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Everything posted by ClackerBuzz

  1. ncie job. no joke, i was born on Friday the 13th so it's a lucky number for me. just goes to show its all about ur perception
  2. i'm gonna go with a pinch for a pinch. it will end 95% of bully situations and its an easy concept for children to understand. not a fan of turn the other cheek b/c the bully just ends up bigger, strong and taunting ur kid plus 5 more. not a fan of upgrading a pinch to a punch b/c kids don't have the judgement skills as to when to match, raise the ante, hold or fold etc. if ur kids pinches back then the bully lays off. and moving forward ur son know's how to stand up for other kids the bully might be picking on as well. or maybe teach him a Hacksaw Jim Duggan clothesline?
  3. bass fishing in private ponds is a blast. no need to drop a bunch of money on hard lures w/ treble hooks. they snag very easily and there is no way to retrieve them from shore (unless you like to snorkel:). you can cast a shiny bottle cap w/ a hook at those fish will likely take it. $2 spinnerbaits will get the job done just as well and they don't snag near as easily. jigs are great too (both have a single stout hook facing upward). cheap 5" worms will be a crowd pleaser. when i'm pond fishing i fit everything in an old school fanny pack. check the hunting section for $12 camo ones. spinnerbaits are a fast/reaction/vibration lure and you'll do well this fall. jigs can be dead sticked, or add slow 12" drags keeping bottom contact, or light 6" hops. sometimes they just like you to steadily swim it back. very versatile lure. 5" worms just have a beautiful slow rate of fall that the fish just love. rigged wacky or texas. texas is better from shore b/c they don't snag. good luck!
  4. i like hi viz yellow PP w/ a fluoro leader b/c I can easily see the yellow braid run sideways during a side run bite. never had any issues.
  5. we should have a 'best of' section...and i give this thread a vote
  6. all lures work everywhere its just a matter of using them at the right time AND location. try ur wakes at dusk/dawn or while night fishing (all summer). the window for opportunity is much larger in spring and fall so go crazy. you're much more likely to benefit from a 1pm wake bite in fall. i'm quick to set something down a lure that isn't producing. i used to start fast with noise/blades/vibration. if they weren't biting i'd switch to slow/silent and finally dead stick/senko's/jigs etc. now i start with slow and soft b/c it lands bigger fish consistently. let me know if ya wanna hit the water sometime!
  7. you have no idea what ur missing out on. i know a guy who is die hard "mono is just fine". i quietly laugh at his constant lost fish. they always mysteriously spit the hook before he can boat them. i tried to tell him he never had them hooked in the first place but you know how that goes. i agree mono is fine if you like trying hook set a jig 60 ft away with a rubber band. on a more serious note mono is better for cranking
  8. I bought these but do not like them b/c they are basically a wetsuit w/o the water inside to insulate. they make ur hands sweat and provide zero insulation. http://www.basspro.com/Glacier-Glove-Alaska-River-Windproof-Flip-Mitt/product/84937/ i do however love the fold over mitten concept for tying line and holding the line to detect soft winter bites. so i bought a pair of 100% wool ones from Kmart for $5. infact i bought several pairs. and i just swap out when they get too wet. they are bulkier to carry multiple pairs. they are not so good on the waterproof side but by FAR the warmest and most function option i've found. by the time i've swapped out 3 pair i'm ready for some hot chocolate and a warm fire. http://www.mproline.com/ragg-wool-fingerless-glovemitt-fold-over-hood.html one time when it was only semi cold i grabbed a pair of the kids stretch gloves. http://www.amazon.com/Magic-Stretch-Gloves-Children-Years/dp/B00025X1LS every store on the plant sells them in winter for very cheap (4 pair @$5). i LOVED them b/c even though they got wet quickly they still held in my body heat and also kept the wind off my hands. (wind is far more of a discomfort to my winter fishing than wetness). they roll up into tiny balls and I can easily carry 5+ pairs on me and exchange when needed. i also use them under my heavy duty ski mittens now b/c they absorb sweat and add an extra layer.
  9. agreed. fishing should be ur escape from all things un-fun. the doctor orders you to immediately report to a fun day of fishing with a BR member.
  10. x2. you should be talking him into dropping his ducketts for dobyns. or save ur breath. you can lead a horse to water but can't make him drink. ducketts are nice but you have the better rods.
  11. this^^ and you are shore fishing which really requires the 'right' tackle ie heavy. in a boat/kayak/canoe etc you at least have a shot of paddling over and trying to work the fish from above. from the bank you just flat out need horizontal winch power. great story and i hope you stick another one soon
  12. my quest to learn structure fishing is a 2:1 ratio and is as follows: -get butt kicked trying to structure fish 2 hrs. -go shallow for 1 hr and have fun catching fish. repeat. on a more serious note I use jigs for silent and chatterbaits for noise. use a 'search' style bait that you are comfortable with. a jig or carolina rig are probably the most common that most guys have in their box (w/o having to invest in deep cranks or heavy/long rods). i did learn a few things so far. use ur experience reading above the water to help read structure/below the water. if there are 10 coves but only 1 has a stream tricking in, fish the structure off that cove. if there are 10 docks, fish the dock that is closest to the deepest water. if there are 10 points, fish the point that is closest to the creek channel.etc etc lush/steep banks covered in tall trees, boulders, drop offs are much better shorelines compared to slow tapering, coverless/desert looking bush banks. if i "like" the look of a shoreline for shallow fishing and I'm confident i'll catch fish shallow, I'll start fishing 10>50 yds off shore and usually can pick up something close. the farther off shore i get, the more jambalaya I eat i still need to try and meet up with Shane to get my ratio to 1:1.
