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Everything posted by cyclops2

  1. The water lcel is now at record lo levels. hey drop it for ......FUTURE flooding .........reasons all fall & winter. The River Commission has too much legal grass to burn. The only reason N Y has low Great Lakes water ? Is all you people have even less. My logic could be wrong. Forgot There is a massive power dam & generators across the St. Lawrence River. They NEED to let LOTS of water out to make money. The fish have never had a steady water level to live in this year. Oh well
  2. Where are the baby lobsters. Where are large & small schools of baitfish. Where do large insects hatch out in great numbers . Usually weeds & muddy areas. Can I use real meat now ?? I am getting tired of boat trips and falling asleep in the chair. The fish are keying in on 1/2" rubber insects more than the Rapalas. Very odd. ALL fish are so full there are tails of food hanging out of their mouth.
  3. Best direction. But very difficult to feel a hit. The flyrod guys have surface floats that signal a lure has been stopped. Possible fish. A SMB on a flyrod ?? Waahh HOOO ?
  4. With both poles having melted most ice. Why not record rains all over the world ?
  5. Went out today. Very few suspended fish. All gone. Except 1 huge mama cruising between 2 docks. She made the day. lasted 40 seconds on 4# . ?
  6. I will say in my bay a yellow looking perch pattern does out fish the chrome & colors . The chrome get plenty of BUMPS on the Braided line. I feel the interested bumps. But they do not bite solidly & deep throated. Mostly lip grizzle hooking's. Perch get a lot more all treble in the mouth or deeper hookups. Match the hatch works better in my bay.
  7. Know when you can not B S the fish .............of ALL sizes on your fish finder. My finder was FILLED with all sizes suspended for a 1/4 mile by a 1/2 mile !! NOT A BITE. I checked the finder by running in & out of the MOB of fish. Different depths. Works fine on all adjustments............Hundreds ? thousands of ALL sizes filled the screen for 2 hours. What is going on this year ? No idea. I went shore line fishing with 1.5" Rapalas on 4 # line. Caught 4 to 6" perch & 1 Rock Bass. I spooked schools of tiny baitfish. I came in.
  8. You have it. They eat & sleep in the school of food. Kind of like humans in a pizza Parlor ? ?
  9. Went to a old faithful up river point. With tiny white rubber tube on a # 8 hook. Snagged for 3 seconds. The then a HUGE SMB starts to move slowly. 4# line. I lip her. She could go into a pro bass weigh in. No I did not kiss her. No mask on either of us. ?
  10. Right on Sphynx ! We are changing Because the fish must relocate. For 100 years it was perect. All this climate changing ? I think it is all the countries Military WEATHER LABS screwing up badly. They have to test their ideas. So they continue to have a job & pension. So someone locked us into a pattern that is disastrous. How to correct it with more GUESSING ?
  11. River dropped 2 feet, by spawning time. All types of shallow water fish moved to strange spots. Water levels are dropping again. Due to lack of Great Lakes rain and winter snow. I found them sort of grouped up on a point of rocks. Both up & down river sides.
  12. Drive out to the welL KNOWN rocks in Lake Ontario. The ones all PRO BASS EXPERTS USE FOR limit catches. There is usually no great knowledge needed. Week ends can look like a major bass boat sale going on.
  13. Only took the the soft 7' rod with 4 # TEST & small rubbers for perch. Boats came over to see why I was doing so many hook ups. I lifted up a stringer of 6 BIG 3" & 4 " perch. I almost laughed 2 times. No SMB . Having fun is fun also. ?
  14. Water is down to 64 SURFACE . The small baitfish are in the very shallows again. With bigger fish cruising. Have not tried sundown & before sun rise. That slime & big clumps of slimy have dropped way off. The weeds have reduced a LOT. Fall turn over is coming fast now. Most normal people are having a bad year on old spots not producing as well. Off season fishermen with loaded high tech boats are complaining also. Leaving after 1 or 2 days. Not staying a week or more to fill up freezers. The hundreds of LAKE BASS dumped in Clayton have thinned out. Maybe went UPSTREAM to the smell of the lake? For more & easier food ? Very different year for sure. Daylight hours are getting short now. Weeds are reducing fast. Get the ice gear ready ? ?
  15. Right But I am in N Y Perch is not a game fish here
  16. I almost cheated with using a cutup perch strips on a Rapala. I let the little perch go. I still C & R 2 nice male SMB & a JUMBO Yellow Perch. They were enough. The 2 hours went fast in the fish chair dozing on & off. ?
  17. I spent a 1/2 hour more on the indexing FINE TUNING. It paid off I was about 45 degrees from the best setting possible. I had used a old black, wet oily set of plugs. The best setting was OPPOSITE what looked like it should burn best. Trial and more trial worked. Idle mixture is stable enough with the throttle valve completely closed. It runs great on either 50 or 100 to 1 oil ratio.
  18. The biggest difference is........... How many times all of us have caught & released that bass or any other fish. After several OOWWSS / they just swim up and ONLY nip where a tail end closest to them is. Why I get more hook ups with a single hook. a small # 6 or 8. But that SOON wears off. Catching fish is not always easier. Why I now am doing white & black rubber worms when I get loads of bumps from 3 to 6" fish. A lot in fall feed areas.If there are 50 6" & 1 big SMB in a area ? Guess who is causing bumps & no hook ups ? There is a good reason why PRO BAS loves Clayton. They race into Lake Ontario AND catch ......never caught before BIG bass........... DUUHH We can all catch those hungry VIRGINS just as fast & big.
  19. Thank you very much Tom. I just placed the order. ?
  20. Otters are good for clothing. They eat ANTHING.
  21. Weirdest one for me was SMB with about a 20 " pike sharing the trebles.
  22. They were made many years ago. Looked like aodd walking cane. My ancient back is not recovering from pulling up the Evinrude 30 hp. New or used is perfect. Thank you Rich
  23. Yes They are so old that some fish do not remember. Or have never seen them. So they bite. Lures get to well known. They refuse to attack them.
  24. It is like us living in a restaurant. That feeds us any time we are hungry. I did 6" Silver & Blue and Yellow Perch lures. I went back to basic structure & random casting in proven areas. The number of 1 & 2 year old fish of all types is UNREAL. Less or no gobies is probably the reason.
  25. All the surviving SMB that were dumped in Clayton waters after each contest.. Have formed up into small school groups. Are now swimming in and with the schools of bait fish. Very tough to get to bite. I have foul hooked some bait fish while dragging a lure thru the baitfish. Back to loose big mommas & males. Side note about the gobies & muscles. There are almost gone in the bay.
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