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Everything posted by ClackerBuzz

  1. this has been huge for me this season. obviously i like buzzbaits. they are fun and i catch quality shallow fish at dusk/dawn so it was hard for me to put them down in search of a deep bite. over the winter i saw a video when pete gluszek said this exact same thing. it's been an off shore game changer for me. when working offshore i follow two principles. #1 Catt mentioned, work uphill. #2 angles are so important so don't only work uphill. work parallel, 45 deg angles, perpendicular, and everything in between. get creative. do not only cast perpendicular to shore. add in the early/late bite is just as good in the deep abyss and you have yourself some fun dancing with big girls while learning structure.
  2. friends like Hannibal Lecter and fit young gym goers
  3. i break out the spinning gear and make extra long casts w/ wacky senkos. i'm talking 90-100 ft casts w/ an exposed round bend hook. also i use weed beds as a screen. i hide behind them like a wall and 45 deg cast to the sides, then the front edge.
  4. oh i watched it. along with their other videos.. Fossil Fuels: The Greenest Energy (yes you read that correct; "The more we have used fossil fuel the cleaner our water has become!". I'm rarely left speechless but that did it) and... How do we make society better? Left vs Right #5 (another gem) that's all the Prager University I can take. Scott, I like Mike Rowe, Mel Gibson and Tom Cruise. I like them on screen but just don't like following them down their rabbit holes
  5. Never follow ur dream. Be sensible and get an education. ****the following message has been paid for by Prager Univeristy and spokespersons were compensated****
  6. I'm facing some ultra clear water conditions. A black senko is killing it so I figured I'd try a black crankbait or very dark natural colors. Any recommendations?
  7. always keep ur elbows touching ur side. i've always had poor rotator cuffs so my shoulders instantly start hurting when my technique gets sloppy.
  8. ClackerBuzz


    From the album: Fishing

  9. i feel ur pain. this is my 5th year of seriously bass fishing lakes and I still eat plenty of humble pie. the only difference between today and a few years ago is i'm far better equipped to deal with it. I still don't think i'm a smart angler. i'm just less stupid. the number one thing i do during a skunk session: i stop fishing. i sit back and enjoy nature. that's what got me out there in the first place. i go all zen and listen/watch nature...fish, insects, birds, animals, tree shade..which makes me think about shade below water, current, aquatic plants, direction of wind etc. after about 20-30 mins my creativity is back in full swing and i use the clues i saw to formulate a new plan, with enthusiasm. I might get skunked for another 2 hours and set the rods down again to formulate another plan. the cycle just keeps repeating but eventually i'm on fish. and believe me i don't think it's b/c my zen skills paid off. it's simply bc those darn fish gotta eat breakfast, lunch and dinner sometime so the bite turned back on
  10. i have two complaints about spinnerbaits: 1 light gauge wire that bends too easily 2 big blades make them rise in the water column when I'm trying to stay on the bottom and bump cover/structure. the Strike King Burner fixed both those issues. the willow blades are much thinner so they get down and stay down (they call them Raz-R-Blades). i doubt i'll ever use another SB. i like chatterbaits around weeds and SB everywhere else
  11. I for one would love to see you post about this Tom. Keitech swimbaits are huge right now even though they fall apart like butter. marketing amazing me b/c you can catch bass all day long on the same hair jig/pork combo. I'm red/green colorblind so the chances of me finding this worm are slim to none. you got a brand/model? My 3 go to colors are black, green pumpkin and white but I certainly respect ur skills enough to throw a 4th into my rotation.
  12. cheapest i've found is USPS website. max from east coast to west coast is $28.50, which includes $200 insurance. i've also paid as little as $12.50 to ship within Pa. something you might want to consider... I only offer free shipping/to your door east of the mississippi river. my post office woman explained how the rates jump significantly each time you jump into another zone. if someone lives west of the mississippi and they are interested in a rod i ask for their zip code so I can decided if/what additional charges are needed.
  13. just comes down to the moment and the bass mood. some days a 4" senko is too big. some days a 10" worm is too small. experiment and learn to read the clues they give you
  14. frogs also represent crappie, shad, perch, birds, snakes, turtles, baby ducks/gofers/beavers. now get out ur wallet this is another keep it simple case with 3 frogs: white, black and chartreuse
  15. clearly this guy doesn't live where there are issues with drought
  16. Email Bob Lusk the pond boss. he'll probably have multiple suggestions. not sure if he's a member here or not. message Glenn or a mod
  17. I love when members skip the philosophy and get right to the nitty gritty. 2 thumbs up.
  18. are maker buoys not an option? sounds like you have plenty of stumps to attach them to
  19. use the 'Future' button at the bottom and you can see 5 hrs in advance. (it's set for my zip code so you'll have to re-adjust). always use the interactive radar on sites. https://weather.com/weather/radar/interactive/l/19147:4:US?layers=radar&baseMap=r&zoom=7&animation=true
  20. get into this mindset and mosquitoes become a minor nuisance. the onslaught is just as predictable as their departure.
  21. lure knocker of ur choice tied to a chalk line for easy retrieve and storage. http://www.amazon.com/Stanley-47-140-100-Foot-FatMax-Chalk/dp/B00005QVQE/ref=lp_553252_1_9/176-1576984-9465560?s=hi&ie=UTF8&qid=1462237799&sr=1-9
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