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Everything posted by radtech

  1. hmm now that you mention it. I think i set the hook pretty much straight back when texas rigging or anything of that nature. Crankbaits or anything fast moving I tend to do a sweep hook more towards the right. Of course I'm fishing from the front of a 16 foot aluminum and dont have much of a choice! That way I dont hit the person in the back lol
  2. I recently had the same problem about a 1/2 mile from jp coleman! No way I could make it back on trolling motor alone fighting wind and current. Took me about 2 hours to get it fixed. Had to make a few phone calls till someone thought to check the kill switch. GRRRR had to dismantle the whole throttle assembly and just take the switch out of the loop to get the boat to crank! Needless say it sucks and made for a burnt run to pickwick!
  3. hmm I have a cavitron but have yet to catch anything on it yet! Ive caught several fish this year with the 3 blade strike king buzzbait from walmart. These work best for me in my area. white in color
  4. haven't really tried any new techniques this year to speak of. I picked up fishing with a crankbait last year. They can be a great "finder" BAIT and a great bait all together! As for as the bite for this year has been slow so far. I'm not catching alot of numbers however I have been catching better quality fish this year! 3 over 5lbs already this year! One that weighed 6 but could have been an 8 or 9 lber if it wouldnt have just got done spawning!
  5. Cool. I have several other revo reels. Will definately give this a try before I order anymore bearings. Thanks for the advice!
  6. I'm an abu guy and since tackle warehouse has dropped their prices I say revo sx for 129. they also have the revo s for 99! I have no experience with the others mentioned so I can't comment. Good luck with your purchase I'm sure you will be happy with any of the one's you have mentioned!
  7. really good to know on the boca's. What i see on their site was extremely expensive! and no I couldn't manage to get the old shields off to flush them first.
  8. Well I stumbled upon these bearings wanting to try some abec 7 against the factory bearings. I really wasnt wanting to pay the high price that boca wanted for their bearings so for 22 bucks I thought I would give these a try. Dislikes: They are very noisy at first but seem to be getting quieter with use. The bearings are not shielded. Likes: They are much smoother than the factory bearings. They will cast farther than the factory bearings and take alot less effort to get the bait out there. I've only had these for about a week. Been out fishing 3 times so far. I have to make sure I have the reel adjusted for the bait and use good thumb control or I wind up with some overrun. I've had a couple nasty backlashes that I contribute to a learning curve with them! All in all I'm really happy with the purchase for the money I spent. The biggest drawback to me is that the bearings are not shielded. This may not make any difference in the performance of the bearings. However I'm sure they will require more attention and cleaning care than normal. That's ok with me because I like to take my reels apart and clean them more than I probably should anyways. edit: I did this upgrade on a 4 year old revo sx
  9. yeah I have both the veritas and the s-curve. I love the veritas rods but man they make some strange noises sometimes on a hookset and just feel weird at times. Maybe i'm reading into it to much. I own 3 of the veritas and I'm not sure I'll buy another. Now for the s-curve I really like it. Have caught several large fish on it. Including a 12 pound drum lol. Never had any problems out of it and really like the rod. It loads up nice and is a really great rod. I would buy another if I broke it tomorrow!
  10. i started using the snell knot for different reasons. I was having a problem of my braid pulling through the little gap on the eye of the hook with a palomer or fisherman's knot. I lost several good fish before I realized what was going on! Started using a snell know and no more problems! Can't tell any difference in hook up ratio's. Seems like i don't lose as many fish during the fight but that's probably just in my head!
  11. Another great way to fish them in a little deeper water is to use a weight swimbait hook!
  12. I agree with what everyone else has said. Good bait! I do tend to like the baby brush hog better than the full size though!
  13. hooked and lost is definately a heartache. I lost what i think was a 7 lb smallie 2 years ago. It still hurts my soul. Fought him for a good min or so and just couldn't do anything with him. He was peeling line off like crazy and jumped when he wanted and went deep when he wanted. I was just along for the ride. Had him about 15 feet from the boat when he leapt out of the water and gave me my fluke back!
  14. That is a great question! And as always RoadWarrior gives a good answer! I've learned alot about the lake and how to fish and a couple secrets and things I would never have done before. Thanks everyone and especially RoadWarrior for all the advice!
  15. Ahh I'll share a handed down tennessee river recipe that seems to work good other places. Hot dogs microwaved or cooked until they are hard. then soaked in soy sauce, garlic, salt, and grape kool-aid. I know it sounds nasty but the cats seem to love it! May not help you any but hey it's worth a shot. also when you catch them on jugs do they seem to wind up in one spot on the lake? That may help give you an idea of where they are on the lake. good luck to you!
  16. hey swabby it's gonna be a couple years before i get to buy a new rig but since you do own one can you answer a few questions? how does the boat ride in rough water? What is top speed of boat? is there anything you thoroughly just dislike about the tracker? thanks oh and beautiful boat wish i could make us both happy lol
  17. hmm new mississippi black crappie interesting! off to google i go! And yes this year looks to be a much better year than last year!
  18. That's exactly what I'm referring to mike! It's simple with electronics as the new stuff comes the older stuff usually gets cheaper! That's what I'm waiting on.
  19. that doesn't suprise me at all! Right now I really haven't seen one cheaper than that though! Another year or two and I think these units will drop a good bit in price. If you know of any cheaper sites post it up I have been looking for one but I'm just not ready to put that much into it
  20. On a side note there are some great prices for 798ci SI going on at bass pro fishing sales in mar. and on cabelas! Seen em for around 750 on both places.
  21. You already know the boat and have made some nice upgrades! If it's giving you any problems or if you are just plain unhappy with the boat and ultimately will want something different then go ahead and let it go. However if it's something reliable and you enjoy fishing from it I agree put it in storage and it will be waiting for you when you get ready!
  22. yeah not far from ya actually. I live in fulton.
  23. Good to know! I was talking with a friend a couple weeks ago about this rig and he mentioned this law to me. I hadn't thought about it before that! Glad I can try it at pickwick now!
  24. nice fish minnow! Be careful with that AL rig. I was thinking only 2 hooks per rod was legal in ms?? I wasn't aware of this until recently. not trying to police you or nothing just don't want ya to get a ticket from the ole GW! Someone correct me if I'm wrong cause I'd like to try this lure out.
  25. most of mine are in one box. I write how deep they dive with a permanent marker on the bottom lol
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