Hello there. New member, long time lurker. Great site, with amazing information. I'm a lifelong fisherman, but first time boat owner, so I'm still getting adjusted to my "water legs"
My wife recently bought a used Pelican Predator 10'3 for Christmas. It came with a battery, as well as trolling motor. I am unable to tell you the specifications on the motor/battery at the moment because I'm storing it elsewhere for now.
I've been able to take it on the water twice. During the first trip, after a good 30 minutes or so, my trolling motor just quit suddenly. After some adjustments to the battery cables/trolling motor failed, I changed my battery wires to the other outlet, and I was good to go! Then, after about another 15 minutes, the trolling motor when out again. So, I swapped the cables to the other outlet, but this time, there was no luck, and my trolling motor hasn't worked since. I have maintained charge on my battery, checked my wires, etc., and I still have no luck getting any power to my trolling motor. I'm hoping that it isn't the trolling motor, but maybe you guys can help.
My question: Is it possible that I may have some wire issues on my boat? Once again, please remember, I'm a "newbie", so I'm still trying to get adjusted. I'm worried that the problem could lie within my trolling motor. My boat has 12V, 3 pronged outlets. Is there any way I can check the trolling motor without my boat outlets? I am just trying to see what is going on with my Christmas present!
I'm in desperate need of help, and within a few days, I'll be able to give better specs on my battery and trolling motor.
Once again, very helpful and informative site, and I can't wait to learn and share my stories with you all!
God bless.