If your reel has a capacity of 6# 90 it's probably got a very small spool (some reels have a large spool that's shallow) and a small spool is not going to work well with mono over about 4lb. I like 6lb P line CXX on my ned rod, it's a springy line, but has very little stretch and is very durable. I fish it on a shallow spooled Daiwa 2506 size reel, a normal Daiwa 2500 size would work too, but you'd need some backing or spool up with a lot of line. In the winter though, I switch to braid as the mono gets stiffer and less usable in cold weather. I've been using Daiwa J braid in the 0.10mm size recently with no complaints, but like you I hate it when it's windy.
BTW One really important thing with braid, especially in the wind, is to learn to feather the line during the cast so that it's pretty taught when your lure hits the water. Feathering the line and stopping it when the lure hits the water not only stops the big bow of line from the cast forming, but it helps enormously in stopping the "wind knots" forming on your spool. Flip the bail manually and keep half an eye on the spool for loops forming across the top of the spool. I cast by trapping the line against the open spool with my finger and releasing it as I cast, the finger can then feather down on the line as the cast progresses and can trap the line against the spool again at the end of the cast to straighten everything out.