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Everything posted by cyclops2

  1. Right on Sam. I bought a Winston 12 weight fly rod. Always wanted it. I can cast a broomstick just as far.........But I really loved it. Totally useless. Gave it away after many non use years.
  2. A maximum weight rod WILL cast anything in a wind. The lighter the weight the less conditions you can cast EASILY in. I have only kept the #8 rod & reel. Pfleuger Reel with fully spooled spare spooles from level to a shooting head. It is fantastic with loops on the lines & tapered leaders. Quick changes that way. The level line is the good part of a old shooting head line. All the spools have full backing of Dacron. You can use a cheap braid like Cajun Braid now as backing.
  3. Pike are great followers to a boat. I have tested with live perch & had them trail 4 times right to the boat. Same sized pike. Not all fish are hungry & stupid. He expended plenty of energy with the follows. We have had fishing contests with just beer can rings & a hook. Not too bad of a body count.
  4. I WANT the cat to extend the bony fins . I simply slide my index finger & the one next to it, up each side of the belly. They stop when they reach the extended side fins. I then pinch down my thumb. Completely held with the back spine always away from me. I now just use barbless hooks on everything . Long pliers done. Bass included. Even all the bass lures are crushed barbs. Kids love pulling the hook out by themselves. As we get older. We are supposed to solve more problems easier & safer.
  5. Play the song " Pretty woman ". If it comes back ?
  6. Great post 07. Bass fishing is not like salt water fishing with lures. We do not get large schools of big bass to try 4 lures at once by 4 people at the same time.
  7. Agree with BAD noise rattles.
  8. Add Bass Pro to your un favorites as the buy up product lines. Monopolies & price fixing are standard now. Quality and selection goes down the tube.
  9. At 77 I have tried to BREAK a rod casting as hard as possible. Never happened ............No ultralights used. If you can toss the lure far enough & accurately enough ? Perfect rod.
  10. Did you call the company & ask for Technical Support people ? Do that.
  11. They can not squint or wear UV A & B sunglasses !!
  12. Most females will have some breasts.
  13. I would ask for a prewritten reply for questions like this. It took me several minutes to describe watching the coils coming off the spool & all the other steps.
  14. I use the pointy ones...............Only !
  15. ....deleted
  16. Perch ARE VERY canabalistic !! I have caught many 6" perch on the very skinny 8" Rapala floater. Real strikes 2 of 3 hooks in the little guys mouth.
  17. I think people do not separate the fact that a hungry fish goes RIGHT AFTER THE BIG NOISEY lure from a farther distance. The 1/2" Flicker Spinner is not NEARLY as productive as my 8 to 14 " lures on large fish.
  18. Unless you are a nut case ? A GOOD group of people enjoying what you enjoy ? Will make your fishing more enjoyable. Keep trying all local clubs. Good luck. Took me 5 years to find a GRAND radio controlled airplane club......... WAAAHOOO........ Outings & meets. Life is a lot better.
  19. Best times was........ Had 2 nice perch on a double spinner line . Rod bends down. Drag on the 4# roars strong.
  20. Can NOT resist a answer to this question !!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have caught more HUGE fresh water bass & pike on a SINGLE Flicker Spinner gold #2 spinner blade. 1/2" long with a single #12 hook on it. 18" smallies 24" LM + 40" pike......................Many many many times. While pitching for perch. Spinners ARE FRIGGIN DEATH on almost any fish. Yeah......I bought 12 new Rebels & Rapalas 1.5" long, in perch pattern & Emerald Shiner. But the fact remains. The single gold blade WILL catch fish also in bright light levels .
  21. CD Years ago I would take small neighbor hood kids to a creek in my town. The mothers had chairs & chatted. The Sunfish at the holding spots would allow 2 to 4 guys to get hooked & lifted out. ON CUT UP WORMS. Then they would not approach bait. Moved to next spot. Almost same thing would happen. At every spot. The no bite could be for hours or until that evening. I laugh my butt off when the guys " Practice " before a tournament.
  22. I fish with a stopwatch every few days. See how fast I can open the can & make a tunafish sandwhich.
  23. I am a pro at 3 pieces of abandoned pipes in 3 different locations. Also at islands.. I go in before or after other boats fishing them & catch the same unfortunate huge smallies. Yes. I do smile as I crank up the 9.9 hp & move off. If they followl ? I take them to a catfish spot. Then they think I am the luckiest ass fishing. Your observations of the pro are spot on.
  24. Anything works when you find them. Until then ? Nothing will work.
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