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Everything posted by cyclops2

  1. I called a Fish and game person to help me catch more fish for my senior friends. He said the fish size & quantity has dropped to record lows compared to 30 40 years ago. He questioned fishing people as he checked licenses. Almost all were doing terribly. Asked him what they were doing wrong. Bad day was his answer to them. We then went into possible cures. Massive clean up of toxic sites and impossible poisons' to control weeds & invasive animals. Oh well More Pizza please. Last year was the FIRST YEAR of only a few Cormorants, Eagles, Herons or Ospreys. The forever nesting Osprey nest, only had 1 early spring hatching. Normally they stay all summer. A very quiet summer.
  2. I am fishing in short sleeves and 28 F. Watching T V.
  3. Spending is more fun than sitting.
  4. It is a CREATURE from the blue lagoony.
  5. I have 4 boxes of lure & stuff in each. Only take 1 at a time. Sometimes the wrong one. 3 are identical looking.
  6. Buy biggest one. It gives best mileage. More space for extra gear & bigger battery.
  7. Good news about anchors that hold in mud or grass. I designed my own. Piece of S S shaft 2" to 2.5" in diameter. About 12 # . Buy & weld a S S eyebolt on 1 end. Done. It WILL slide thru all weeds & dig into the bottom enough to hold in 6" plus waves. I use it all the time on a 16' Lowe Aluminum with 30 hp motor with 18 gallons of fuel. 220# of me. armed chair, Bimini top. 4 other standard anchors 10 # each, car battery. I had used a key FOB winch rated for 20 pounds. Many years ago. Well known brand. But NOISEY cheap gear mesh. I can find it if needed. EDit Web search.... small boat anchor winch .....Enjoy
  8. My last good eating fish meal was Charlie Tuna. ?
  9. When I fish I always use a tight line with Rapalas. Fish can set the hook because there is only a 6 " stretch with 60 feet of line out in the sun. In 60 degree water. There is even less stretch. A hungry fish does not need finesse. Just braided line and a fast moving lure.
  10. Our CLEANER major rivers ARE cleaner. Because we shipped OUR dirty factories to China & the rest of the cheaper labor & do nothing pollution countries. But fear not about pollution of America. We now have UNLIMITED PERMANANT pollution of well water all over the USA. Thank all your oil companies. And let us not forget the MASSIVE amount of earth quakes where fracking is unrestricted in the USA. All we do is reduce 1 type of disaster. For a new & different type.
  11. Bingo TnRiver . All of a sudden T V stations are showing almost nothing but gambling casinos on the web. Clever marketing ads. A CHANCE to win up to 52 to 1 bets. If you answer that ad ? You get limousine service for life.
  12. Thank you Skunkmaster. I may go to different places to try out Crappie & other small gamesters. Maybe my senior perch lovers can eat other good fish. Well worth trying.
  13. I like high ratios. Spring cold water MAYBE a SLIGHTLY slower speed. But I have done as fast as I could crank retrieves then . The fish were still getting hooked. No body can crank faster than a hungry fish can swim. Period Only time slower is better ? C & R fish bY itself. They WILL NOT bite until they are sure it is not another sore mouth. I have seen several loners come up & turn away. They DO COMMUNICATE not to eat that.
  14. There are many benefits to using a spinning setup. Average person will cast farther without spool tangles with or without wind. Cold temperatures causing bait casting reel with a small diameter and narrow spool to have more stiff coils to tangle with mono. There is NO CASTING DRAG ADJUSTMENT . Learning curve of spinning is always shorter with a spinning setup. My observations with loads of school children who never casted anything. I remember volunteering to help kids first fish at a pond. Each kid would need 6 rods & 5 guys clearing the spools. For just 1 child. Almost every toss by a child was a tangle.
  15. Rapala It never changes. If they are hungry. I accept their feeding times. ?
  16. You picked a very important topic bulldog. Fracking chemicals are now found in well waters more rapidly around the world. Between HUGE offshore oil pills and now rising ocean levels . Oh well. The homemade .. pizzas are great
  17. The waters are being changed by more pollution ALMOST everywhere. The steel barrels buried in river bottoms & dumped offshore are opening up. Oceans are being covered by the peoples throw away plastic drink bottles. Some are not even recyclable. DUUUHHH The get rich quicker leaders are doing what they want. Ihere is no room for better conditions world wide. Mr. Doom & Gloom has spoken again. ☠️
  18. Pro fishing contests are sponsored & run by BUSINESS COMPANIES. To increase THEIR SALES. Anything they can think of to increase sales is perfectly O K. Fair play is not required. Increasing sales is. They even require a ENTRANCE FEE ????? Operating a gambling casino on the water ? I accept it for what it is. A gambling operation to increase buying new fishing and boat equipment every year.
  19. Weather affects all animals to some degree. The fish metabolism is very low in the north now. Most deep enough water has already had the " inversion Change " take place. So it is just sit still until the school leader says.....Lets eat again. I do not even bother to fish in N J now. Fish are basically in long dormant stages. Go to / move to the deep south if you really need to fish year around.
  20. Big lakes I have found, Have schools of Largemouth Bass the live away from shore. They rest & sleep suspended. Then all go looking for a bait school to attack. Got to have a bunch of luck to catch them eating.
  21. $ 700 Add a couple of V rollers and remove the vertical post. adjust bunk boards inward. Northern tool
  22. Can you buy a mini trailer & change the wheels, tires & bearings to DOT stuff. Down side is a HORRIBLE set of stone kick ups. if a full floor board is not installed. we did trailers for those DIY rowboats in the 1960s. HEAVY ??? 2 senior linemen could just lift & load after soaking up springtime water. I did not read all the pages first.
  23. The best BASS CATCHERS in the world...............Need a PRACTICE DAY ???? That is really a catch some & dump them in a secret location...................DUUUUH
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