontario. Very good fishing platform and will go amazingly shallow. Very stable, comfortable boat.
  23. For that 17ft boat size I think the G3 Eagle Talon DLX is the best thought out in the class. 90hp rating, 9ft rod box, cooler in step. Compared to the others in that size class it would probably be my choice.
  24. Hawg wobbler
  25. Probably because they've sold all the broadcasting rights to whoever it's being broadcast by. Real shame for me as I don't live in the US and have no other way of watching. Really enjoyed the e casts and was happy to spend $30 a year to watch it. It's a business decision, but possibly not a brilliant one. Time will tell.
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