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Everything posted by jckjes7

  1. I recently purchased a 12 foot flat bottom boat. It needs a new paint job, and I'm thinking about doing it myself. I've done some research on the procedure and know I need to sand the old paint off, clean the boat, prime it, and then paint it. I was just checking the boards for anybody that has any experience that could offer some advice like what paint I should use, how I should do it, etc. Thanks in advance!
  2. Thanks for all the info everybody! I am not able to go up and down channels because I only have a little Pelican Predator with just a trolling motor, but I am able to do a lot of backwater fishing. I don't use a fish finder, but it's on my birthday/Christmas/good husband wish list that I have given to my wife. LOL I will definitely be doing more research via the internet, the locals, etc. Once again, thanks for all the tips! Best fishing site on the web!
  3. Hey guys. I've been fishing at a lot of new places recently. Some places, I've done decent. In others, I haven't done well. I live in the Southeast so I mostly bass fish. My question is this: when you fish a new body of water, what is your "go to" lure? Do your vary your lures just due to the conditions/surroundings? I love using lures that cover a lot of water like crankbaits, spinnerbaits, etc. Yes, I know it's cold, so I really slow down the retrieve. When those don't work, I go to a plastic worm or lizard. I'm still learning with the top water lures, so I'm not real confident in using those as of now. When I'm not successful, I begin to doubt my lures and location. Thanks in advance for any tips or advice you guys have.
  4. Talked to the guy that my wife bought it from. He says it could be the fuses.
  5. Thanks everybody for the kind words. I live in Oxford, Raider.
  6. Thanks nightmid. I'm going to see what I can do.
  7. Greetings everybody. I grew up fishing with my family and during college got away from it. Once I got back from college though, the bug bit me again! Now, happily married, I'm able to go out with my friends and fish as much as I can during the weekends. I have a few friends who own bass boats that gladly take me along when they can. We usually fish Weiss Lake or Logan Martin in Alabama. Recently, my wife has gotten me a Pelican Predator 10'3, and I'm able to do a little bit of scooting near Ohatchee and some local ponds. This site is very informative, and I'm so glad I found it. Now, I'm excited for the weather to break to get some good fishing in! God bless.
  8. Hello there. New member, long time lurker. Great site, with amazing information. I'm a lifelong fisherman, but first time boat owner, so I'm still getting adjusted to my "water legs" My wife recently bought a used Pelican Predator 10'3 for Christmas. It came with a battery, as well as trolling motor. I am unable to tell you the specifications on the motor/battery at the moment because I'm storing it elsewhere for now. I've been able to take it on the water twice. During the first trip, after a good 30 minutes or so, my trolling motor just quit suddenly. After some adjustments to the battery cables/trolling motor failed, I changed my battery wires to the other outlet, and I was good to go! Then, after about another 15 minutes, the trolling motor when out again. So, I swapped the cables to the other outlet, but this time, there was no luck, and my trolling motor hasn't worked since. I have maintained charge on my battery, checked my wires, etc., and I still have no luck getting any power to my trolling motor. I'm hoping that it isn't the trolling motor, but maybe you guys can help. My question: Is it possible that I may have some wire issues on my boat? Once again, please remember, I'm a "newbie", so I'm still trying to get adjusted. I'm worried that the problem could lie within my trolling motor. My boat has 12V, 3 pronged outlets. Is there any way I can check the trolling motor without my boat outlets? I am just trying to see what is going on with my Christmas present! I'm in desperate need of help, and within a few days, I'll be able to give better specs on my battery and trolling motor. Once again, very helpful and informative site, and I can't wait to learn and share my stories with you all! God bless.
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