16-17' no center seat jon w/ 40-60 hp tiller 4 stroke EFI. something along the lines of a Crestliner 1756 retriever. from what I've read those engines are the most beginner/maintenance friendly. i don't fish tournys so i don't need a live well. i know duck hunters prefer that layout but i think all that space will suit me. also I'm going to be mooring all season so for now I can get away with my 4 cyl honda 'tow vehicle
I have a health fear of being a new boater b/c I don't know the first thing about navigation, maintenance, docking etc. the only thing I have confidence in is launching b/c i have experience with 18-24 ft trucks, and also backing up trailers. a smaller tiller boat seems like a good place to start. i would buy used from a forum member so i'm gonna post this spring.