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About Zeeso

  • Birthday 04/13/1986

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  • My PB
    Between 4-5 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Anything that has fish in it!
  • Other Interests
    Basketball, graphic design, hotwings, cheap beer, steamed crabs, mayonnaise.

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Community Answers

  1. Bought an ascend fs12t . I wasn't looking to spend a lot but I feel I got a lot of yak per dollar if you will. Cheap, but it floats and has some pretty decent features. I have a decent sized body of water near my house that only about half of ot is fishable from shore. Went outmonday morning for just 3 hrs and caught 7 all in spots where I normally couldn't fish. A sign of things to come I hope! The casting took a little while to get used to being so low but its not going to be a problem. Ill have to come up with an anchor system as I was blowing around all over the place. And I can't wait to add a fish finder. All ready have one picked out. Exciting times I must say.
  2. Was fishing today on a point casting towards shore and making our way slowly around the cove. 2 guys come around the corner. Cut right in front of us and parked the boat to the right of us along the shore where we were heading. We picked up and moved to the next cove. They do it again. We picked up and moved again. 5 min later they come behind us instead of in front of us. I give them a friendly hand gesture and they just kept on moving. One might say it was a good thing they didnt respond. Yeah they might not know they were in the wrong, but I would have loved to make them aware of it.
  3. 6'6 M vendetta Lews Tournament 14 lb trilene xl 1/2 oz war eagle spinnerbaits. Loving my new lews and the war eagle spinnerbait. Forget what its called, has the size of a 1/4 spinnerbait but weighs 1/2 oz. Thing casts like a bullet, slow roll it, burn it. I love spinnerbaits and im glad I finally picked up a few of these.
  4. Thanks for the input! I wasn't looking to start a bc for spinning rod debate it just struck me as odd that that was mostly what I saw on the yaks. Thought baitcasters might be difficult to handle or something while sitting in a kayak. I shall take both. Will be purchasing next weekend, im pretty pumped. My days of trying to hike through the forest to get to my hot spots will soon be at an end. I hope the bucketmouths are prepared for the wrath im about to bring down upon them!
  5. Yes. I have one, throw lipless cranks in open water and squarebills, smaller cranks etc. Haven't had any issues with it.
  6. I wouldn't put to much stock into online reviews. Every single rod review I have ever read has people complaining about breaking rods. The majority of people who purchase the rods don't even review it. Not to mention I'd put money on 90% of rod breaks are caused by the owner. That said if you can only afford either 1 c arbonlite or 2 lightning rods, but you need 2 rods. Then get the lightning rod, it's a fine rod. If you don't need 2 rods buy a carbonlite now and save up for another one later
  7. It was in the 90's I watched. But If I remember correclty, (i was only about 10 years old) it was on in the evening as well. I would sit up with my dad and brother and watch Roland Martin and Hank Parker. I think the channel was called TNN. I would sit with a pad of paper and write down all the phone numbers for the free catalogs ( I only remember cabelas, there may have been more) and I would call to get the free catalog. I remember specifically wanting the big buckets filled with worms and grubs in the cabelas magazine. There was also an item called a gravedigger kit, (at least i think that is what it was called) I think it was a small creature bait, and it was a ton of them, all different colors, it really appealed to me as a kid. Mostly because it came with a free cabelas hat! I never got it, my dad said it was a waste, he was right I also ordered a helicopter lure kit, and got it signed by Roland martin when he came to a local fish expo. Never caught a fish on it though hah.
  8. Two weeks ago xcaliburs were 2 for 4$. I would have scooped up some but I have so much stuff all ready im making an effort to fight the bait monkey
  9. Im purchasing my first kayak in a couple weeks. I have a question regarding the use of baitcaster when fishing from kayaks. Basically anytime im watching videos or researching anything about kayak fishing. I'd say the overwhelming majority of people are using spinning rods and reels. Is this the preferred approach? I pretty much only use baitcasters, its just a preference, I have no problem using spinning rods but only have 2 and they are not that good. Is using a baitcaster on a kayak troublesome? Hard to handle? Just looking for any input, thanks in advance!
