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  1. They are a gimmick but I bought a couple. They look real purty in my box.
  2. The boats with better resale value are your better quality boats. There is a reason Ranger holds their resale value and Nitro doesn't, so therefore I guess I buy for resale value.
  3. No comparison in a Ranger to a Tracker. Ranger hands down. Ranger service if you would have a problem is fantastic.
  4. People seem to like the LCP, I had one and couldn't get rid of it quick enough. The recoil is insane for a .380 and reliability was crap. Sure it was small and light but when looking for my wife a gun reliability was high on my list so Ruger was out. She fell in lust with the Glock 42 and I've doing nothing but working for ammo ever since.
  5. I just bought my wife the new Glock 42 .380 and it is one sweet shooter. slides easily into pockets. It's accurate and recoil is very tame.
  6. Enjoy it, by the time it's worth anything you will be gone. Make memories with it.
  7. Ranger does not decide what to put on the back. No Ranger is built until it is sold to a dealer, therefore they put on it what the dealer ordered it with.
  8. Is the battery drain problem just the cranking battery? The Ranger in those years have an analog clock in the dash that draws power constantly. The Yamaha engine draws constantly and requires a 1000 cca battery. If you try to use a battery with less cold cranking amps within a week or so the cranking battery will be to low on charge to start the outboard. Most older rangers like yours have a breaker to shut the power off to the boat itself but the outboard does not. I have been down this road with many customers and Yamaha tends to draw more power than Mercury or Evinrude.
  9. I am running a 2013 Ranger Z521 and the ride is fantastic. Before that I had a 2011 Triton 19XS and it rode almost as well in rough water. Both Triton and Ranger have SRS, soft ride seats. I would definitely recommend the SRS seats, they make a huge difference. Ranger Boats are known to be a very comfortable boat.
  10. I've been thinking about joining the east Kansas bassmasters club. They do tournaments as a team and individual both. If anyone is thinking of joinging them and wants a partner let me know. I can't fish all of their tournaments but can quite a few. We can use my boat or yours.
  11. That is one of the perks from buying a boat and having it serviced by the same dealer. If Cabelas told me they put Bass Trackers ahead of my Ranger that I bought from them I would be upset.
  12. Sweet boat. I took a tour of the Ranger plant and the Ranger aluminum plant last month. I was very impressed with the aluminum plant. Johnny Morris be afraid, be very afraid.
  13. There are only 2 kinds of outboards, 1) those that are blown up 2) those that are fixing to blow up.
  14. I had the recall done on my 250 with 17 hours. Sucks to break into a new motor but they found one of my reeds had cracked. The reed blocks retail for over $250 each plus labor so you definitely need to have it done.
  15. A $25 tournament and you are whining? Really, if that is to much I would get out of tournament fishing and go back to beating the bank. These guys with a boat are giving you the opportunity to fish where your Nikes can't get.
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