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Everything posted by Zoff

  1. Anybody have any advice as to what to use? I know the largemouth will be deep but what to use is the mystery. Suggestions?
  2. Well... my main fishing buddy is a different story. I think... in the last month or so... he has given me about 200 bucks worth of plastics, 3 Abu Garcia baitcasting rods and a reel, a Pflueger Trion spinning rod, and a Berkley spinning rod... all new. He gave my Daughter a nice spinning rod/reel combo. I mean... the guy is generous as all get out. To top it all off... he refuses to go out with me fishing if I do not accept his share of the boat expenses. Go figure!?!?!?!
  3. I have a CLOSE family member (so it's hard to say no) that believes that $29.99 is too much to pay for a rod/reel combo, South Bend line does not need to be changed regularly (just when you don't have enough on the reel to cast), and the beetle spin is sufficient for everything up to largemouth. So he ends up with stuff that can't handle the day and ends up having to use one of mine. I bought two cheap Diawa Samurai combos I bring when he goes so he leaves my "good stuff" unmolested. Is that wrong of me to feel that way?
  4. River Rock Baits... http://riverrockbaits.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=54&Itemid=59
  5. I fish Smallies down the Staunton from Leesville Dam down to my place just outside of Altavista... Virginia that is. I have had the best of luck on Storm's 3" Kickin' Shad Blue Gill and Blue Steel Shad. Kinda work it like a jerk bait.
  6. I can tell ya... smooth on the water and easy to maneuver. A little slow. I didn't get the 75 it is rated for as nobody have one in stock and I was impatient. Still... 50 to 60 is enough motor for the 176. Cheers!
  7. RC... it's a 176XT. Here's a link... Stratos 176XT
  8. I have always been a big guy... 6'3" 245lbs. So, after I crossed the 40 yoa mark, I realized that my heart was the key. Started some basic cardio and went back to martial arts (stringent cardio) which I had been out of for about 15 years. I have always been active... Football in my "pre-career" days, then 15 of my 17 LEO years as a TAC Officer with 6 of them being a K9 Handler. Unfortunatly... all that only does so much. I guess my greatest fear (involving just myself) is dying of a heart attack before I retire.
  9. Can I ask why nobody ever mentions the Stratos 176XT? I bought one new for less than the Tracker. Only had it on the water 4 times this year but it seems to be a good boat. Unless you are set on the Tracker, I'd look at the 176XT.
  10. Well... I would look at some of your neighbors who have boats. Think about it. The average thief would not replace the prop with an old one 'cause he is going to be long gone before you notice it. Replacing the "stolen" prop would indicate that the thief was concerned you would notice the prop gone. I'd be willing to bet... you will find someone nearby with a prop "really similar" to your missing one. Just my 2¢.
  11. I thought of that but am putting a GPS capable unit on and want that at the console.
  12. Nope... didn't know about that place. Thanks.
  13. Who around here can install a Chartplotter/Fishfinder? Actually... move one from the console to the front and install a new one on the console.
  14. Anybody fishing them NOW? What are they biting? Presentation? I am a "severe" novice when it comes to cold water bass. Any suggestions or advice?
  15. Five bucks is no problem but $30.00 for a well used reel? Kinda shocked me. I have had mine since sometime in the 80's and can't even remember what I paid for it but I doubt it was more than $30.
  16. I have an old Abu Garcia XLT Plus that I still use. Was just surfing around and realized these things sell for, what I think, astronomical prices for their condition, age, and technological level. Can anybody tell me why?
  17. What would be your choice and why? (I am going to buy on of these this weekend) Abu Garcia - Revo SX Abu Garcia - ORRA SX Bass Pro - Enigma Bass Pro - Pro Qualifier
  18. Yeah... Vendetta. I have several and love 'em.
  19. "Why should we be in such desperate haste to succeed, and in such desperate enterprises? If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer." Henry David Thoreau - Walden "The difference between cover and concealment is a sucking chest wound!"
  20. Smith Mt. Lake in VA is tops. If you want less traffic... check out Leesville Lake. If the water levels are right... it's a good place for largemouth and stripers. If rivers are to your liking, might I suggest the Staunton just below Leesville Lake. Excellent smallies, largemouth, and walleye. If they ain't bitin', you can always have a little fun with a flyrod and bluegill. Paul
  21. Thanks guys! Some parts of the Staunton are jet boat friendly. Most where I am... no so much. I am just below Leesville Lake. I was speaking with a friend just today and he goes with a guy that has a flatbottom with a small jet they use. He said they have no problem but there are some places I just can see it. I use a small jonboat with a 5.5hp or a Minn Kota transom mount. Sometimes use the canoe but I like the stability of the flat. Put in up river of my farm and drift down. Great for smallies BTW. I got a Stratos for the lakes. For any of you guys that float the Staunton in my area... I have a place to take out small boats and canoes. Our farm is right on the Staunton just above Tabor for those who know. All are welcome at least once.
  22. Hello. Well... um... From and live in South Central Virginia and always was an avid fisherman until about 14 years ago and nearly quit. Just fished once a month in the pond on my farm. Started back a year ago hitting the Staunton River and bought another boat 4 weeks ago. Fish for about anything. Smallies and Largemouth, cats... blue, channel, or flathead... shoot... I just love fishing even for a little old bluegill. So it comes down to this... I have been out of the "know" for some time and need much advice so forgive questions that seem mundane to you. As an example.... I still use an XLT Plus. Yeah... I have newer things but the XLT still works and I have had it for about 3o years as far as I can recall. Anyway... Cheers! Paul
  23. Zoff


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