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Everything posted by cyclops2

  1. In your boat at 1 hour before sundown. Anchor up in about 8 to 10 feet of water depth. In a large cove area. cast diving surface lures . Anything greenish colored and about 6" long. Start casting and retrieving from left to right around the cove. If there are fish in the area? they will be there. Good until the bugs arrive or 1 hour after sundown. Or they stop biting. alone in the boat ? Crush the pointy barbs flat . Treble in the face or hands alone ? The hooks slide right out. tube of antibiotic cream. Bandaid. Keep fishing. You MUST wear glasses to protect your eyes !! Enjoy nature.
  2. Fire place, chair and snacks........What cold front & winds >
  3. Only 2 fish that I slip on a kitchen Rubber Maid glove. Channel Cats & a ell. I use a net big enough & LONG forceps on everything but pike & Musky. Had 6 of 9 big hooks buried in my palm. I now have NO BARBS on any lures. I am learning at 83.
  4. The smallie is almost always in a school & moving around. Chasing bait...…….. Has way more power & speed & endurance. The way it is. You kayak guys talk to gators & crocs ? or just let them take the big ones ?
  5. I measure the lines with my eyes. Line stretched snugly . flouresent tube light. measure the shadow on a white wall. ?
  6. New line slips like crazy...………. SO...……… I put a single loop near the end of each line to be joined. Pull each tight. Then I tie a loose Improved Trilene knot on each line...…….. Start pulling the 2 lines together slowly. DO NOT let that tiny bump slide past the line knots. Stop the bump about 1/8" from the almost tight Trilines. You want the bumps to stop just before each real knot...……… Final tighten each knot...…. The BUMPS are a positive stop. The knots can not slip !! The bumps prevent slippage of any pound test. I am doing 4 pound test mono & 8 pound braid. Plus no leaders. those little loops prevent line slipping.
  7. What is the problem with China & USA braided lines ? The almost 1/2 the diameter is a lie. Common complaint.
  8. My LOwe is a 1988 & still has no rivits leaking or cracked welds. Used May1 to Sept 30
  9. Oh no Mr. Bill. Old 1 eye is going out to harass the S M B. Someone call the N Y F & G office to ticket him !! Why waste the time & money on him ? They are safe. Need proof ? I reeled in what is a nice Jack Perch from 80 feet out on a 1.5" Rapala floater. In 5' of clear water at 2pm. 15' from the boat the SMB of 8" long opens mouth. Why N Y F & G NEVER checks me out in my N J registration numbered boat. They just toot 2 times without slowing down. Yesterdays high point of fishing.
  10. All this talk about tossing 6 to 9 hook points ???? HA HA HA And we are equipped with every tool & advantage POSSIBLE ?? HA HA The S M have a FAR FAR better schooling . Than we will ever have.
  11. What REALLY reduces the fish supply in 5 to 10 years ? Those invasive CORMORRANTS FULLY PROTECTED by F & G of most states I fish in. BLESS CANADA !! They kill them. The Cormorrants sneak into fish farms constantly. Why not ?
  12. I now carry 3 made up rods. !.5" rapala. A double spinner. And a 8" saltwater floater with a 4 oz weight. First 2 are Dinky rods ( desperate ) I enjoy all perch & large bait fish . The 8" lure means I am satisfied with a boat ride.
  13. Good choice. Our northern waters can bring on Hypothermia very quickly in the colder seasons.
  14. The let the Asian Carp into the Great Lakes by NOT turning on the required Electric barriers During a maint. job. What are your hoorays ?
  15. I put a twist in the rear blade so it spins about the same speed and opposite of the front 1. I add 3 extra beads between the blades.
  16. I have fished the same 1 square mile area for 10 years. 1 time they where feeding as a large group in clear 5 ' water at 4 pm in my bay. 4 other times they were resting on the bottom in 30' of clear backwashed area. Rest of the time I do all other fish. Drum, Perch Pike. Some areas are just not S M B areas. Other people have spots that they go to & limit out. Oh well.
  17. Right Asian jumping Carp. Snakeheads.
  18. Do the old guys really believe that Snakeheads do not wipe out everything in any waters they grow in ? Snakeheads have been sold in California for DECADES to Oriental & others . Who then release the fish to gain good luck. Add in the Asian carp eating all the Plankton. In waters that help them multiply. I doubt the USA Fish & Game has done 1 thing to eliminate the invasives………… All money goes to more retirees. Oh well
  19. Remember the energy to get the spinning line started up to maximum run out speed is way less with no braking at any time than the starting / running friction of a bait casting reel with magnetic / friction brakes. Laws of energy usage rule . My 4# test cast those chunky 1.5" Balsa Rapalas a good distance.
  20. All excellent advice about idiots laughing as the send a big wake wave at you. Those recent WAVE MAKING skiing boats WILL ALWAYS send white cap wave all the way to shore lines. Take a picture of the waves coming at you & get the state Police or USCG to ticket them...………..NO ONE can legally throw those wakes at any other boat . You will need a description & registration # of the boat if possible...…………...No #. Enough complaints will get them ticketed. Been there & done it with the USCG on my area. Good people.
  21. No wind & bow splashing OVER & INTO the hull. Love a Jon boat when they are DEEP & WIDE. Should have plenty of FLAT FLOOR SPACE for everything...………….Driver & lighter person up front with all the gear & iced down dead fish box. Add 200 for a motor 14 gallon gas tank full 90 pounds 5 gallon separate RESERVE tank 35 pounds. Chest with bags of ice20 pounds. 10 pound anchor Big dog ? You need at least 16 footer with a 30 hp You will probably not get up on a full plane across the surface. big people need bigger boats & bigger motors
  22. Well at least we do not have freshwater Blue Fish to pick up with a thumb in the mouth. I can still recall the father reaching into the mouth for the kids hook. I am running over to him saying LET GO OF IT. LET GO OF IT He goes shocky at the rapid chatter of the 16 " ? blues teeth chomping away on his mutilated thumb. I wrap my handkerchief around the gushing mess. He says he can drive to the E R. Off topic ?
  23. Put your leather gloved finger into a 5 pound S M B mouth THey can bite hard. Setting the hook is not always done as easily as a L M B in my opinion. They can bite & race to you with slack line . Then release the lure. Pike will do the same thing. It is like they are conning us all the way in. I have had 2 or 3 DIFFERENT S M B hit the trolled lure before I get the rod out of the holder. I am sure they are having fun doing quick test bites. Then saying. Old 1 eye Loses again.
  24. Well the salmon & all the different trout PLUS the Canadian commercial netters are doing a fantastic job with deep diving Cormorants on the bait fish.
  25. My findings also in shallow ponds / lakes.
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