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Everything posted by Zoff

  1. Well... the trip today was 10 hours. Is that OK? Started at 7:30 this AM and got off the water at 5:30PM. I boated 35 Smallies and Largemouth. Not a joke... 35! Nothing really to speak of though. I lost a real pig right at the boat. Had caught a 2.35 pound smallie and failed to re-tie. That Largemouth had to have gone 15 pounds. He came out of the water at the boat and I felt like I was looking into a bucket. When his head went under... snap... I think I drifted a hundred yards with the broken line still in the water before I moved. Somewhere in the Staunton there is a bass with a Storm Kickin' Shad hung in his lip. Soon after they stopped biting the Storms. Tried flukes and nothing. Started throwing a wacky rig and it was on again. Green Pumpkin Yum Dinger 4" was the flavor. Problem was I kept catching the dinks... all under a pound, Tried a bigger Dinger and they would drag it around. Threw on a Z-Man Chatterbait and got hit after hit but didn't get one in the boat. Seemed like I couldn't get a decent hookset. Added a trailer hook and that did the trick. Well... the highlight of the day was catching something I had heard of but never caught or seen... a Roanoke Bass. It went about 1.38. So... pic is of the Smallie and the Roanoke Bass...
  2. Nitrofreak... just come down here for the day and we'll get in enough fishing to last you a week. lol Heading out in about an hour and a half. Going to get in some river fishing in the jonboat. My usual trip is about 5.5 miles down the Staunton River from Altavista to my farm. About a 4 hour trip. Today, I decided to take the trip from Goose Creak down the Staunton to Altavista. It is just shy of 8 miles so it should take all day. Smallies mostly but there are some LM and walleye. I hadn't been down the river much this year since getting the new bassboat and that was one of my favorite ways to go. Very peaceful and serene. Really doesn't matter if I catch.
  3. OK... that's just not playing fair.
  4. Traveller... you know I'm kidding? Right? Don't want guys in black suits and black cars showing up to my door. lol
  5. That explains his comment. He was there at Appomattox when we allowed the North to return home with some dignity.
  6. I have a couple in Black/Blue. I use a Havoc Pit Boss in Sapphire Blue as a trailer and, this time of year, get smashed. A little pond I fish is also full of Chain Pickerel and it holds up to them very well. All I have ever had to do is replace the trailer after about every strike from a Chain. The action/chatter seems better than other similar lures I have. Planning on picking up some others tomorrow as well.
  7. The question is... Did they buy insurance from him later?
  8. SML has about 4 free ramps.
  9. Nope... ... the 2nd one is the reason.
  10. I got married at 20 years old. Does that count?
  11. Dang Yankees trying to invade again?!?!?!
  12. You are too kind but Traveler2586 is "that guy". lol
  13. Took half a day off from work today to take my Dad fishing. Went to a little private... Lake? Pond? Not really sure what to call it... it is either a really, really big pond or a small lake. we call it a Mill Pond. Anyway... caught these little guys... 6.5, 4.5, 1.5, and 1.9 pounders. The 6.5 was on a Strike King Ocho in Watermelon Green and the rest on a black spinnerbait that Traveler2586 made and gave out at the First Annual 2012 Va. Meet and Greet. Gotta hand this one to him. Thanks buddy!!!! All I did was add a Havoc Pit Boss in Sapphire Blue. Also caught a few Chain Pickerel on it. Had to replace the Havoc after everyone of them. A few small bass under a pound were also on the list. Fish were kept in a small live well during the day, photographed, and released afterwards.
  14. I will officially cast my vote for Smith Mountain.... ...but i will be there no matter where it is.
  15. Thanks. Mower? Use cows! lolAs for when or where... I am good with anything. Heading out to Leesville in the morning so I will report on the fishing there when I get back.
  16. Attached is a pic of the place to give you guys an idea...
  17. The pond has mostly Crappie, Bluegill, and Largemouth. There are a few smallies that were in the when we bought the place 20 some odd years ago but that is getting less and less every year. I haven't catfished the pond in years so, if there are any left, they would have some size on them. The "whisker" fishing would be from the bank on the river. Catch enough and have a catfish fry. We can take jonboats, canoes, kayaks, innertubes... that type of stuff... down the river for the smallies. As for SML... yeah... it's about 45 or so minutes to the ramp I use regularly. Leesville Lake is about 10-15 minutes from me as well. We are getting to that time now where the fishing will be tops but a little cool in on the river bottom. Are we talking about doing this next year or soon?
  18. By all means. Thanks! Yeah... she's cool with it. This is a small family farm and I already got permission from my Dad for use of his part as well. The river is "no go" for glass. I use a jonboat. A friend of mine uses a 16 foot Lowe with a jet drive for his fishing. I figured we could catfish as well at the farm. If you have a small boat with motor, you can put in here and go up and down but must be able to carry it to the water. I pPut it at the ramp up river from me and take the 4 to 6 hour trip down just fishing for smallies. There are LM as well. State law say only one and must be over 20" if you want to keep them.
  19. Smith Mountain Lake has the same offerings as Anna did... cabins and camp sites. If you don't mind the 45 min drive to SML, camping can be had on our farm next to the pond and river that can be fished as well. I will do either. I can promise the same good time as Anna if you guys come down here. Can't promise fish but a good time is a guarantee. The way I look at it... we will eventually... over time... hit all the spots in the Old Dominion so I am good with where ever we choose. Given the choice... I would pick SML for the next one. lol
  20. Sorry... didn't get the text. I will call you this week and we'll talk about the fishing. Cheers!
  21. Shame you couldn't come down. I went on Friday and caught those pickeral instead of bassin' on Saturday. Actually had to put in work on the farm rebuilding my dock.
  22. Went Friday afternoon but all I caught was chain pickeral. Ate up several chatterbaits but was fun. Largest was 22" and 1.8 pounds.
  23. hehehehehe
  24. Ohhhhhhh,,, that's what that was all night at the campground. I thought a bear was fighting a badger somewhere.. Thanks Traveler. Retired. Retired. Oh well. Five more years and I can say the same thing.
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