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Everything posted by cyclops2

  1. My LMB are all AMBUSHERS hiding under docks & boats. Some are VERY experienced C & R fish.
  2. Yes The only possible problem was water inside. So I did only what was needed. That was the only time I have ever done any P M on anything................ If you get anything built correctly ? You do not need P M. PM done by a untrained person becomes a endless expense.
  3. Trilene to Trilene. With a 1/2 hitch to prevent the Braided from sliding apart under load. I do 5 turns.
  4. Use 2 hooks 1 in the nose and 1 1/4 to 1/2" from end of worm. Your fish are experienced with worms & hooks.
  5. You are describing clean cut line during the first seconds of hooking up. sharp TEETH.
  6. Did he pay the 1 way ticket price ? ?
  7. I love the spin casting ease. But not the constant line twisting. I love the NO twisting of line by bait reels. But not the overruns & re adjusting as lure weights & air resistance change the drag settings. What else can a 1 eyed monster complain about ?
  8. Very shallow about 6' deep & clear soft bottom area. I see a different colored patch where there never was one. Let the wind push me slowly to it . at 100' I start tossing a lure & weight nothing. Get close enough to see 50 ? huge SMB rooting the bottom. I am casting a storm. NOTHING bites I am right over them. They keep right on munching. I start the 30 hp motor. 2 pass bubbles at me. I motor away. It was worth the 0 interest to see a real ............Match the hatch feeding............. The only time in my life I got to see that mass feeding going on.
  9. Snakes have long memories. A natural park swimming place. With loads of 2 to 4' sized boulders stacked on 1 side.. I was always visited by a pair of large Copper Head & Black water snake pair. They would come to about 10' of me. I stopped visiting there.
  10. I am the luckiest reel guy in the universe. I have only OPENED up 1 reel in my fishing life. I dropped the rod and reel into the water. It settled into muck on the bottom. I lifted it up by the rod only. No touching reel handle. Swished the reel back & forth slowly to gently carrry away any muck. Removed the reel & put it into a PREHEATED to 180 F oven. 1/2 hour later. I loosen 1 side plate. tilt reel & turn handle. No water. Loosen other side plate. Tilt reel. No water. Re heat reel again for 1/2 hour. squirt a lot of Penn Reel Oil into reel case. tighten both side plates & turn handle for 1 minute, while putting reel in different positions. loosen 1 side cover & let excess soil drain out. Tighten cover. It feels the same decades later. I did replace all the Mono line.
  11. Must know how many people . AND a accurate weight of the heaviest 2 people on the boat at the same time. Speed of the river in highest water & speed. I used to take a buddy who was short but 240 pounds plus my 200 pounds. in a 16' SHORT SHAFT HULL 52 " wide hull in the Delaware River for springtime Shad run. 30 hp 2 stroke engine. 2 SMALL tackle box and a 5 gallon gas tank. Scary boat handling in 8 to 12 mph water. we HAD to sit always on the center line to prevent the boat from darting due to a leaning hull. Could NOT HOLD bottom with engine off. We made a 40 pound anchor from a fork truck fork. Had to hold the boat in place with running motor. Then slowly lower anchor to gravel bottom. The fork anchor was about 18 X 18 " . Junk & big branches would come down the river. We were lucky !! Not safe !! any medium branch would have just pulled the bow under in a second. Anchor line was 100' in about 12' of water. Spring rivers are very dangerous sometimes. As people & workers toss everything into it
  12. I am TRUELY surprised at the massive variety that is doing a great job. ?
  13. I have caught big SMB with 4 to 8" perch in their throat.
  14. I do it because it gets more hits & hook ups with C & R fish.
  15. Mepps Comet LARGE Size. 1 of a few lures that could cause multi hits.
  16. I agree totally.
  17. The only defective rod I ever bought was the 1 I closed a car trunk door on.. I bought another one. Great 2 hour service at Dick's.
  18. My wife has OFFERED me to buy a bigger & better boat. I do not send pictures of her.
  19. Remember...........Any voltage higher than is NEEDED ? Is ALWAYS converted to HEAT. And a complete waste of battery running time Power. I redesigned electronic & electrical equipment. Go too high above RATED voltages ? The units will die a early death. Buy a 12 volt battery. Then you can use it to jump start the main motor if that battery shorts out and dies. Been there. Why I have 20' jumper cables to give or receive a start with another boat.
  20. Dozens of times. I still use those tapered leaders for trout. Bass do not care.
  21. The Chevy 5.0L V 8 220 hp ate about 9 gallons at 1/2 . 19 gallons at WOT. I ran it a lot some weeks. 2... 30 gallon loads a week was normal. May 15 to Sept. 15 weather permitting. I did not include gas costs as part of my addiction.
  22. A long 7' X 6X leader might be needed for spooky wild trout ? But not for LMB & SMB.
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