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  1. Maybe I'll look around for a used gamefisher....the honda is nice and I love their stuff but $835 motor on a $299 boat? With me its more of a backup plan if the battery runs out again...that was one ong paddle the other day! Thanks
  2. I need some recommendations for a small 1-3 hp motor for my 8ft pelican boat.....I will probably look at a used one but questions are how much hp for that size boat? Weight is an issue since these boats don't have a real strong mount and I don't want to have to lift/install something heavy every time I go. Also two stroke or four? The reason for this is I have a 30 lb tm but battery went bad on the other side of a large lake recently! Trying to paddle any distance with a wind is killer, as I found out, so need a back up for not too much money.
  3. water scamp was made in SE Kansas...not sure of the years but I think ceased in the early/mid 1980s. A lot of them are still around...they made both one man and two man. Had real handles placed where they should be so you could lift them. The one person is great for small ponds since thye can be carried quite a long way due to the light weight. we seem to have a lot of used one show up in the sw MO area...probably since they were made over in Kansas
  4. Anyone have a one man water scamp?...thought you might like to see my "boat collection"...consists of 2 one person water scamps 79" long and an 8ft pelican for bigger waters. I really like the one person since you can carry it and with a 30lb tm you can run all day. The best part is I don't have a total of $500 wrapped in all of them. SW Missouri seems to have a lot of cheap scamp/pelican/bass raiders of all lengths. The problem is titles...most don't have titles and unless you are buying from a non-title state like Kansas you must have a title in Missouri to run any boat with a motor. If you just paddle you don't have to but put a TM on it an its' a whole other ball game! I was lucky to find one of the one person scamps with a title, the other is just a Bill of Sale, so no motoring with it! Just a word to the wise if you are buying and using in Missouri!
  5. I've owned a few of these...good boats and I know when you get this straightened out you will have fun with it so here is my take: Go to a bass pro or academy store and buy just the female portion of your trolling motor plug...it will look like what is in your boat now...cost around $5-8 ....plug your motor into it and attach the 2 leads to the pos/neg sides of your batt. If the motor takes off and runs its your wiring in the boat. I carry that piece with me in mine just in case something does go wrong. If the motor does not work then, as suggested, have your battery checked first then the trolling motor and its plug. If you have wiring trouble in your boat get a friend with and ohm meter to take some long leads and put one test lead in one side of the plug...go to the other end of the boat and put the other lead in the corresponding hole in that end. No connection means an open in the wire or plug. Test each of the 3 points on your boat plug that same way. Should be able to find the source. My guess would be a loose connection in the trolling motor wiring/plug but? Hope this helps
  6. just bought a used 11 ft basshound (I think it is similar to a bass tender) which I plan to use for strip pits, small lakes and Stockton Lake around the coves. So my questions: I have a 4 hp suzuki outboard...can I haul this mounted on the boat if I use some kind of a transom saver device and attach it to the lower motor.boat trailer? or do I have to detach the motor and haul it in my pickup?...bad back is the reason for the ques. What is a good size trolling motor for the front mount if I want to use one once I get to my fishing spot? Has anybody used the block on the back of the basshound to mount a transducer? and what did you use for water proofing the screw hole? can hardly wait for the spring to try this unit out...maybe a 50+ day aound the corner? anyway, thanks in advance for the help...would like to link up with similar rigs in the sw mo area
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