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Everything posted by Zoff

  1. Thanks guys. I am at a loss. Replaced all the bearings... oiled what is supposed to be oiled... checked that screw... still making noise. Guess I am just going to get an expert to look at it.
  2. I suspected that the last time I took them apart back to back. Looked awfully "similar". The squeak during reeling is getting better. I took it apart and greased/oiled again and that seemed to take care of that. I won't fool with it until tomorrow and will see if oiling the brakes helps.
  3. I did... throughly. Never though of that. Might have cleaned it too well.
  4. I have a Revo S that makes a screeching sound when casting and squeaks when reeling under a load. Replaced the bearings and it did not stop. Got smooth as it was new and casts correctly now but still... the noise. Anybody had this happen? What was the problem? Switching everything to Lews but would still like to get it working again.
  5. So that narrows it down. Thanks.
  6. Wow.... hard call on the Heddon or Pico? Pretty much identical... hmmmmmmm. The top one is stamped steel and thin. Figured it was a trolling spoon but not positive. No markings at all.
  7. OK... got a big box of old tackle, reels, boxes, etc given to me and have been able to identify all but these two... Any idea? Thanks.
  8. Shallow water so not SB problem. Hook was deep so I am opting for the spinal/cranial trauma.
  9. Welcome!
  10. Yeah... not bugging me but just thought it was strange. Nope... just locked up dead as dead can be. Not even a gill moved when I got it to the boat. Looked like the hook was in the roof of the mouth way in the back. Possible I hit the brain pan. Yup... got two very nice fillets and served them up about 3 hours after I killed it. Very fresh!!!! Gave it a drizzle of Olive Oil... a sprinkling ot salt, pepper, rosemary, basil, and garlic. With skin on... seared it on the skin side until it was cooked over half way through. Throw a splash of lemon juice on top. Flip it over just to complete the cooking. AWESOME!!!!!
  11. Guys... I was getting a little fishing in today when I hooked what ended up being a 6 pounder. I was using a shakeyhead with 4/0 wide gap and finess worm. Got a good bite and swim-off... set the hook and though I missed it and hung a stick. Dead weight reel in. When I got it in it was dead as a doornail. Can somebody tell me why and is this a common thing? First time for me.
  12. Well... I hope they work 'cause I just baught a bunch of them. Caught a sale and had a coupon so it cost me about 6 bucks a piece...
  13. I farm part time. Cows and chickens...
  14. After 20 years as a cop, took early retirement. Now... run the Lodge at Dick's Sporting Goods. I also work our small family cattle farm.
  15. Hurt, Va here...
  16. Like I told you earlier... best news I have heard in a long time. Cheers!
  17. Well... SML was not great today. Good but not great. No fish pics but this was the highlight of my day.... biggest squirrel I have ever seen... about 3 feet from head to tail... video does not do it justice. Pic included... https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=736178279726274
  18. I agree in a rotation... I am going to SML Sunday...
  19. All you gotta do is let me know you're coming down...
  20. I for one do not ask for money. As I stated in the last one... if a non-boater offers and insists... I will but I do not expect or require payment. I will be out there no matter what. I do agree with the break it/buy it rule. Just common sense. I would prefer Smith Mountain as we did Anna before but will not quibble over it. Fishing is fishing.
  21. Didn't want to speak for you, Brother. I know you are busy. Anna is fine with me... let's get this party started....
  22. Instead of trying to figure this out... all alone here in the planning (no insult intended to anyone)... I am going to extend an open invitation to all of you to come down here and fish Smith Mountain. I live about 45 minutes from the State Park. We just can pick a date... come down on Friday... I have enough room for camping... and we all head up to SML for Saturday and a cookout on my farm that evening and Sunday.
  23. I am going to try and be there...
  24. I had the same problem on my Maxxum. Turned out that the circuit breaker was bad. Never tripped and seemed to be working but it was restricting the voltage. Replaced with a new, and correct, breaker and it workes fine now.
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