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Everything posted by radtech

  1. Impressive fish! That had to be a difficult decision!
  2. interesting idea with the baffles cyclops. May be something I have to consider. closetfisherman - I had thought about cutting some off the overflow tube but I was afraid that it might put it below the water line and cause it to fill with water from that end?? Something I wasnt sure about. Now that I think about it more that could be the problem I am having now is with all the tackle and stuff we have may have the boat deep enough in the water to over run the overflow tube. I will have to check this when I pull the boat out this year!
  3. I fish out of an 84 model lowe boat. It has the livewell located under the seats with the pump on one side to fill the live well. It has no way to pump water back out of the livewell. Just has the overflow tube. The problem I am having is with 2 people and all the gear in the boat if we happen to be fishing from the same side and lean over. the water in the livewell will start pouring out from under the seat. Any suggestions on how to install a pump out system in this type of livewell? or a way to stop this from happening?
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