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Everything posted by SuperFluke

  1. Mr. Big Bass hit Smithville today with Jon. Quality was there, but we couldn't get on any kind of quantity. On the water at daybreak and fished for about 7 hours. Water temps 61-68 (the water warmed 7 degrees in the creeks). Was expecting high water, but dang...never seen it that high out there. Lots of bushes to flip, which we thought would be the ticket with the warming water temps. Fished around awhile without much to show for it. Jon had one blow up on a popper, but then we went about an hour and half without another bite. Jon was the first one on the board after that with a 3-15. Very nice fish, and we thought it was going to be on! Didn't turn out that way, but we did pick up a few other nice fish. I had a 4-6 (1 oz smaller than DoCo), and a 3-9. All told, our boat had 13-13 on four fish (over 15" to be a keeper). My buddy caught a 4lb in his boat that put the total for the three of us over 18 lbs. Wish we could have found more fish, but feeling relatively ok about Saturday's tourney and had a really great time out there today. Should be a candidate for a Thursday night off night event IMO! Open it up to a bigger crowd maybe meet some new folks.
  2. Welcome to the board. A couple of us are heading to Smithville tomorrow. We'll be mainly in the Camp Branch area, but not opposed to running around. If you've got any other tips, let me know! @gardnerjigman and I with our 4+ lb'rs from DoCo last night.
  3. Not sure many of us here fish Prairie Lee, but they should be biting. Good luck!
  4. Fished Melvern on Friday as well with Dwight. It wasn't great, but we got on a few spots with some concentrations of fish. Biggest of the day went just over 3lbs on a strike king jerkbait. Had two others between 2 and 3 lbs as well.
  5. Welcome to Bass Resource. I've not fished Olathe this year, but usually can catch a few on a jerkbait in the area around the dam. Good luck!
  6. Great report and welcome to Bass Resource!
  7. @RangerDanger and I fished Lone Star on Friday. We fished hard with jerkbaits, traps, a-rigs, warts, jigs for about four hours in the morning and had two jerkbait fish to show for it. Switched to the Ned, and with a little help from Ned himself, we turned the day around. Ended up with about 20. A white zinkerZ did the trick, but Ned was throwing a white shadZ. Strolling the flats for the most part, although there seemed to be a few key spots where you could catch multiple fish. Most of our fish were around a 1lb, but we probably had at least five go 1.5lbs each with Adam's jerkbait fish being over 2lb. We did locate a nice rock pile with the humminbird. Caught one keeper off of it too, with the Ned.
  8. I've owned both. Had an '01 procraft, and now you guys know I have a '10 triton tin bass boat. Storage was a biggest issue for me with the fish n ski. No rod storage whatsoever in the procraft, and the front deck wasn't even big enough to lay rods down when running. If you do end up with a fish n ski, I know of one that's for sale in your price range. It's an '04 skeeter SL 180 with 115hp yamaha. It needs a few upgrades if you're wanting to really outfit it for bass fishing, but it's a solid boat.
  9. Maybe. I went back and bought the 999 unit at Scheels. If I can't get what I want out of my Lowrance units, then I'll keep them and sell the 999. Would like to go back to HB, and the 999 is an upgrade in screen size and model year for my console unit.
  10. Posted my Lowrance setup in the Flea Market. http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/topic/166765-lowrance-gen-2-hds-5-hds-7-and-lss-2/
  11. Scheels has some good stuff on sale. Chigger craws and other Berkeley plastics are half price. Shadow raps for $5. Lucky craft stuff is on sale. Lots of others as well. Mostly plastics. HB 999 for $750..If you're into that
  12. Wolf creek mostly sucked yesterday. I did get there early and was the first boat on the water by about 10 minutes. That 10 minutes was enough time for me to get the first pass at most of the rip rap in the outlet. The first time through I landed a 3-0 and a 3-4 smallmouth on a BHW in crappie color. Those were a couple of really fun fights, and I was lucky to have had the net handy for the first one. After that, I caught two more smallmouth and one more largemouth. That was it... I got bit on the south end a few times. The water was so clear I saw two fish hit my jerkbait in about 6' of water. Both didn't hook up. Broke one off on a tube. 12 trailers in the lot when I left at 1 p.m. on Wednesday! On a bad note, my trailer tires started wearing real bad this year, so I got the trailer looked at by Croft. Verdict came back as a bent axle. $771 down the drain...
  13. I have an open seat tomorrow at WC. PM if interested.
  14. 2015 Biggest Local Bass-(largemouth and/or smallmouth) Weight (or length if you didn't have a scale): Largemouth- 3 lbs 14 oz (twice) Lure: 1 - BHW in Black/Blue with Pit Boss trailer 2 - Jig Pattern: 1 - Very shallow island with water willow 2 - Laydown on channel swing bank Lake: Cedar Valley both times Time of Year: 1 - Bass Resource Thursday Night Fish Off in October 2 - 1.5 weeks before Bass Resource Thursday Night Fish Off in October
  15. I wouldn't do anything unless you need to do so. I've screwed more up trying to do maintenance than I've had break, but maybe that says more about me than maintenance in general. Lower unit oil is good to change this time off year, but I doubt it's needed unless you think it's been several years since it was changed. Keep an eye on the seals around the screws and make sure they are in good shape. Milky oil is bad. I wouldn't touch your bearings unless you suspect a problem. I've had mine fail twice right after I messed with mine. If you do change them, then I would fill the hubs completely full of grease when you re pack. Plenty of good videos out there. I don't know what kind of hubs you have, but if you have bearing buddies, then Cody is right about not over filing AFTER the hubs are full as you can blow out your back seal. Mine are different and take grease every couple of months. I'd replace the pump on the livewell first to eliminate that as the source. If you still have problems then you can chase the electrical side. Hopefully it's not electrical...
  16. I thought you were going with a La Cygne veteran that was going to show you all the good spots?
  17. Thanks for the head's up. I used the north ramp last time I was there, but I only have a 17' boat. May not have been long enough to fall off the end.
  18. Fished at Cedar Valley for the first time yesterday. Was windy when I picked up my brother at 5 a.m., and the wind didn't disappoint down at the lake either. Launched at first light and fished til noon. Fishing was pretty slow to start. Caught the first keeper on a frog, and then proceeded to lose a 2+ at the boat and then pull an Ondrejka and lose a larger fish on the frog when my 30lb braid broke on hookset. I was getting pretty discouraged after I went another couple of hours without a bite, but my brother was catching a few here and there on a purple baby brush hog on a 1/8 oz rocker head. He caught one just under 4lbs on that bait, and that fish allowed us to get a pretty good pattern going the rest of the day. Went back around the lake and hit a few key areas and ended up with a 3-14, 3-1, 2-14, 1-10, and a 1-8 for 12-15 total. All but the 1-8 came in the last hour. Ended up with 18 fish between the two of us, and I think only one of them was under 12"...
  19. Once the little man gets old enough it will be time to have another!
  20. I upload to photobucket and then paste a direct link here. I think there is a size limit on here that blocks most photos that you try to upload unless you resize them first.
  21. I'm interested in getting some reels serviced as well if anybody has a rec.
  22. I don't know you, but I appreciate your reports and have come across a number of them when I search back through the history of this thread. Nobody is requiring that every post include a detailed report with pictures. Hope you don't let a few comments keep you away.
  23. See above post!!! There's also quite a few reports in the history of this thread if you do a search.
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