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Tim Kelly

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Everything posted by Tim Kelly

  1. The transducer needs to be in the water and free of turbulence to give good readings. If your TD is right at the edge of the hull it might not even be in the water when you're on plane. Put a big transducer mounting board on the transom and experiment with different positions. Read the humminbird manual for positioning, it will be relevant even if your unit is an older one. you can almost certainly get it working to 20mph or so and quite possibly up to full speed depending on the hull.
  2. They ate a couple of tiny perch that fell off the hook as I was swinging them in. ?
  3. Multi species day. Fishing tiny little scraps of plastic. Amazing what shows up!
  4. Odd that they're being discounted if they're not being discontinued.
  5. Presumably Berkley are discontinuing them as they're being discounted everywhere?
  6. It's coming from those sliding collars that started me with two fingers each side of the reel stem, so I could catch the reel when it fell off. ?
  7. How you hold the rod is crucial to how you're going to like your reel seat configured. The joys of custom building! I have no idea what St Croix are thinking with any of their spinning rod handles though. The Avid X isn't horrible, but the rest....
  8. I've not had that issue, been using them for a few years now too. maybe it's a temperature thing, we don't get the temps a lot of places in the states would. I have issues with pretty much any uplocking spinning seat. I fish with two fingers either side of the reel stem and dislike having the heel of my hand resting on threads. If the handle is constructed with a hidden hood, then it's usually too short and the heel of my hand is overhanging the back of it. I really like using the fuji front screw part on the Aero. A little filing and it makes a very nice transition.
  9. Nice work. I've re-done both my medium and med-light. I like the aero seat as it gives me something to fill my hand a bit better.
  10. Don't you hate how it counts for nothing coming first or twentieth in the qualifying stages? Seems like they should be motivated to come first at every stage.
  11. Yes the remaining 30 fish the second qualifying day continuing with the weights they had on day one. The 10 guys who qualified on day one would spend the day getting all the media hype for being top 10 qualifiers, which is a large part of the new format. Their sponsorship stock would go up as a result of the extra coverage they'd get.
  12. You can't just cut the rod off each side of the break and send them the relevant piece? Would save a lot on shipping and would give them the break to examine. I can't imagine they'd gat any more information from the whole rod than they would the relevant 10" section.
  13. I'm still struggling to enjoy the BPT as much as I enjoy the elites. It occurred to me this evening, after seeing the BPT promoting the top 10 anglers weights today, that they should take the top 10 from day 1 though to the next round, then the top 10 from day 2 (actually day 3). This would help make each day of fishing more relevant and stop the deal where the guys that really catch them on day one hardly bother fishing on day 2. It would also make it seem less underwhelming fishing for 20th place. I think my biggest struggle with the format as it is, is the irrelevance of the first day of qualifying.
  14. Oh. I wonder if he knew John Wayne?
  15. I had no idea there were female marines in the second war.
  16. With the fishing here really slowing down, spring is a poor period as the fish start spawning and aren't usually very catchable for a while, I thought I'd get the stupidly small and light gear out and see if I could catch some of the non traditional species. Good fun catching roach on micro plastics, had a surprising number of decent perch too. I don't think I would have caught them on conventional tactics, so that is one for the memory bank of tricks in the future.
  17. I've been using the FG for a few years now and have had the knot break so rarely that I can't even remember the last time. Tying it well is crucial though. I tie it on the water if the leader has got too short or the braid has frayed without issue. I use the rod tip as the tensioner for the standing line and the tag end in my mouth. It is really important to make sure each of the wraps seats nicely on the previous one by manipulating the leader slightly so it kicks over the last little bit. One you've done 20-26 wraps then a half hitch you must pull on the standing line and the leader hard so that the braid changes colour. Once that has happened you knot the knot is sound and you just need to finish with a few half hitches, then I like a renzetti finish (I think it's called - search you tube) which just completes the knot and stops the hitches from coming undone. Very occasionally I had come across braid and leader combos that won't seat properly. Trying to tie a 3lb fluoro leader to 15lb braid wasn't successful, though I could use 3lb mono. The great thing is, that when you pull the knot to seat the wraps you know immediately whether the knot is good or not. I expect it takes me 4 minutes to tie the knot on the water. Compared the the constant re-ties and lost fish I see people battling with who tie other "quicker" knots, I think there's no contest.
  18. Just googled and it showed a guy tying a palomar. Have you a link for the video you meant?
  19. Just learn to tie an FG knot. It virtually never breaks, so you don't have to re-tie it very often anyway.
  20. I have a WP110 and it rolls over. Is this common and fixable? Does it matter, other than irritating me? Had a topraider that did it years ago when I musky fished, but you could hear that the belly weight had come loose, can't find any obvious fault with the WP though.
  21. Up the creek without a paddle again John?
  22. Well done! I had a trip to SML last year about this time and we really didn't get the measure of them. Presumably you were fishing down lake in the clearer water? We spent nearly all our time up lake more.
  23. OSP do alive jerkbaits have a senko shimmy on the fall with an unweighted hook.
  24. A nice sunny spring day, fishing an urban canal......
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