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Everything posted by Zoff

  1. Just name a place and time on Saturday. I'll be there.
  2. Sounds like a "Win-Win" situation... for me.
  3. Can you get us the code so we can use the online buy option?
  4. Sure thing, bud!
  5. My Wife heard snakeheads are good eating. She has informed me that I had better bring some home for a fry.
  6. 10-4. I know my Family is not coming. I will have a buddy or 3 with me.
  7. Video... https://fbstatic-a.akamaihd.net/rsrc.php/v1/y2/r/5l8_EVv_jyW.swf?v=551132388230865&ev=0
  8. Some links to the Expo... https://www.facebook.com/richmond.expo and http://www.ncboatshows.com/show.php/eventId/3 Who's going? Anybody wanna meet there or somewhere?
  9. Ohhhhhhh.... the "stronger than beer" refreshment?
  10. OK... here's the take on Nitro... Hmmm... let's be delicate here... well.... OK... just kidding... Nitro is a super guy. So down to earth you could say he was "grounded". lol He has more fun making everyone else have a good time. Unselfish? Selfless? Not sure what word fits. I do know one word that fits... Gracious. When he came down here, he made my Wife and Daughter feel as if they had shook hands with Ron Reagan. He praised them so much that they didn't stop talking about him for days. I even went fishing with a buddy Saturday... they though Nitro was coming back down and were disappointed when it wasn't him. As for me... Nitro was being kind. Wound up and wide open might be the proper term. Nothing like a 6'3" redneck wound tighter than a chihuahua. Beer? That was beer the way it was suppose to be made... with barley and hops... not rice. lol Fruit???? pfffttttttttttt!
  11. Figured it would look familiar to you...
  12. LOL... uncouth... unwashed... and socially unacceptable. Yup... that's me.
  13. No... you're old. I, on the other hand, am fashionably late. Good as it can get during the winter but not as good as I would like it. Pulled a few nice Spotted and Smallies from the river yesterday. Will hit the lakes in about a month. Other than that... just fishing ponds and rivers.
  14. OK... I will absolutely be there Saturday. I will arrive about 8:00 or 8;30 AM. Got to meet up with a friend and will have two others with me. Somebody name a place and time and we're there.
  15. Only one. A homicide.... species related... maybe serial. Kinda like Buffalo Bill from "Silence of the Lambs",,, had the tenderloin removed instead of the skin.
  16. OK... finally made it here. Been doing some fishing today. I voted and chose a date but really don't care. As of right now I have an open seat. If we end up with enough ratio, I may bring a friend but will only do that after we have the boater/non-boater ratio. Looking forward to seeing the "old" gang and meeting the new. Cheers!
  17. Oh.... what a beautiful day. Had to hit the Staunton on the jonboat for... what I thought was going to be a Smallmouth day. Turned out to be Spotted. Well... hung a monster Smallie but it flipped the hook at the boat. My buddy did well with the smallies. Here's a few of the spots...
  18. That's funny. Really... it had a blue tint to the thing. That and the bright pink you can see in the pic. Punk Bass?
  19. Srike King has several models for less than $20. http://www.strikeking.com/press/press_releases/20080715,12/index.php I had a pair of Camo ones. Actually two pair... one in dark smoke lenses and the other in yellow.. Now I wear Wiley-X Hydros but that is because I require a prescription.
  20. Hehehehehe! That's the idea. Get people fired up and ready to come to the M&G! Here's two more (didn't take pics of the 5 chain pickerel) from today at this small no name lake near my house... The big one went almost 7 pounds. Pic does not do it justice. The other thing you really can't tell... it was almost blue in color. You can see some grey and blue if you look close at the pic but this fish was dang near blue.
  21. Felt bad that I didn't post a pic of that day's fish so I went out yesterday and caught this one just to show you!
  22. DT's... as in Detox... Detoxification... the reaction of an addict with out the substance of the addiction. lol Yeah... caught a few about a pound and one that went about 6 or 7 but I didn't have my scale. All on a countdown jerk bait.
  23. Me too. I am in DT's right now for a nice day. Did hit the farm pond today.
  24. That sounds like you won't make the M&G? Say it ain't so!!!
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