I will be going Saturday. The lake is at full pond and fairly clear. ( http://smithmountainlakelevel.com/ ) Water temperature is around 41° to 44° F. A friend has been fishing it and said that they have had great results dragging... DRAGGING... jigs over rocks, riprap, and other hard bottom. The going color is a brown jig with a blue trailer. Personally, I have found a 4" to 6" green pumpkin finesse to work well this time of year in the same environment. If they are running deep.... below 25 feet... use a rattle trap or umbrella rig. Use a bait you can get to the bottom quickly then slowly retrieve. The thermocline seems to be around 5 to 10 feet off the bottom. Appears that the bass are sitting just outside the shallow water then dart in to snag some snacks then back to the deep. Fishing sharp drop offs and ledges are the key.