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About cabela10

  • Birthday 10/24/1978

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  1. They can fish if the guy losing wants too, but they take them to the middle of the lake.
  2. It's all about the money in fishing because the entry fees are so high and the tackle/rods are so expensive you have to win money to get some of that back. Professional sports like, football, baseball and hockey don't have to pay thousands of dollars for equipment, it's all giving to them by the teams that employ them. They don't have to pay $500 entry fees to play one game during the season. If you are into tournament fishing for the fun of it, you should find a new sport because your just donating your money. Of course I am only talking about the high-end events, if your a club fishermen, entry fees at $20, then have fun, but when you get into the $100+ entry fees, you better be all about the money, otherwise you should spend that money on the girlfriend or your debt.
  3. So because you never seen it on tape, it didn't happen?
  4. All tournament trails require you have liability insurance, except Club events probably, except if that club is affiliated with the FLW or BASS. American Bass Anglers, FLW, BASS, BassChamps and Fishers of Men all require you to have insurance on the boat. Plus why wouldn't you want it, incase you hit another boat or do something stupid on the water, wouldn't you want to be insured for dirt cheap? Wouldn't wanna see you in court getting sued for hundreds of thousands of dollars cuz you didn't have insurance.
  5. I'm thinking he might be doing things at all the B.A.S.S. events. Like interviews that ESPN would never think of doing. Something to do with tournament fishing. I guess. I just hope those sponsors don't overtake whatever it is that he's doing. Too much product placement might get annoying. Does Lexus have a vehicle that can tow a boat?
  6. Keith Allan is the current BASS MC.
  7. Something like "Wilsonville Power Plant"
  8. Swindle and McWilliams fished the same place. the place with the strong current. Can't remember what it was called.
  9. From Chad Morganthaler on the other forum site that I'm a member of.... Chad Morganthaler wrote this.... "Being forced to fish out of a different rig offers a lot of challenges. The boats are broke in with the minimum hours requiredusually 4 to 6 hours. They turn them over to us to drive them like we stole them. The situation just adds another layer of stress onto a very stressful tournament. Because of the sponsor dollars, fishing out of a strange rig just adds more uncontrollable factors to the one event that means everything. There's not one angler out there that has fished the Classic that's happy about the situation. Not even the guys that are sponsored by Triton/Mercury. It's not just about competing out of a possible conflicting sponsor's rig, it's about having confidence in your equipment...which would be your own rig... in what could possibly be one of the most important days of your career." My opinion, Swindle was just stressed out to the max when he seen those boats in the way, he freaked out and kicked it down. Kinda like me when I get road rage.
  10. Check it out. Basszone had an interview with Fish Fishburne and he announced his new endeavor. The website is set to launch on April 1. Here is his site. http://theworldoffish.com/
  11. You all remember the Final between Horton and Clausen. Clausen almost lost his head on Horton's cast from the front deck. Horton went to cast and a hook only snagged Clausens hat and went in the water about 10-15 yards out. I'm surprised he didn't get a treble hook in the back of the neck/head.
  12. The Duke, what are you talking. I am talking about right now. Both Cochran and Nixon stopped fishing B.A.S.S. this past year. That is pretty recent to me, not the past.
  13. Who said anything like that? Stop making stuff up, in an attempt to prove your point. BTW, my examples left before the Elite Series started. The made a decision and I can't believe the increased schedule was the factor. Both Nixon and Cochran are fishing the Tour and FLW Series which is around 8-10 events, similar to the Elite Series.
  14. I don't believe it was actually a CANAL. I just didn't know what else to call it. Swindle didn't do anything wrong.
  15. Heard of a trolling motor before? They all had them down. All they had to do was keep a gap big enough for competitors and non-competitors to pass through the canal. I'm willing to bet 49 other anglers would of done the same thing Swindle did in that situation.
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