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About davmac

  • Birthday 11/19/1959

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  • Location
    scotland county nc

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Minnow (2/9)



  1. Sneaky, you're killin' me man.(As well as you others that fish more than that). Five times a week. UGH!! In August I bought a used Ranger...That week gas prices nearly hit $4/gal. The next week I was told I had to have hernia surgery...turned out it was TWO hernias. Doc said don't even set a hook on'em anytime soon. It's been cold and wet here in N. Carolina for weeks. Went out in my one-man boat last Monday only to get half-way across the lake and discover I had a HOLE in my boat. Now, what was your question again? And did I mention that you guys are killin' me? GREAT FISHING GUYS!!
  2. Thanks guys...actuallly agreed to $6000.00 last night..think I'll go for it.
  3. Hey guys,' Ive been looking at a 1995 Ranger 374V, johnson 150, 18',complete....gentleman is asking $7500.00. Any advice appreciated. Thanks, davmac
  4. An electric fillet knife is one of the best purchases I ever made.
  5. Congrats Muddy..and thank you for sharing that with us all. It certainly brightened up my dreary, rainy day here in N.C. And many thanks for helping people that are/were in a situation similar to yours. And please know in your heart that you are a Heaven sent blessing to them.
  6. Hey Fishguy...I get the same thing..especially if I catch a few larger fish while fishing from my one man boat. I usually just tell my wife I had to wrestle a bear or something before I could get on the water!!
  7. Welcome NJ..you'll love it here
  8. Welcome Kana..best of luck fishing in Japan...keep us updated on anything new!!
  9. Nice catch Kelso!! And congrats on the retirement. I know I'm wishing my life away but I am SO looking forward to retiring. Just curious..are by chance related to Sterling Marlin?
  10. Way to go Fatback. The bass in your area are already in the skillet...they just don't know it yet!!! Remember there is a website you can download to practice or learn just about anything you will need to know with the 320. Go git'em.
  11. hangul, That seat looks great. Does the back section of the seat flex backwards or recline at all? If so I will have to bite the bullet and get one. Or does anyone know of a seat that will recline at all?
  12. Welcome Hydrilla, You've picked the best site in the world. Hope you have a great season.
  13. Hey there skunk, I have the same problem... I fractured 2 vertebrae , right dead center of my back, when I was in the 82 ABN Div. I have no idea how much $'s I've spent on seats basically trying to get out cheap. Finally I bought the Tempress Navistyle seat at BPS. ($99). At the time they didn't have the Hi-Back version. I ended up buying the Hi-Back this year for my one-man boat but I actually prefer the low-back better. I truly wish you the best with your back, and I wish I could be of more help. I actually took a car seat, from a Chevy Cavalier, (because you can recline those seats) modified it , put it in my Bass Hunter, but it looked like I was sitting on a big ol' throne so i canned that idea.
  14. H E L P !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ??? ???
  15. Mud_Man...LMAO!!!!!! Oh yeah...Go TARHEELS
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