Dont be afraid to seek out a different medicine or even doctor. Went through a brief period a couple years ago were life was getting to me a bit. All good now w/no meds, but tried a few and they really screwed with me. One had me thinking about suicide, family members dieing, just crazyness.
Also, keep in mind you're 20. You will not find a bigger mess than a 18-23 year old guy. You have no accomplishments, no experience, wisdom to draw from. We were all idiots at that age. It gets better. I really hit my stride around 26 and my bank account, caliber of ladies, truck etc all were alot different than 20. Keep doing the right things, MAKE yourself step out of your comfort zone. Strive to better yourself. Start working out. Keep a job, dont sit around as idle time isnt your friend. This will pass you just have to keep controlling what you can and moving forward. Life is 5% what happens to you and 95% hiw you react to it.