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Tim Kelly

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Everything posted by Tim Kelly

  1. That's an idea. I tried adding extra drag washers to make a multi layer stack, but it didn't help. Thanks.
  2. Any ideas how to improve the drag power on the SS SV? I have one that gets used so little as the drag is so poor.
  3. You're not alone! Check out Rod Geeks, they have some very familiar sounding blanks in unpainted or painted.
  4. Trying to get on plane on Nockamixon with a 9.9?
  5. I wonder why there aren't more events in Philly then. Other than the rubbish fishing it was amazingly well supported when Ike won there a couple of years ago!
  6. How do they choose the venues for events? Presumably there needs to be the on shore facilities for the weigh ins, and increasingly important is good cell coverage. Other than that, is it just habit? Do Chambers of commerce pay them a fee to bring the show to their town? There are a lot of great lakes, I'm surprised they visit the same ones so frequently.
  7. With the St Lawrence/ Ontario thing, you could easily look at recent tournament results and if the lake was producing bigger weights decide to go to the lake for your practice. Whether the lake should be off limits or not is another argument.
  8. I'd love to know who it is who's been performing above their ability with these waypoints. Every pro seems to say it will be a good thing and stop the "others" from getting an advantage, but nobody has yet said it will put a kink in their season next year!
  9. I expect the water trapped in the spro added considerably to the casting weight. I expect it didn't cast as far when you'd just squeezed it.
  10. Quite agree. I think limiting the area that is fishable should be something they look into for all tournaments. Seems ludicrous to me that people can run 100 miles or more from the launch point. Just from an environmental point of view that promotes a ridiculous waste of fuel.
  11. Ott will be delighted!
  12. As I only bass fish on organised trips I tend to look at the moon phase. The weather is going to have a far greater influence than the moon, but if I had a choice I would prefer to fish over a new moon than a full one. Not for any proven reason, just because it seems logical that the fish may have fed more at night under a full moon, so would be less inclined to feed in the daylight, which is when I want to fish. My trips are usually decided on when it fits in with everyone's calendar, so though I might prefer a new moon, I happily go whenever it can be arranged!
  13. If the bearing is over lubed then the handle will spin backwards. If the line is slipping and the handle isn't then it's a line or drag issue.
  14. The idea behind braid as a backing on baitcasters is that it's lighter than mono, or certainly fluoro, so it gives a marginal improvement in the reels casting as there's fractionally less start up inertia, but the braid backing still needs to be secured to the spool with some mono or tape. It's one of those slightly daft ideas that fills an article or two, and while it is not wrong, is certainly very marginal!
  15. I think you have mis-read previous advice. Braid will slip on a spool if it has no mono or fluoro backing, or a bit of tape to keep it still. If you've got straight fluoro on your spool it shouldn't slip, so it might be a problem with your reels drag mechanism. Have you tried tightening the star wheel behind the reel handle to tighten the drag?
  16. I think the nearest Ranger dealer is in central France. Harrods aren't what they once were. LOL
  17. There are lots of Mod V boats with a central rod locker. Not having it in the middle is one of the things that most appeals to me about the Lund. Good to have choices, so everyone can get closer to their ideal layout.
  18. Hi Richard. If there's anything you need translated, I'll give it a crack for you. There are lots of regional names for fish that can be confusing, but if you spend a little time looking at reports and looking at the pictures attached you will soon start to cotton on to what they're talking about. Word of warning, if you get to go to the States or Canada bass fishing it might very well spoil you for fishing back in the UK. Trudging a canal bank in the winter for a small perch or two doesn't really compare with screaming across a lake at 80mph and then flipping mats for aggressive largemouth or getting a feisty smallmouth to smash a popper. I'm ruined.
  19. Great choice. I like the layout of the Lund. I think I would choose that one too if I were shopping for an 18ft mod v boat. Enjoy it.
  20. "My bait that I was using yesterday was 1/2 ounce. I haven't been able to find any sort of internal braking, only a knob on the side. " If you're only adjusting the spool tension and you haven't gone inside the reel to adjust the casting brakes, then you haven't adjusted your brakes. Casting with fluorocarbon isn't very different to using any other type of line, only a minor adjustment. Casting a baitcaster without knowing how they work or how to adjust them is much more difficult.
  21. I'd be tempted to get a new, or nearly new 16ft Jon boat with a 25hp. You can add trolling motors and electronics as you can afford them and make a ply deck for the front if you feel the urge. Old boats with old motors are likely to give you issues, so if no hassle is your goal then as new as you can find will be better. 600 acre lakes don't need much of a boat to be enjoyed, so all the niceties of a proper bass boat are just extras that you have to pay for which means the reliability is likely to be reduced by an older motor, livewell pumps to split and break down etc.
  22. It won't grip them if you just push the trd on, you have to pinch the trd where the barb will go and stretch it over the barb. Once you've lifted the elastech over the barb it won't come off for a long time.
  23. I find the wire keeper on the midwest mold works fine, you just have to pinch a bit of the TRD and stretch it over the wire to get it over the wire. Once it's in place it holds pretty well.
  24. Not much good for towing, putting rods in or putting dogs in either. Epic fail, what were they thinking?
  25. Surely there's a better source for this information than a bass fishing forum? Don't you get any paperwork with your license telling you what it does or doesn't allow you to do? There must be a website for the department that issues the license.
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