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About Sprocket

  • Birthday 10/16/1953

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Lone Grove, Ok.
  • My PB
    Between 10-11 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Lake Fork
  • Other Interests
    Golf, KU basketball

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  • About Me
    Retired Golf Course Superintendent/Manager

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  1. $0.00 Senior lifetime Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas. Doubt I'll go anywhere else. Retired grass grower
  2. I've been real happy with my Miller Tech batteries for my Garmin Force. Retired grass grower
  3. It's TOW period. Everyone wants a shortcut or wants to know the best setting. If there was one best setting, Garmin wouldn't make so many adjustments available. I tweak my settings almost every time out. Time On the Water will be your best way to learn. I have both forward view and perspective view transducers mounted on my Force trolling motor and run them simultaneously. Retired grass grower
  4. I have one transducer on forward view and the other on perspective mode. I run them both at the same time off the trolling motor. In shallow water I'll see something off to the side on perspective and then point the forward transducer toward it. The combination is deadly in shallow water. If I'm in deeper water where the perspective mode doesn't help, I'll change that unit to sidevu. Retired grass grower
  5. I'm pretty sure it solely depends on how much rain the area gets. Retired grass grower
  6. The Garmin Force will work on 24 or 36 volt. I think the Lowrance trolling motor will too. But not 12 volt. Retired grass grower
  7. I would get a guide for your first day. I know it's a lot of money but they will put you on whatever pattern they are on at the time. If nothing else, get a reputable guide for a half day. Fork can be very intimidating the first 20 or so times you fish it. Lake Fork Marina has a list of guides on their website and a lot of them go out of there. That time of the year there won't be near as many "guides" that have full time jobs and take their vacation in the spring to guide. Good Luck, Retired grass grower
  8. Last weekend the temps were in the low to mid 50's up north. I did pretty good pitching a 3/16th oz. texas rigged swim senko and a jig n pig into the cattails. All largemouth. Retired grass grower
  9. Arbuckle has some big fish in it. I moved down here from Kansas about a year ago. I've found Arbuckle to be a very fickle lake. I've only fished it a few times and have had mixed results. Most not that great. That being said, the guys that know the lake catch some really nice fish and tournaments take a really big sack to win/place. So far, it fishes nothing like Kansas lakes. It's deep, clear and void of timber. There are places with grass and some of it is in 20' or more of water. Not sure what that polar week did to the grass. Will be there Monday and or Tuesday. Retired grass grower
  10. If it's not in my shop at night they come off. Other than that they stay on the boat all the time. Retired grass grower
  11. Might be able to anyway. Fished it a couple different times several years ago. Had pretty good luck one time, and not worth a darn the second time. Retired grass grower
  12. Welcome to the forum. The 56 is just that much better than the 54. Better clarity and picks up fish better especially at longer range on sidevu. Retired grass grower
  13. Echomap and Striker cannot be linked together. The transducer originally came with a trolling motor mount as well as a transom mount. Retired grass grower
  14. I have been staying at Lake Fork Marina the last 20 or so years. Super clean, recently remodeled rooms, awesome tackle shop, great restaurant, two ramps and really nice people that own it. They have a list of reputable guides on their website and a lot of the better guides generally go out of there. Need to make reservations now for late March, early April. Especially with a guide as all the good ones will be booked solid. Retired grass grower
  15. Menu>Chart Setup>Chart appearance>Range rings Retired grass grower
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