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Everything posted by Zoff

  1. I own several Abu reels... big fan from way back. I got my first in about 1983... XLT Plus. It finally gave up a few months ago. Now I have a C3, a Silver Max, Black Max, Gen 3 Revo S (2 of 'em), and a Gen 2 SXT. Also own several of the Cardinal Spinning reels. Zero problems and I cast well with any of them. I also own nearly all ABU rods in either Vendetta or Veritas.
  2. I went yesterday to SML. Had a GREAT day. (copied from my FB page) Boated many bass and a bonus. Fishing this one spot and got a hard strike. Enough to break the tip on my drop shot rig. Brought it in and it was a 6 pound catfish. Threw a shakeyhead and boated another whiskerfish. Noticed that there were catfish everywhere eating cicadas. So... I started throwing into the pile. Boated a total of 14 cats all between 3 and 6 pounds each. To top it off... my wonderful Wife cooked a mess of them for me tonight. Nothing like fresh catfish for dinner.
  3. Sorry I missed your post. How was the trip?
  4. I just started with really clean water and added rocks from the creek and a little water from the pond. Gave it a week to stabilize than added the fish. Just have to give it a basic cleaning every week and a thorough one every month. Bass crap a lot. I had a saltwater tank years ago. The bass tank is much easier. Nice tank ya got there. Cheers!
  5. I went all the way up and past Beaver Dam. Got into the big rocks and dragged shakeyheads. Really a rough catch.
  6. Sorry... forgot to post. Went out from 7am to 4pm. Boated 8 that averaged 2 or so pounds. There was a tourney that day so it was hard to find places to fish. Water temp ranged from 46 to 51 degrees.
  7. It's just a 55 gallon. About all I wanted to tangle with. When (if) they hit a size too big for the tank, out they go and start over.
  8. Yeah. I will put them back in my pond and start over.
  9. A while back, someone asked me to post my fish tank. I just got around to uploading a vid. In it are Largemouth, Bluegill, crayfish (in hiding), a Green Sunfish, and food (the goldfish). So... let's see your tanks... Here's mine... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yDITmKqdHVc&feature=youtu.be
  10. I'm going out tomorrow. I'll let ya know what happens.
  11. Yeah... ain't it nice. Oh, and for the record, I am closer to 50 than 40 now. lol
  12. Sounds good to me. I may be taking early retirement... yeah... I can do that... and picking up another job soon. So, until I know what I am going to be doing, I will have to play it by ear. Still making the M&G though.
  13. Welcome...
  14. I know the big bluegill. Raised him from a pup. lol The other was in question and Is (or was) a green Sunfish. They ate him yesterday. lol
  15. The soft tip works great for dropshotting.
  16. I would just base it on the line/lure size recommendations. What is the line weight recommendation based on the specs compared to what line you will be using? You don't want to put 20 pound mono on a reel designed to hold 140 yards of 8 pound. Same goes for 4 pound on a 10 pound reel... overkill.
  17. Awww... that's nice. he worries about HIM being too wide open. Wait till he gets around me! j/k with ya, CP.
  18. Cool...Thanks Here some more pics of the fish and some of his new friends (if they don't eat him)
  19. As some of you may or may not know, I keep an aquarium with LMB and BG. Their diet consists of guppies, dried brine shrimp, meal worms, red worms, and the like. They have started to get large so I began to start trapping yellow-fin minnows (not sure what they are called) from my minnow pond. It is usually overrun anyway. Always have to weed out the big old creek chubs that I save for catfish and stripers. Today, I caught a little 2 inch bugger that I do not know what it is. I know it is a panfish but I am not good at identification of fry. I cannot tell a BG from a crappie from a rockbass. So... can anybody tell me what it is? It does not look like the BG when it was this size. Here's a link to the best vid I can make of it... http://s145.beta.photobucket.com/user/zoff12/media/Fish_zps4bbe4204.mp4.html Forgive the bubbles on the glass. The tank gets over oxygenated when i clean it. and I just did. Any idea of what it is?
  20. Wild Geese was great. Wild Geese 2 = Super-mongo-mega-suck!
  21. Oh... 6" Z-Man Green Pumpkin Finesse shakeyhead in about 4 feet of water. Caught all 6 within 3 or 4 yards of each other in about 20 minutes time. I only spent about 3 hours there as it was too cold and windy.
  22. Biggest of 6 at about 5.5 pounds. The others ranged from 1 to 3 pounds. This picture has a story... I was alone and had set my phone to take a pic on timer. Just after the pic took... the bow hit the bank ( you can see how close the trees look ) and I nearly went into the lake. Needless to say... I dropped the pig into the water for a little "catch and release".
  23. Fortunately... they are calling for it to be in the 60's by that Saturday.
  24. Hey, Chief. Altavista PD here... Welcome
  25. Maybe it will miss. Tourny is at Gaston.
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