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Everything posted by Zoff

  1. Son of a b...b...b...b....biscuit My first tourny is Mar 9.
  2. I will be going Saturday. The lake is at full pond and fairly clear. ( http://smithmountainlakelevel.com/ ) Water temperature is around 41° to 44° F. A friend has been fishing it and said that they have had great results dragging... DRAGGING... jigs over rocks, riprap, and other hard bottom. The going color is a brown jig with a blue trailer. Personally, I have found a 4" to 6" green pumpkin finesse to work well this time of year in the same environment. If they are running deep.... below 25 feet... use a rattle trap or umbrella rig. Use a bait you can get to the bottom quickly then slowly retrieve. The thermocline seems to be around 5 to 10 feet off the bottom. Appears that the bass are sitting just outside the shallow water then dart in to snag some snacks then back to the deep. Fishing sharp drop offs and ledges are the key.
  3. Try the Berkley Shock. Improvement over the old design
  4. It ain't for lack if tryin' on my part. Well said. You claim to be a man of few words and I would, for the most part, agree. It's times like these when your true command of the language comes out. I can actually hear you voice and see your expression while reading this. Cheers!
  5. Welcome
  6. Yeah... I call him after and he had got up and started to come. Due to mechanical difficulties, it didn't happen.
  7. lol.. seldom have good day on LVL but today... well... it speaks for itself. Water was 41 - 43 degrees and chocolate milk brown. Raining at first and 32 degrees. Rain stopped and got up to about 50. Didn't think it would be good. I was wrong.
  8. 6.75lbs on a Z-Man Green Pumpkin Finesse 6" on some no name jig head 5.77lbs on a big ole Alabama Rig
  9. Oh... we still might go. If plans change. let me know
  10. Brings back some memories of a great dive for me there. Cozumel is beautiful... especially 60 feet below sea level.
  11. My partner tells me that some place in Poplar have steel poles in the water designed to damage boats. Truth to this?
  12. Forgot to answer that with Teal's question... Poplar is the launch point on March 9. This is an open tourny as far as I know at 60 bucks a boat. This is the only event we have a Gaston. Last year the long trip was Buggs/Kerr.
  13. I was thinking about coming down Saturday but because it is calling for rain... opted for SML and the fact Nitro may join me and that would be a LONG trip for him. Just not going to get to prefish it looks like... maybe. Thanks for the offer. Thanks... I may just take you up on that.
  14. Has been 20 years since I fished Gaston. My first tournament of the year is there. Any tips? It's my pleasure. Hope you can make it.
  15. +1011 Wanna fish this weekend? SML or I was also thinking Gaston.
  16. Iron Maiden - November 5, 1987! Somewhere In Time Tour.
  17. OK... I can see this is going to be a "Fun Filled" weekend. Can we fish, too?
  18. Not sure about the other stuff but if the paint is coming off... flaking so to speak... a pressure washer should do the trick and not hurt the plastic.
  19. NF... Call me this week. I am going out Saturday after this coming. We can go to Anna if you want or where ever. Just meet me there and we'll fish.
  20. Not sure about Michigan but in Virginia... totally a civil matter. Get a lawyer is it is a large amount. File a small claim is it is not.
  21. Welcome!
  22. Well... Dyer, Indiana? Spent 6 weeks up there at Landheim Kennels during my K9 training. Spent my weekends with the Shererville PD. Welcome.
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