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Everything posted by ClackerBuzz

  1. i'm with wnybassman, some days are good..some not so good. there is one thing that always remains the same, i get wet.
  2. I searched high and low for a video for 3 months to post on this thread (it was in a MikeyBalzz youtube vid; impossible to find b/c he has over 1,800 vids). its not gonna happen so i'm just gonna describe the technique and let others chime in to add to it. in one of his vid's he was burning a buzzbait thru a lily pad field. normally very hard to do but his advice was to drop your rod tip and point it directly at the buzzbait. it takes all the pressure off the rod and prevents the rod from 'loading'. ur reeling a lure on line only which makes it easily deflect off everything ie lily stalks without loading or burring a hook into them. it works amazing for bank fishing b/c how many times do you have to cast over 20 ft of weeds, cover, timber muck etc to access open water. only problem is after ur finished fishing the productive water you still need to drag ur lure back thru the 20 ft of muck. you can save many lures by pointing ur rod tip directly at ur lure and reeling. DON'T be tempted to use ur rod even if you get hung up. Just keep reeling with more pressure and ur lure will pop free. Using ur reel and line only prevents the rod load that slowly buries hook point into objects. This works amazing for getting lures out of trees too (and for fly fishing). last season i switched to beavers as my jig trailer while shore fishing. you can use this technique while dragging a beaver jig thru tons of weeds/cover without losing claws every 5 min.
  3. Oklahoma is clearly m-u-c-h farther south than I previously thought! ie no ice!
  4. pssh i feed my smallies night crawlers out of my mouth
  5. not that hard
  6. man this just reads brutal A-Jay. i travel south a lot and people always break my balls about being from 'the north'. i laugh and tell them philly is the florida of the 'north'. (i feel like i should end with one of many Game of Thrones reference here.)
  7. as mentioned old timers are easy to find but hard to extract info. stay away from simple minded questions ie "what's ur favorite lure", "what lure works best on this lake?" etc. instead ask things like... "do you know what the primary forage is on the lake?" "are there shad in here?" "what do the bass usually spit up when caught?" "do you see crawfish in their throats often?" "how long ago were the invasive weeds/milfoil introduced into his lake?" these type of questions will get them really talking and let them know you are interested in the biology and not just the next magic lure. they have great stories to tell. listen close bc they will include lots of obvious and not so obvious nuggets for you. and they might send you away with a gem like "always have at least one rod with tube tied on".
  8. slow down with ur mind. speed up with ur reel
  9. good advice. also don't try to feed a bass something he's not hungry for just b/c ur interested in throwing it. who doesn't like topwater!? it's exciting as heck. but it's also boring as heck if the bass aren't interested
  10. don't bi so hard on urself. dat is wrote better than the minority of the stuff eye read online bc most rite 3 sentences in one dat never seam to stop an are confusing wat is questions and no periods
  11. what's the deal with Mattlures? virtually every Hard gill is out on their site, along with many others. restructuring? lawsuit? extended fishing vacation
  12. i'm a chatterbait addict and like the coffin too but it's a confidence thing right now. i like how they vibrate b/c i can turn on/off the blade by reeling extra slow. however if i'm not mistaken Bluebasser86 uses one similar to the #1231 Jig Dancer listed. he posts pix of catching hawg after hawg after hawg on his homemade blade jig so i know they work just as well. it's just a matter of me letter go of the coffin lol
  13. i see little reason for recreational anglers to do so unless ur fishing obsession carries over onto your tax return ie its ur job to land every fish and pull them out of all cover at all costs. or if you are a truly talented angler who needs the strength. most average joes just pay to feed brush piles expensive hooks. it could also be said that many guys that bend out hooks are simply pulling way too hard on the fish. let the rod do it's job. i might change out some trebles if i lived in TX
  14. I never get tired of his vids. Have nice day. (he's actually from Georgia but jimmy crack corn and I don't care)
  15. Catt, are we talking about the same thing? I can get a 3/16 oz bullet to slide 2-3 ft away from my worm in an above ground/4 ft swimming pool, let alone 6-8 ft on slack line when on the water. using 6lb test and a roboworm on spinning gear.
  16. yes sir. and you can do this little trick with slack line
  17. dangggggg! good thing the Enterprise has warp drive
  18. i don't back reel but i've heard multiple pro's explain why they do it. a big bass can easily break you off if they wrap you around a log while on 6 lb test. the tension put on the line from drag resistance is the kryptonite. whereas back reeling allows you to instantly give them line during a run. even if they wrap you up around and make a run 100 ft to open water. you can troll 180 deg around a stump while back reeling/feeding him line and chase him. i get it but feel like i land 99% of fish just fine with drag. and yes i'll be crying and wished i back reeled if i lose the fish of a lifetime
  19. vote for best of tips!
  20. sorry to hear that buddy. your family is in my thoughts
  21. dang i thought i was cheap. (just to prove it i'll confess i wash and re-use zip lock baggies). WIGuide nailed it. buy a $30-40 MH baitcast rod. shoot me a PM and i'll send you some braid to put on it. braid is very easy to pick out during a back lash and will make learning a bc much more enjoyable.
  22. never peg the weight except in thick weeds, brush piles or rip rap. un-pegged all the other times b/c the weight stays clear of the fishes mouth which means they hold on longer to ur senko, lizard, tube etc
  23. ha what are you gonna be doing in august Raul!?
  24. this is hilarious... and true. they need a better/more professional/humble face for their company. i guess that's why corporations pay millions a year to advertising firms
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