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About Americanzero

  • Birthday August 14

Profile Information

  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Summerville SC
  • My PB
    Between 7-8 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
    Largemouth & Smallmouth
  • Favorite Lake or River

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  • About Me
    Kayak bass fishing

Americanzero's Achievements


Minnow (2/9)



  1. Have you tried actual dye? You can get Rit at most big box stores, might work
  2. I want to like Buzbe but I can’t get over the price, and I’m not convinced that their system is better than a regular box. I use Packout crates for all of my tools, which are essentially the same thing, and one wrong move those little bins go wonky. It’s bad enough when it’s screws, seems like it would be a nightmare with a box full of hooks
  3. I was curious about mounting it instead of a pegboard in the bass cave as well. It looks to be similar to the strip clip shelving you see at gas stations and grocery stores
  4. I just got in all the empty bags and labels, so far I have repackaged about 80 bags, a few have to get into the original bags that are floating around, and some are doubled up if I only had a few. Once everything is totally sorted, I’ll sit down and Pull some of each that I plan to bring out daily, and then I’ll start the labeling. I have to go through and figure out what I can as far as color, brand, and name. Most should be easy, lots of zoom stuff, rage tail, culprit. Some stuff will probably just end up with a blank label because who knows what and where it came from lol. Thank god I ordered 100 more bags, because the 50 I had originally wouldn’t have been even close. Those will become the ones that come with me
  5. I specifically don’t use any zman plastics for that reason. I understand why folks love them, but about 10 years ago I accidentally dropped one in the wrong spot and melted a bunch of my plastics. Not to mention now my 11 year old has access to my gear; to me they aren’t better enough to be worth risking it.
  6. If I’m fun fishing I might toss at one spot 30 times, but if I’m in a tournament that seems like a waste. I’d fly fishing has tought me anything, it’s that some fish just aren’t hungry, and nothing you toss at em will catch them
  7. For the past 10-15 years, I have been doing the same thing as far as tackle storage goes. I bought into the thin, multi adjustable Plano 3700s when they came out, so I have used 7 of them to hold all of my soft plastics. Well as I find myself without a boat currently, and doing a lot of kayak fishing, I have decided it’s high time to have a good look at how I do things, and improve. So what I did was order 150 blank worm bags, and two Plano 3700 deep storage boxes, and I’m going to repackage *all* of my plastics. My plan is to keep 90% of each bag in storage, then bring the last 10% in condensed for in the Plano boxes. Then I can resupply as needed, and actually organize all the soft plastics I don’t bring out daily. I’m even getting fancy waterproof labels so I can label everything. It should all be uniform (looking at you culprit, with your non zoom sized bags) and clean when I’m done. Anyone else gone through something like this process?
  8. And what’s crazy is that in a lot of places and cases, programs are in place to pay AG *more* to leave the buffer wild than they could squeeze out of it with row crops. Yet still they fought against it
  9. Unfortunately, that is all part of what happens when folks with more dollars than sense buy into these lakes. They disturb the shoreline, they put in grass that needs constant fertilization, they run wake boats that stir up silt constantly, the list goes on. All of that leads up to less wildlife, poor water quality, and turbocharged algae and grass growth. That is one thing Maine really has failed at: protecting what made the rich folks want to be there in the first place.
  10. You know that’s honestly the answer I would go with. I wouldn’t by anything off the shelf. I would get it all tailored to my hands and style
  11. Don’t they have like big tubs of bulk soft plastics at that store? I’m pretty sure I have been to it about 10 years ago
  12. I was also going to say fanny pack, but I might k ow an even better option. Patagonia makes a bag called the Stealth Work Station 5L. It has a magnet on top, multiple attachment methods (you can belt loop it, carry it by hand, Velcro it to stuff), and a ton of storage. You could easily fit to of the little Plano boxes and a few bags of worms in it. It’s a little pricy, but it carry’s a great guarantee and mine has been indestructible. I have carried it across 5 states fly fishing and it’s been a champ
  13. I lived in Piscataquis county and I would agree. Streamwise in Maine you have Bluegill, rainbows, brookies, smallmouth. Maybe a salmon, usually not. Lakes are a bit more with togue and salmon. Where I am now though, I can hit a stream and catch largemouth, bowfin, 5-6 species of bluegill/bream/sunfish, two gar species, and even saltwater fish like redfish and specs if I go downriver a few more miles. Lakewise is pretty much the same story and same species since they are all impoundments here in the lowcountry. All that said, I miss fishing in Maine. I had a place right on the Piscataquis where the pleasant met it and I could walk right out and fly fish.
  14. I was fly fishing for bass and ended up catching a big ol blue cat on a clouser minnow. It was like bringing in a cinder block on that fly reel
  15. I like the VMC Spinshot hooks. They let the bait move independently of the line, and you can really feel the bottom the way it all hooks together. I haven’t ever caught a “big” fish on one though.
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