  13. Nice job. Officially you can't weigh 'slobness. Although my ex would beg to differ.
  14. i've always wanted one of these. shouldn't be too hard to come by down there https://www.google.com/search?q=truck+bed+trailer&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=en&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=u7EbUpiwAbaj4AOaiIHYCg&biw=1221&bih=494&sei=vbEbUu_qMrHl4APkqYG4CA
  15. does that mean ur going to an all-you-can-eat buffet of humble pie?
  16. abort the spinnerbait and switch to a chatterbait in the weeds. the lure has an amazing vibration/action that literally vibrates weeds right off it. you can even let it drop into the weeds on purpose (kill it) and rip hard to pull it back up/out. if that bite is 'on' it gets violent strikes. and you can bounce it thru the weed tops and not pick up a thing, unlike swivels of spinner blades. the lure has literally changed how i fish weeds. and they bounce off the bottom/rocks/stumps much better. its basically the same 'style' lure as a spinner ie blade/vibration. i can't remember the last time i bought a spinnerbait bc chatter's have replaced them
  17. i think i heard aaron martin say it in an interview "and what ever you do, don't throw a senko when the crankbait bite is on". ie don't go for frog nibble bites when they are crushing a ______ (fill in/figure out the blank).
  18. this guy better buy a computer fast or he's going to go broke buying dinners. does he know about the world wide internets?
  19. very sad to hear for both people. i hope the judge has common sense, compasion, social skills and gives ur buddy a warning. and i hope the DNR guy learns more about people and karma sooner than later. no doubt he has and had many problems past, present and future. 'live by the sword, die by the sword' makes for a very long, hard and lonley life
  20. I think line matters less than 5% of the time. #1 is location #2 is presentation (being that multiple lures will work at any given time but presentation must be correct) #3 type of lure. #4 color....# way way down: line. fluorocarbon requires a learning curve when tying terminal knots. and it def requires learning when tying connection knots. it doesn't sound like ur ready to go thru this learning curve. you can skip all this by going braid to co-poly ie Yo Zuri. co-poly knots cinch down as easy as mono and remain strong. you could 'upgrade' to braid with co-poly with ease. or go with all Yo Zuri. Great line and you won't be disappointed. lake Erie is def a big lake environment so the fish aren't as line shy as a small stable farm pond. lots of guys use straight (small diameter) braid and I wouldn't hesitate if i lived there. Dwight is a lake Erie smallie slaying god. i would hesitate to buy maxima ultragreen
  21. waste not, want not. add some salt and slurp it down like eyeball caviar
  22. many non swimmers fish long health lives with a life vest and kill switch. i'd feel much safer with an emergency beacon too. you also have to be extra smart b/c u can't swim ie no heading out in 20mph winds just to scratch ur fishing itch; or taking the boat into a dangerous area so you can cast at a 'perfect looking spot' etc. an adult swim class would be much easier than you think. they are going to put a paddle board in front of you and teach you to kick. remove the board and ur doing the doggie paddle. i'll give you some advice from an incident where i almost drown when i was younger. i was trying to cross a river with friends and got caught in some really bad current. i fought the current to exhaustion b/c i was 'only' 100 ft from shore (100ft is like 4 miles in current). i fully cramped up and was one breath from going under. i instinctually rolled over on my back to keep my mouth above water. the light bulb went off to just float as far as life would take me. luckily there was no dam, debris, bluffs etc. i floated over a mile down river and just washed up on shore. if you take the swim class, get comfortable floating on ur back (w/o a life vest). it's better to float on ur back for day's waiting for the calvary to come than to swim/fight till exhaustion and drown, which is what many people do
  23. sounds like a knot issue. mono line is more forgiving with knot tying. fluoro burns easily ie gets brittle and breaks. sit down in front of the t.v. one night and tie ur knot a hundred times. make sure the knot lies down properly. wet it good. a palomar knot burns easily. make sure to pull the tag end thru. you want to 'burn' the tag end, not the main line. the san diego jam knot is one of the best b/c you can cinch it down (actually pushing it up the line) while not burning line. and it lays down nice. testing the break strength will improve ur skills and increase confidence. don't wait till ur on the water w/ a fish on the end. use ur hands and break ur line while watching t.v. pull to the breaking point at 12". try it with another knot at 24". experiment and break at different lengths. only other possibility is backlashes are kinking/compromising ur line. does this breakage happen after a baitcaster backlash? or ru using spinning gear? if you use spinning gear then its def a knot tying problem.
  24. you're gonna have to accept the fact that you fish one of the most heavily fished ponds in the country. it's shallow with little cover. don't watch youtube videos of Glenn or KVD crushing bass on spinnerbaits and think you're going to do the same. they are on COMPLETELY different fisheries. that is def more of a soft plastic fishery. and you should be proud you are catching them on artificial lures . that is an accomplishment in itself b/c many guys there use live bait and take the fish home for dinner. many baits just aren't going to be right for there (an Alabama rig, 8" Huddleston, 3/4oz jig are more like motor boats to those fish than food). over 50% of fish caught end up as dinner so the remaining fish are very cautious. a spinnerbait might work but the window of opportunity is going to be VERY small. try dusk or dawn and try a very small Beetle spin or 1/4oz booyah pond magic. spring/fall is ur next best time. if you want to become an expert in other lures and a better angler you should find new/unpressured water outside city limits. north jersey has amazing reservoirs that are used as drinking water for nyc. or take the train down to south jersey and i'll take you out of some water that you can cast any lure you want. there are pickerel down here that will literally bite ur spinnerbait right off ur line. if you want to say close to home you have access to great tidal water. maybe forget about strictly bass and try a different species. there are monster catfish in the hudson. grab some heavier gear and hotdogs and have a blast
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