  10. On one of my pq reels the magnetic brake is broke. I took it out, I haven't used it yet, but I usually have them off or really low so I don't see how it would be a problem, ill report back when I use it.
  11. Yes I too prefer the look of the lews reels, I won't argue that.
  12. What you picked is a very solid set up. You will enjoy it! Just a question though, have you ever tried to BpsPQ or Carbonlite? They both fish well above their price points, I own a veritas and a few Carbonlite rods. I gotta tell you like my Carbonlites much more. If you get a chance to buy either a pq or a Carbonlite in the future I would highly recommend you do. You'll probably change your stance! Good luck with your new set up!
  13. I have always spooled all my reels myself. I have 9 BC reels. All except 1 I put 12-14 lb mono on. The one exception is one reel I keep 60 lb braid on. I used to use nothing but spinning reels until I went fishing with a buddy who used bait casters. After that I can't go back. The problem that I have isn't a huge deal, more of a annoyance, and I can't figure it to be anything but something I am doing. Is it true that you don't want to spool them to tight, but you don't want to spool them to loose? Or is tighter better in all situations. I have my reels properly adjusted , each one is different, the cent brakes and the magnetic brakes (when it applies.) But I still feel like I am getting backlashes once to often. Forcing me to adjust my brakes and tension knob to a point where I feel like it is hindering my distance and accuracy. When I am done spooling them and cut my line from the new spool, about 3-4 rotations of lines on my reel just pop off the spool. I am thinking this is leading to my problem. If this is it. Would you recommend I just spool them with more tension? Or is it too much tension? It doesn't happen to all my reels, just a few bad apples in the bunch. Its either that, or what I type below. Second thought is, am I simply not familiar with basic standards for certain lure weights and the lb test / rod strength I should be using with them. I am not a pro by any means, and typically just put some mono on my reels with whatever I have, i like to try new lines so each varies but I have nothing more then 14 lb test. Do you guys have a set lb test you typically have on a set up that you are going to be throwing a lure with a , for arguments sake, say 3/8 oz on a 6 1/2ft mh with a fast action. Do you typically have a defined lb test for that application? Example, I just purchased a revo s, spooled it up with 14lb suffix siege ( i know this is a litter stiffer than standard monos but not enough imo to make a huge difference) tied on a 3/8 chatterbait on a 6 1/2ft MH carbonlite and went fishing for trees in my backyard. While fishing in my backyard is not an ideal test, it still felt like it was just not coming off right. Not smooth. I wasn't back lashing, but I have all 6 brakes on. I usually turn them all on and then turn them off as I find my sweet spot. I can tell though, the line isn't sitting tight on my spool. If i turned a pair of the brakes off, I would probably run into trouble. With 14 lb test on a 6 1/2 mh, should I be using that for heavier baits, 1/2 and up? I typically fish reaction baits, spinnerbaits / chatterbaits/ lipless cranks. All in the 3/8oz to 1/2oz range. Should I dedicated a set up to 3/8 and one to 1/2oz? Or is that just overkill. I have a few 6 1/2ft M fast rods. Would this be better suited for those applications? Anywho, just trying to seek my advice to fine tune my amateur fish game. Thanks for any input guys!
  14. Caught a 4.8 plush carpet. Was work in around the couch with a 1/2 jig on a 7ft c arbonlite with a lews tournament. Pitched in between the coffee table and couch. She hit it as soon as it entered. Fought her for about 5 min then a largemouth labradoodle came out of nowhere to try and steal my trophy. Had to scare it away with loud yelping noises and baconstrips.
  15. Examine the rods carefully before you purchase. Majority of them I picked up had crooked guides and a few had a couple guides expoxied shut about halfway up the rod. I found a good one and still purchased as I was just looking for a cheap rod to work on a technique with and had a spare reel to throw on it. Good luck!
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