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Tim Kelly

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Everything posted by Tim Kelly

  1. I use a tatula type R 8:1, which is the same shape as the zillion TWS. It's a bit more solid feeling than the Tat CT, and I don't have a problem with the marginally larger frame size. I really can't see there'd be anything to gain for frogging or punching by using a more expensive reel (I have more expensive reels), but if you insist on spending more any of your choices would be fine, as would the HD versions of the Zillion and Tatula from the USDM if you felt you needed more line capacity for some reason. 65lb Power Pro Maxcuatro is a great match for frog and punching duties BTW.
  2. American yards are only 2 feet long now?
  3. Ain't that the truth! LOL
  4. I've been trying to follow the Forrest Wood Cup today, but the FLW website absolutely defeats me. Managed to watch some of the live coverage, but trying to find the weigh in, or day 1 results on the website is impossible. It's a great looking website, but I have never had any luck finding what I'm looking for on there.
  5. Don't know then. If you can remove the center cap you should be able to see if there's a slot to put a tool in to undo the knob. If there isn't I guess you can't without replacing the handle.
  6. Bloody traffic cones!
  7. Nice dog, she looks like a great companion. If you really want to take her fishing with you and don't want her to go in the water while you're fishing, don't throw sticks. Slapping her in the face with a fish is unlikely to make her a better fishing companion too.
  8. Which Fuego? I have a mk 1 fuego 3000, which has a red body and an external bail trip. The handle knob is riveted on, so you can't change it without a bit of engineering or a new handle.
  9. You have my sympathies. My mother is currently absolutely crippled with anxiety. Still waiting to get some sort of worthwhile diagnosis from the doctor and trying various drugs to make her feel better. My poor dad has to deal with her 24 hours a day and is doing a saintly job, but he's 11 years older than her and it's not doing him any good. Luckily I live very close by, so I go over and cook dinner for them and see them every day. Some day moderately OK, others, like today, just miserable.
  10. I've got a pile of Daiwa and Shimano reels TDZ fuego, OG zillion, SS SV, SV105, OG Tat type r, Tat SV etc, but the reel I most enjoy using is the Tat CT 7.3. There's something about that reel that is just so easy, simple and reliable. I can't think of a single reason to buy anything else for general fishing, especially at the price. They don't even feel as solid as the OG Tat, but I find it great to use.
  11. Today's offering. Sleepy spaniel after a tough morning beating for pheasants.
  12. Between drives last winter.
  13. Today the dog and I went for a walk along the famous river Itchen in Hampshire. Dog spotted a grayling in a little carrier stream. Not long afterwards he was in splashing about of course, but that's spaniels. Part otter.
  14. Today we fished, and we got "papped" LOL Spies everywhere.
  15. Regardless of whether the boat is structurally sound and the motor is running well, I would question the idea of buying a boat with an old 200 2 stroke. You're obviously on a moderately tight budget, so the day to day costs of feeding a 200 are going to be significant. Unless you really need a big fast boat I would think a 17-18ft tin hull with a 90 would be a better choice until you are in a better financial position and can afford to own and run a big rig.
  16. I think the trilene is probably the best of the batch, and will be giving it a trial. Thanks.
  17. I imagine you could knock an insert out if you got unlucky. Learn to tie an FG knot and your concerns will disappear.
  18. Sorry typo. Should have read "Baby", as in chicks.
  19. I bought some BPS ball bearing swivels once that were sticky. I put a drop of oil in them and they span perfectly and continued to work perfectly in use.
  20. If you have no zebra mussels that approach is fine, but if they are present braid gets sliced too easily.
  21. Have you seen many bay loons this summer? Where I was in Ontario there were very few compared to previous years, presumably because of the wet spring and early summer.
  22. I think their titanium guides are titanium coated (steel?) rather than pure titanium, so I'm not sure what the advantage of them might be?
  23. I built one rod with them and I think they work really well for casting. I have a slight question mark about them though as I sometimes get a sort of creaking of the line (mono) when the rod's under load with a fish on, almost like there's friction in the guide train for the line. It might be that following the spacing instructions was a mistake and a static load test would have put more guides on and stopped the creaking, or it might be something to do with the design of the runner guides. In an ideal world I would like to use their reduction and step down guide and some fuji #5 or 4.5 runners, but you can't just buy parts of the system, other than extra runner guides.
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