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Everything posted by cyclops2

  1. I can not wait for help. At the same time I am waiting for death.
  2. New York & lower Canada Rocks have red eyes. Never saw LMB or SMB with red eyes.
  3. I can tell all that I was suddenly loosing lots of fish at the start of a hook up. Mr Perfect had lost it big time. I check the Rapala single treble. 2 points bent badly. rock snags. pliers & all is well.
  4. I am smiling about muscle strains from using 5 oz fishing rods. Still waiting for my first torn muscle from casting.
  5. I went to the Spectrum store for live help. A I sign in. Save paper. O K But 30 other people waiting for help. At least 5 to 10 minutes each ? 150 to 300 minute wait ? Oh well Let us all eat cake
  6. Can not get a cell phone number transferred to a Spectrum account. A I robot is a endless set of useless selections All humans were replaced By A I DUUUHH
  7. If the captain of a sailboat can not steer it ? he is injured / sick. Can you start the engine & lower the sails so you can go to rescuers coming to help you. Been there with his wife. & mine. It does happen.
  8. Thank you Koz !! ? I have done that problem / risk 70 years ago. . I was 14 & catching hundreds of all typs of fish in stagnant water. PARK WATER everyday........... Dumb luck back then. I fished with taped over right hand fingers. Who said we are doing a harmless sport to ourselves. Only when you reach old age do you realize the things you have done to yourself being active. Oh well My father would get long infections from opening oysters up. The knife or sharp shell edges would cause a small open wound that could take days to stop oozing fluid..
  9. My observation of " Feel the bites. " I watch the limp line give a twitch. WAY WAY before any feelings with the rod tip. As we convert to Stiffer rods. Tip movement will be less. I leave a precise amount of slack line for bottom bait fishing conditions. I also can see differences when drifting or trolling with 4 or 6# lines
  10. Do these super skinny blanks have the backbone to really be used on any sized bass ? What are the VERIFIED 3 lightest setups in the world ? Oh well.
  11. I was a PROFESSIONL baggage handler at many airports !! How careless could I be ? ☠️
  12. I am basically a clear water SMALL fish person. You are right about scaling up the hook size in a ......HARD PLASTIC worm or any other shaped lure. I am only guessing but I would not use a Circle hook in plastic with out it having a gap 3 or 4 X the rubber diameter. I always laughed at the huge hook gaps of some plastic lures.. I might join you big lure guys. & your much bigger hook gaps. My # 6 hooks have no value in plastic. I use them perfectly with strips of perch & get solid hook sets just in side of the mouth. Even If i pull a little too soon. Let line go slack. And bass or any Jumbo Perch sucks it completely in. For a solid roof of the mouth hook set. I need another 10 years on this forum to get better at. Man over fish !!
  13. As usual. I am learning that different WEEDY waters ........CAN REQUIRE .... a different technique. I tried those big fat worms a couple of times. The bass was was very nice !! He grabbed....I PULLED it out of his mouth......He REGRABBED it again. After the 3 rd or 5 th time I just decided to reel the worm in. WITH THE bass still attacking. I look down as he comes into sight. He has the whole midddle of a 8" ? Saltwater Worm in his big wide mouth. We played a back & forth tug of war for a while I finally realized I was just burning up his energy reserves. And putting him at risk to chase his next real meal. Very nice bass. My problem was TOO SMALL of a hook for that thick worm. Even in open waters. Oh well
  14. BIG Hybrid striper in the Delaware sucks my 1 1/2 floating Rapala 8" down into his throat !! Alone under a lighted bridge................. Reach way into the throat. Some how it stayed still & I unhooked each treble quickly............ Another dumb luck move.
  15. If you fish ALONE ???? I would say BUY a jaw grabber of some type. I have pulled 5 of 9 hooks of a big lure out of my right hand. I could have cut nerves. tore open a VEIN or ARTERY . While driving 20 miles to a E R ALONE.......... Dumb stupid luck prevented me loosing enough blood to pass out & die at 55 mph. Buy those gripping tools !!!!!!!!
  16. D V T has no source . So it looks like D I Y engineering time. Thread is closed.
  17. I am looking for 1 for the Mitchell 300 spinning reel.. I can not find it.
  18. Bird That worm looks like a leech any day. A good leech will stick to your ribs all day.
  19. With about 100' of 4 # test line out & trolling a lure. I have looked around for a while & not seen the fish hit & hook itself. Barbless & barbed. Oh well. Geezeritis strikes again.
  20. On still baits and trolling I do a quick reel up slack with rod pointed to line. Then Continue the reeling as I do WRB rod sweep till agood bend is held. My barbless hooks go in very easily. I am sport fishing. Even when catching for a friend. I do not get upset. I smile and tell the fish. " way to do it. "
  21. Then they post that it is the rods fault. Then ask what rod should they buy ? I just keep the line tight enough not to cause the drag to slip.
  22. It is VERY VERY dependent on the types of weeds you are running in. I find there is no need to ride a grass cutter into weeds. If the space is too much between prop & metal case ? You will get strings of weeds deep inside that Build up & cause friction. Feels like motor or battery is slowly dying. Remove prop & weed clump. I stay out. Cast to the weeds. Less problems.
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